How is Social Media Changing Us for the Better?
We are continually hearing about all the negative ways that social media has changed us. How about the positive side of social media, though?

Photo by Wonderlane
Finding Organ Donors
Organ donors have been able to find donors more easily through social media. Social media does save lives! For instance, my friend Amy Donohue donated her kidney because of a tweet! See her story at Social Media Stole My Kidney.
Getting Connected Socially
For me, knowing that I can log onto Twitter nearly any time and get on a chat is tremendously positive. And I run #DigiBlogChat on Twitter every Tuesday at 1 p.m. PDT, so that is a tremendous way to stay connected, too.
Sharing Family News and Photos
Didn’t everyone get on Facebook to share news and photos? It’s the fastest way to update an entire group of people when you have personal news.
Finding Work, Especially Remote Work
Lots of companies now use social media to post their jobs. You can also use social media to check out what a company’s policies are, to look at complaints lodged against them, etc. Before you join a new firm, why not check out their reviews on Google and Facebook?

Reconnecting with Old Friends
We’ve all found people on Facebook whom we haven’t seen in years. Whether those people want to be found is another story.
Promoting Your Business
Advertising on social media is a huge deal now. Do you use social media for advertising? And what is your favorite platform for doing that? Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram are my favorites.
Getting Petitions Signed and Laws Changed
I love that petitions can now be signed so quickly and change laws. This is another way that social media can save lives. It used to take weeks or months to get enough signatures on a petition. With social media, the whole process can take days or hours.
Sharing News about Disasters
Whenever there’s an earthquake, I jump on Twitter to see where it was, how big it was, and who is affected. And you can check on Facebook to see if people have marked themselves ‘safe.’
Discovering Weather and Traffic
Want to know what the weather is for the upcoming week or that camping trip? Jump on social media to see! Your local weatherperson probably has their own social media accounts where you can get very personalized weather reports.
Helping Those Who Are Isolated
If you’re in the middle of the desert somewhere, as long as you have a connection, you can get updates from friends. You can also make friends, find a partner, and become less isolated.
How Has Social Media Changed Your Life for the Better?
This is my list. Maybe you have other ways that social media has helped you connect, reconnect, find the news you want, or…? Please let me know in the comments! And thank you.
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