Sick and Tired of the Same Old Content? Create Evergreen Content!

Sick and Tired of the Same Old Content? Create Evergreen Content!

Sick and Tired of the Same Old Content? Create Evergreen Content!

Have you been chasing down every holiday, trying to jump on every trending hashtag, only to be worn out by the chase? Why not try creating evergreen content? Here are some ideas for you.


Same Questions, Different Day?

To you, that question about why you should not wear stripes and polka dots together seems obvious. After all, you’ve been a fashion designer for 20 years! But to your clients, not so much! Explain to them in a blog post why stripes and polka dots clash. Not only that, show them pictures! You might even have one great idea that could be turned into a series.

Share Widely

Now that you’ve written that article, share it all over! And then after a decent amount of time (five days? one week?), share it again! People will probably not remember that they saw that article the first time. Even big brands share their content more than once! Of course, you can probably get away with more sharing on Twitter than say, LinkedIn. So mind where you share. For more ideas about recycling your content, see How to Recycle Content: 10 Best Ways.

Rinse and Retweet

Continue sharing, scheduling, and repeating articles. After all, you’ve taken a lot of time to write that article, haven’t you?

Don’t Forget to Share Others’ Posts

While you’re at it, share others’ articles and content as well as your own. Your audience doesn’t want to see just your own content, after all. Unless you’re the New York Times or a big media outlet, that is. While we’re on the subject of sharing others’ posts, here’s an article about engagement that you might like: How to Engage on Social Media: The Complete Guide.


What to Write?

I’ve found a very good place to start is with those frequently asked questions that you hear all the time! Start with those. Have an outsider ask you questions about your business and if the answers aren’t already obvious and easy to find on your website or social media, answer those questions with an article. Here’s a good article about finding things to write about, from CopyBlogger: 50 Can’t-Fail Techniques for Finding Great Blog Topics. By the way, the tip to write about pain is a great one. Pain points are where your product or service can step in and provide a cure.

Have a Favorite Way to Find Topics?

How do you find topics to write about? Do you have a simple way to discover new content? Let me know in the comments! Thanks!

How to Outsource Social Media That Will Help You Have More Time

How to Outsource Social Media That Will Help You Have More Time

How to Outsource Social Media That Will Help You Have More Time

Sure, you’re ambitious. And your startup just got funded. And you believe that you can sleep when you’re dead. But do you really want to learn all the intricacies of social media in addition to learning about your own business? What if you could outsource your social media? Well, you can!

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Why Outsource?

Because the person or agency you hire has been steeped in social media for years, and can think of ways to brand your business in ways you probably haven’t considered. Do you have the expertise it takes? Do you have the extra time? If you’re a business owner, you’re probably too busy running your business! Here’s a good article you might like: Why your small business needs to outsource social media.

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Find Someone You Trust

Look at a few consultants and check for testimonials on their website. If they’ve been around awhile, they probably have a tab or spot for testimonials. Make sure they don’t all have the same last name as the person you’re checking out, either. Ok, I’m joking. But make sure the testimonials look legit. For instance, here are my testimonials.

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Consider An Audit

An audit won’t usually put you out as much as hiring someone full time, and you can see if you like what the auditor has to say. If you already have a start on some social platforms, you could use an audit to see what you’re doing right. Do you like what you see on your audit? Then maybe take the next step. Although you can conduct a social media audit yourself, you could have a social media consultant such as myself do one for you.

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Think About a Light Touch

Don’t have the funding yet for a full-blown effort? How about “squatting” (that is, reserving the names on your social platforms) in some places and doing the minimum to keep your name out there. A social media consultant can do an audit and get you started, create profiles where you need them, and clean up your profiles so that when you’re ready to go, you can jump in with both feet.

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Get Social Media Strategy

Paying for strategy is a good way to go if you’re someone who likes to mull over your direction for a bit. Most CEOs and startups like this option, since it’s decisive, and gives you a chance to work together and get to know one another. If you don’t know where to start, you could answer these questions for your own brand or startup: 100 Best Questions that Will Guide Your Social Media Resolutions.

