How to Excel as a Twitter Chat Guest: 10 Best Ways
There are a number of things a person can do to be a better Twitter chat guest. Having been on both sides of that digital divide, here are my favorites. If you’re new to tweetchats, here’s an article that could be interesting: TweetChats: How to Participate.
Introduce Yourself
People often forget that others may not know them in the chat. So introducing yourself is a good way to make yourself known. And you may need to say your name at the end of the chat, too, for those late joiners.
Get There Early
Often, regulars to a chat like to show up early to say hello. If you’d like to e-meet more people, show up early and see what’s happening.
Use the Hashtag
People often forget to use the hashtag. They don’t do it intentionally, of course. If you use an app, such as tchat.io, it can automatically add the hashtag for you, so you don’t have to think about it. Want to learn more about hashtags? Check out Hubspot’s The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Hashtags for 2018.
Retweet Others
A great way to get more reach is to retweet the questions. Sometimes in a fast-moving chat, people miss the questions, so this is really helpful. You can also retweet some of your favorite replies to questions. By the way, using Twitter on your desktop is the best way to engage in a tweetchat. Being on a tweetchat with a mobile phone isn’t nearly as fun.
Watch the Chat Before You Join
If you can be on a chat the week or two before you join one, you’ll get a feel for who the regulars are. And you’ll see how formal or informal the chat is, too. The chat I run with partner Larry Mount (@Lazblazter) weekly, #DigiBlogChat, has quite a few regulars, and those who drop in from time to time, too. If you’d like to join us, we’re there every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. pdt.
Squelch Trolls
Occasionally, there will be a troll. Not very often, but it does happen. Although the chat moderator may be the one to block the troll, your blocking the troll can be very helpful, too.
Hang out Afterwards
Stay on for a few minutes after the chat if there is more to discuss. Sometimes discussions will go on for hours after a chat has ended.
Connect with Everyone
People on chats are the most engaged people on Twitter. Follow as many as you can! Go back through the tweets and follow those you might have missed.
List People on the Chat
Create your own list, or subscribe to a list, if you feel like it. This way you can easily access those you’ve met on the chat. If you’re unfamiliar with lists, you might like Twitter Lists for the Power User.
What Constitutes a Good Twitter Chat Guest?
What constitutes a good Twitter chat guest for you? Let me know in the comments! And thank you.
Wow – this is such great post, Carol, and while I wish I had read it before joining you and Larry for your super-popular #DigiBlogChat, I got some things right – hurrah! (Namely adding the #hashtag & showing up a little early) – I love the suggestion to retweet questions.
This blog simply rocks because it’s easy and relatively fast to read, and the pictures are wonderful punctuation points, too.
I’m not familiar with Twitter lists so I will read your other post about them soon! I’d rather learn from you than any other resource/social media guru! ;)
Hi Dyane,
Thank you so much for all the feedback, Dyane. I really appreciate your taking the time to be there (I noticed you were there today, Tuesday, on the chat!). I’m so glad it was easy to read, too. Having a bite-size blog post is a goal sometimes.
Lists can really save your sanity on Twitter! They may take a while to set up, but then you can use them over and over.
I hope you’re enjoying this perfect weather we’re having!