Ask Me for an Audit!

Go ahead, I dare you! Or leave me a comment below. That’s good, too! Thank you.

100 Best Questions That Will Guide Your Social Media Resolutions

100 Best Questions That Will Guide Your Social Media Resolutions

100 Best Questions That Will Guide Your Social Media Resolutions

Don’t know exactly what resolutions you should have for your social media for 2018? Here are a few questions to help you develop your social media resolutions. There are 10 sections: Audience, Identify Your Why, Engagement, Content Creation, Platforms, Video, Images/Infographics, Keywords and Hashtags, Measurement, and Personal Accounts.

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Photo by perzonseo


There’s a reason audience is at the top of this list! When you’re talking to someone, you need to know what is important to that person, and what their pain points are. If you have no idea who your audience is, here you go: 10 Free Tools to Help You Understand Your Social Media Audience. And here: Using Surveys to Define Your Target Audience.

Who is your audience? (And please don’t say everyone!)

What is the lifestyle of your audience? In other words, what do they do when they’re not buying your product or service?

How will you build a better target persona?

What type of language does your target audience use? 

What will you do to better target your audience this year?

Where do you think your audience likes to hang out?

Do you hang out the same place your audience hangs out?

If you don’t hang out where your audience is, why not?

What is the best time or the best times to post for your audience?

Where in the world does most of your audience live? Yes, brick-and-mortars will have a more local audience, of course.

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Identify Your Why

Social media isn’t a magic bullet. Social media is very good for branding and recognition, but it probably can’t replace all your forms of marketing. You’ll still want to meet some people in person, go to meet ups, or do other forms of marketing. So if you’re looking for sales, realize that social media does help to generate sales, but usually not immediately.

You might like these articles:

Why are you using social media? Fun? Business? Branding? The more specific, the better!

Will you use social media to build your business?

Will you meet some of your social media followers in person?

How have businesses similar to yours leveraged social media?

What expectations do you have of your social media?

Would you like to find collaborators with social media?

Do you have power partners? Would you like more power partners?

What are your top three reasons for using social media?

Looking back at your strategy for last year, have your reasons to use social media changed?

How will you decide if you’ve been successful on social media? 

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When I co-teach with Alyson Harrold (at UC Berkeley Extension, the students want to know how to engage on social media more than anything else. So I wrote this to help them (and maybe you): How to Engage on Social Media the Complete Guide. And I really like Coschedule, so here’s their 30 Social Media Engagement Tactics That Will Boost Shares And Conversions.

On a scale of 1-10, how much will you focus on engagement this year?

If your engagement was low last year, how will you create more engagement?

Are there any hashtags you could use to create more engagement?

Which hashtags will you use to increase your followers and engagement? 

Do you repost from those who follow you?

Do you use the 80/20 rule (80% other people’s content/20% your own content)? 

Will you thank people for sharing your posts in order to create more engagement?

Will you tag the people you write about in your posts to help increase engagement?

Will you participate in TweetChats to help your engagement on Twitter?

Could you use a Facebook group to increase your engagement on Facebook? 

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Content Creation

Content creation has become more important than ever. And if you don’t believe me, how about this post from Hubspot: How to Develop a Content Strategy? I look at the blog as the torso, or body, of your efforts, with all the social media platforms as the arms and legs of your strategy. You might also like: Content creation: 5 Killer Reasons it’s Your New BFF.

Will you be starting a blog this year?

If so, what will you use (WordPress, etc.)?

Will you create a content calendar?

How often will you post?

How long will the posts be?

How many images, if any, will each post have?

Will you have a newsletter?

What will you use to create your newsletter (Mailchimp, etc.)?

How will you get signups for your newsletter?

Will you count posts, tweets, and comments on others’ posts and blogs as part of your content?


By platforms, I mean Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. If you don’t know yet, this might help: Ten Simple Ways to Choose the Best Social Media Platform. The Huffington Post identifies seven best social media channels for business (#7 might surprise you! And no, that’s not clickbait!).

Which social media platforms do you want to be on?

Will you squat on a social media name until you have the time to be there full-time? 

How do you propose starting out a new platform?

Which new platforms would you like to research?

Are there any platforms that you definitely don’t want to use?

Which is your favorite social media platform? Why not start there?

Which social platforms will you use less of or spend less time on this year?

Why will you use that/those platforms less?

Which top sites will you focus on this year?

How will you measure your efforts (if at all)?

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Why should you use video in your social media? Forbes has a nifty article: Why You Need to Know about Social Video Marketing in 2017. Yes, video is an up-and-coming item to add to the mix. Here’s my first video (with tons of mistakes! so don’t feel intimated about getting started): How to Organize Jewelry.

Will you add video to the mix this year?

If you choose to add video, will you produce it yourself?

What tools will you use to produce your video?

Will you use YouTube this year? Vimeo?

Do you have your own YouTube channel? My friends Chef Ivan Flowers and his wife, Tracy, and now-famous pooch Pickle have a great YouTube channel (go subscribe!).

Will you create unique video on Instagram? Facebook? Twitter? 

Will you make money with ads from your YouTube videos?

How will you brand your channel? 

How will you create unique calls-to-action?

How will you discover key words to add to each video?

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Social media posts have become more and more image-centric. So what’s your game plan for including images in your posts and blog articles? Here’s a good article article from Jeff Bulas: 6 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Include Images in Your Marketing (check out the infographic, too!). And you might like this: How to Recycle Content the Ten Best Ways (includes ways to recycle images).

Where will you find images for your social media posts?

Will you be using free images, or will you pay for images? 

How many images will you create yourself?

Will you use your own photographs for your social media? 

How will you give credit to those who provide images for your posts?

Will you use infographics in your social media mix?

How will you produce great quality infographics?

Will you create your own infographics? 

Which social platforms will you use to showcase your images?

Will you use any interactive images? How about gifs? 

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Keywords and Hashtags

Keywords and hashtags have become more and more important. Keywords help your articles and post get picked up by Google. Hashtags also allow your posts to be seen by Google (thanks for this tip, Robert Nissenbaum!). Here’s a longish post about hashtags you might enjoy: How to Catapult Your Tweets Using Hashtags!

Are there keywords that you use regularly or that you’re trying to dominate?

Are keywords part of your strategy yet?

When you tag your blog posts, are there certain tags that you use over and over?

Will you continue to use the same keywords? 

Do you need to research hashtags more before you use them more regularly?

Will you start using hashtags over the next year? 

Do you have favorite hashtags that you use all the time?

On which platforms will you use hashtags?

Do you prefer local hashtags or more generic ones for your Instagram posts?

Do you have a way to store and then reuse your hashtags?


Measurement of your social media efforts can be a tricky thing. You can use branded links, and you can always ask people how they found you, but often social media is one of many marketing “touches.” And people don’t always remember how they found you. You might like this: How to: Business Analytics Tricks You Need to Know for Twitter. And you might like this: Google Analytics Demographics & Generational Insights by my friend Alyson Harrold.

Will you measure your efforts on social media?

If you have a simple measurement system, what is it? 

Are there certain items that you won’t measure?

Will you use a branded hashtag to see how far your posts have traveled?

How about branded links? Will you use those?

Do you need help figuring out what to measure?

If you measured your efforts last year, how will this year be different?

How often will you check your analytics?

Will you use Google analytics?

Or will you use each platform’s analytics to measure your success? 

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Personal Accounts

Some business owners would prefer not to have any presence on social media at all. Many would like to avoid it altogether! Are you one of them? Some would prefer to have one account, rather than separate personal and business accounts (I don’t recommend this approach.)

How much will you post on your personal social media platforms?

Do you plan to post at all on your personal platforms? 

Will you post more or less on each platform compared to last year?

How will you guarantee that you unplug or stop surfing the net?

Will your personal accounts be in alignment with your business accounts?

Are there any topics you will avoid posting about? 

Will you stop following people/pages who make you unhappy?

Will you focus on vanity metric, such as numbers of followers this year? Or not?

How do you use social media personally, and will that change this year?

How does social media affect your personal life, if at all? 

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Need Help with Your Social Media? 

If all of these questions leave your head spinning, send me an email or comment here! I’d love to help!



How to Make Insanely Slow Times on Social Media Your Best Times



How to make insanely slow times on social media your best times

How to make insanely slow times on social media your best times


There’s no reason to completely give up on your social media during the holidays. Like the gym in December, those quiet times can be the best times to get to know people better. Being the only one in a tweet chat or the only person to comment on a Facebook post ensures that you’ll connect more deeply with whomever else is there. Here are some more ideas.

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Photo by perzonseo

Be More Personal

Have you been enjoying all the personal shares and photos of holiday adventures people share during the holidays? Falling snow, unusual gifts, and even desert scenarios are perfect for sharing–and for commenting upon. If sharing personal stories isn’t part of your brand, maybe sharing stories from one of your client successes you would do. For more ideas about marketing during the holidays, you might like: How to Succeed with Social Media During the Holidays.

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Be More Interactive

Comment on other people’s memories and successes. Sometimes people share sad memories during the holidays, so why not show a little compassion and start a conversation with someone going through something you’ve been through yourself? We all know someone who’s having a rough time.

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Don’t Post as Much

You could slow down and not post as often as you usually do. If you’re a blogger, maybe you could put out a post or two that’s very short and to the point, rather than focusing on a longer article.

Slow Down for Winter

Why not take a hint from Mother Nature and let winter dictate a slowing down period, as Carol Venolia suggests in her article Slow Down for Winter? If your social media has slowed down, how has that affected your marketing? Please let me know! Thank you.

Simple Answers to Crazy Social Media Questions You Need to Know

Simple Answers to Crazy Social Media Questions You Need to Know

Simple Answers to Crazy Social Media Questions You Need to Know

Clients are often embarrassed to ask certain questions about social media. And often, what they do ask is surprising. So I’ll answer a few actual questions from clients.

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If I Follow Someone, Am I Advertising for Them?

No. People can usually see who you’re following, unless you have a private account, but you’re not advertising for those you follow. However, you will see the posts of those you follow in your stream unless you do something to silence them. And you can tailor what you see. For instance, you can mute someone on Twitter and still be following them. If you feel obligated to follow someone, muting is a good option.

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What is a Hashtag?

A hashtag is the pound sign (#), followed by a word or series of words. It is used to organize posts, and you can measure them by following (usually just clicking on) a hashtag. For more about hashtags, see this article: Hashtag Wins and #Fails.

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Why Do I Need a Hashtag?

You don’t. That is, they’re optional. But hashtags do help you find and organize posts about similar topics, so they’re very helpful. And you can have your own custom hashtag, too. Anything that saves you time on social media, is a win for you! For instance, if you have a conference or business event, you could ask everyone to use the same hashtag. Be sure to check that your proposed hashtag isn’t being used for something shady, though.

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Do I Have to Pay to Play on Social Media?

No, it’s not mandatory. But it’s more and more difficult to get actual engagement (eyes on your ads or posts) if you don’t pay. You can pay as little as $3 to boost a post on Facebook, though. My suggestion is to smart with a small budget and measure, so you don’t lose a lot of money.

If you don’t want to pay, you can also engage more with others (that is, comment on their posts), and that will drive your engagement up, as my friend Robert Nissenbaum suggests.

You might like this article Pay to Play is the Future of Social Media?

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Can I Like My Own Posts?

You most certainly can, but you might have better luck on social media if you let your followers like your posts instead. After all, you put the post up, so by default you already like it, right?

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Do I Have to Be on ALL the Social Networks?

Not at all. There are so many, that I’d just choose the top social networks for your followers. For instance, your followers might not be on Snapchat or Pinterest, but they probably are on Facebook. Some people just choose one platform and stick with that one. You might want to choose two to start with. And usually I recommend that you at least squat on those that you won’t actively use, so you can reserve the name.

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Where Can I Find Good Content to Post?

Search for things your audience might be interested in reading. And you can always recycle content, too. Don’t forget about their lifestyle!

Have Questions?

Don’t be embarrassed to ask! Leave a comment and/or question, and I promise to get back to you! And thank you.

How to Make the Most of Your Time on Social Media: Seven Easy Ways

How to Make the Most of Your Time on Social Media: Seven Easy Ways

How to Make the Most of Your Time on Social Media: Seven Easy Ways

Social media is no longer an option for any sized business. And it’s not optional for people of any age range, either. Everyone and their grandma is on social media these days. So how do you create posts that are easy to share, quick to read, and how do you maximize your time? Read on!

Have a System and Measure

Having a system is probably the most important part of managing your time. My dad used to say “Do something, even if it’s wrong.” While that’s probably not the best approach, in a way he was right. You can tweak your system later. So decide where you’ll be on the internet (Facebook? Twitter? Pinterest?), and most important–pick the places that you love to be! For instance, I don’t enjoy Google Plus much, so I don’t spend much time there. But you, on the other hand, might love Google Plus!

As Katie Lance write in this article from the Huffington Post, “The right question should be, “What social networks should I focus on that will build my community and build my business?” Also, what platforms do you enjoy the most?”

Measure your efforts. These days, I prefer the analytics within social media platforms. You may prefer to use Google analytics. And most business accounts have built-in analytics, so you can see which posts are getting the most traction.


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Curate the Best

Here are some ideas for curation. The important thing is to batch and use blocks of time when you’re curating, to get the best results.

  • Twitter Lists. You can make them public or private. Set them up in columns in your scheduler.
  • Saved Searches. Save these in Twitter, so next time you can go to your topic easily.
  • Secret Pinterest Boards. Think of this as a vision board. You can use secret boards to share things with your clients or save pins that you want to check out later.

For more details, you might want to read:

Keep Tinkering

Once you have a system, improve on it. If you’ve measured your progress and success, and figured out what you really like to do, challenge yourself to make your system more streamlined. My friend Bridget Willard likes to gamify her time to see how fast she can respond to mentions. Could you do something similar?

Since we’re discussing time here, do you think you can do your social media in an hour a day? Would you believe you can create a wonderful blog post in an hour? You definitely can! Of course, it might take a little practice.

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Repurpose, Recycle, Reuse

Once you’ve written something, find ways to use it again. And again. Don’t use it just once! My friend Randy Clark suggests 6 Ways to Reuse Old Blog Posts. I must admit, I’m considering the idea of creating some e-books. At the very least, reusing content on your other social channels helps you save time.

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Mention Others and Engage

Mentioning others in your article or on your social media can be a good tactic. If your audience is engaged, that makes your job so much easier. You may need to post fewer times if you have an engaged audience.

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Interview influencers. Then go back to them and let them know that you’ve written about them or published an article or put up a video. Again, you can reuse your articles or videos over and over.

Power Partners

Sharing from others with a similar audience to yours saves you time and effort. You can share people in the same field if they’re not in competition, too. For example, a plumber and a tile setter might have a similar target audience, and can refer work to each other. Who do you refer to?

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Hire Someone

Why not hire someone who’s an expert to handle the social media for you? If you’re too busy to do your own, why not a done-for-you approach?


Pay to Play is the Future of Social Media?

Pay to Play is the Future of Social Media?

Pay to Play is the Future of Social Media?

Clients often do not want to pay to boost, sponsor, or create ads on their social media. For many of them, the very idea of paying to play is an emotional issue, whether the amount we’re discussing is a $3 boost on Facebook, or a sponsored tweet. What’s a social media manager to do? Here are some ideas, not that any of them have worked for me, but you never know. The future is a big, bright place, or so I’m told. Do I need to say I’m joking here?

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Soothe the Emotional Client

You could say something like: “There, there. Even though that post we put up of the rotten lemon got a million views, that was a long time ago.” And explain that it’s almost 2018, and things have changed. Get them some Kleenex® (the good kind with aloe vera), and dry their tears. No, I’m not an affiliate.

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Use Humor

Without making fun of your client, you could gently explain how quickly things change. Or not. You could also show them this article: What Happened to Quality Versus Quantity on Social Media? And see if they stop frowning and/or start laughing. If not, don’t despair. There are plenty of jokes on the Internet. All you need is a laptop and Google! But back to the topic at hand: Yes, you or your client do need to pay a little for at least some posts if you want them to be seen by the proper audience.

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Photo by blag jet

Explain with Facts

Believe it or not, some people respond to facts. For those, a good article with lots of factoids or an infographic could do the trick.

“When you log onto Facebook or Twitter, you don’t see the most recent content. You see a stream of content served to you by an algorithm. Instagram has recently jumped onto the bandwagon, as well.

~ Blaise Lucey, Want real results from social? Start paying. on MarketingLand

You could also explain that boosting a post on Facebook can cost as little as $3 (more info here: About boosting posts from your Facebook Business Page. And that Instagram ads may get you more bang for your buck, according to this post: How Much Do Instagram Ads Cost?

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Storytelling Wins

Those who know how to tell stories make time stand still. And on social media, time is very, very important. So here are some questions to ask:

  • What stories can you tell?
  • What stories will influence your customers?
  • Which stories are the most important ones?

For more questions to ask yourself about you and your business, this post might help: Which Story Do You Need to Tell? Of course, a combination of storytelling and paying for a post could be the best of all.

Recent Convert of Paid Posts?

What has been your experience with boosting or promoting posts? Good, bad, or ugly? Let me know in the comments! And thank you!

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The Best Reasons Baby Boomers Must Start Using Social Media

The Best Reasons Baby Boomers Must Start Using Social Media

The Best Reasons Baby Boomers Must Start Using Social Media

So you’re a baby boomer. And you’ve been avoiding social media despite having a website, and spending inordinate amounts of time online, especially on Facebook. You want to continue using printed documents, but you’d also like to learn something about social media. But where can you start? Where should you start? And do you really have to use social media? In my opinion, yes. You should. And here’s why.

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Your Peers Are Online

Not everyone is online, but more and more of your peers are. They’re sharing photos and stories on Facebook, for instance. They’re doing research online, making larger purchases from Amazon, and selling things on EBay. They may not be using Snapchat or Twitter, but you’d be surprised how many of them are on LinkedIn. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that Boomers spend more time than 16-32 year-olds on social media, according to this article on How Baby Boomers Use Social Media.

Your Peers Are Active Yet Use Social Media Differently

Boomers are becoming increasingly active online, but how they use social media differs from Millennials and others online. Their identity isn’t tied up with how many followers they have (or other vanity metrics), as much as some younger internet users are, according to this Forbes article: How The Boomers Differ From Everybody In Their Approach To Online Privacy And Security.

In addition, you might like these articles about Boomers and social media:

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Social Media Isn’t a Trend

Remember back when everyone got a cell phone “just for emergencies”? And then slowly, parents were forced to use their phones to keep in touch with their kids? Me, too. Those were the same people who said that social media was a trend. Guess what? It’s not a trend. That was over ten years ago. Social media is here to stay. Here’s a handy infographic: How Baby Boomers Use Social Media that you might like. Hint: Take a look at how people 50+ have increased their usage of social media during the past 12 years.

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Don’t Get Left Behind

Do you need some coaching on how to use social media? I’d be happy to talk to you about it. Or take over research, posting, and engagement for your business. Because it’s about time to take a leap and start using social media to connect and engage with others or for yourself or your business! Really.


Twitter: Four Best Things to Do with Your Extra 140 Characters

Twitter: Four Best Things to Do with Your Extra 140 Characters

Twitter: Four Best Things to Do with Your Extra 140 Characters

Recently, Twitter doubled the number of characters users could have in a tweet. Previously, we had to use clever ways to get around the 140-character limit. With 280 characters, people don’t need to resort to screenshots with extra words. And the larger character limit allows new Twitter users to join, as outlined in this article Twitter officially expands its character count to 280 starting today by Tech Crunch.

Here, then are some ideas for what to do with your extra 140.

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Usually, only 1-2 hashtags (maximum) were thought to be the best number for a tweet. So if you really love hashtags, you can now add another one. I wouldn’t go too far overboard, though. They still seem messy, and all the studies indicate that 1-2 hashtags are the correct number. Any more than that, and you’ll lose reach. By the way, here’s an article about hashtags you might like: How to Catapult Your Tweets Farther? Use a Powerful Hashtag.

Give Credit

This one is my favorite. Give credit to the author of an article or to the photographer if you share a picture with your tweet. Often, you can find the photographer’s name in an article, immediately under a photo. The writer would also appreciate being mentioned. Sometimes people retweet my work, and I don’t realize unless I search on the exact title of an article! After all, being social and paying it forward is the thing to do on social media, isn’t it?

Leave it!

As my friend Robert Nissenbaum says, you can stop talking and start listening! White space is a great concept. Like the silence between notes in a song, silence is useful. You don’t have to use every single space.

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

Having a limited number of characters can make us better writers. Although, to be fair, we still have a limit. Will we see bloated tweets on Twitter, as this article that 280 Characters Ruins Twitter from Lance Ulunoff states? Or will people opt for shorter tweets, despite having the longer limit?

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Is Less More?

Personally, I’m a fan of the shorter tweet. How about you?


The Best Social Media Managers Are Like Octopi

The Best Social Media Managers Are Like Octopi

The Best Social Media Managers Are Like Octopi

What the heck, you’re thinking to yourself: doesn’t she mean octopuses? Well, no, although I’ve seen a lot of people use that word. And why an octopus? Because they have eight arms, they’re exceedingly clever, and they can do a million things at once. Octopi are the original multitaskers!




Your social media manager (“SMM”) needs to have the flexibility of an octopus. They sometimes have to be able to squeeze their entire body through a small keyhole in a locked door. Metaphorically, that is.

Shifting Focus

Shifting Focus

Shifting Focus

Your SMM needs to be able to move from research, to writing headlines, to engagement within the space of a few moments. She needs to be able to do all of this and remember all of it. By the way, here’s a post about writing headlines that you might like: Headline Writing: 10 Reasons it’s a Pain in the Asterisk.

Big Picture

Big Picture

Big Picture

Having an idea of where your company is headed is one of the tasks an SMM needs to always have in mind. Without a destination…aww, you know that saying already, don’t you? Thought so.

Small Picture

Small Picture

Small Picture

There are a lot of details in social media. Engaging with people requires diligence to those details. Everyone wants to feel appreciated! And you never know who’s behind an account! Speaking of which, here’s a post about appreciation and paying it forward that might interest you.




Speaking of engagement, that’s of utmost importance to you and your account. So your SMM needs to be friendly and engaged on your company’s behalf. That means she needs to know what to say when, and to whom. And that engagement matters more than follower growth, as outlined in this article: How to Sell the Importance of Engagement Over Fan Growth on Social Media.

Fast Moving

Fast Moving

Fast Moving

Social media moves quickly. You can practically watch the trending topics as they change from one to the next! And if there’s an emergency, you want your SMM to be on top of it. If you’d like to learn how to use trending topics, you might like to read more: How to Use Trending Topics for Your Business: Twitter.


Good Humor

Have grace and a sense of humor are critical. Sometimes people just need someone to listen to them so they feel that they were heard.



On top of everything else, your SMM needs to be intelligent, able to compile reports when needed, and have the willingness to show you possible strategies and new tools as well. So she needs to be able to show you new platforms or strategies for your accounts.

Need An Octopus?

I have space for a new client, so please let me know if you want someone to work with your business!


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