How to Get out of Social Media Overwhelm
We’ve all been there. That is, feeling completely overwhelmed, with no idea of what to do next. Too many projects piled up and too few hours in the day. Even as a social media manager, this feeling can be overwhelming. People often feel overwhelmed at work according to this article: 10 Ways to Stop Feeling Overworked and Overwhelmed from Inc. magazine. Here are some of the ideas that have helped me.
Use a Timer
Always pay attention to the time passing as you’re posting. Otherwise, you could end up on Facebook for the rest of your life. I use a program called Let’s Freckle, but there are plenty of inexpensive or free ones available, too. By the way, here’s an article you might like: Social Media in 60 Minutes a Day. Yes, it really is possible!
Use a scheduler like Hootsuite to help you plan ahead. Keep a nice backlog of posts so you can engage in real time, too. For instance, you might want to keep a Word file or a Google doc with some ideas for content. Forbes has a terrific article, 15 Social Media Management Tools That Can Help Your Business Thrive.
Search for Content
I like to save my searches on Twitter so that I’m always searching for the same keywords. You can see my saved searches above. To save a search, simply type what you’re searching for into the search box. Then tap on the three little dots at the top of your Twitter (I’m using desktop) and click on “Save this search.” That’s it. I also like to use lists of people/brands with great content so that I can figure out what to post next. If you’d like to know more about lists on Twitter, here’s a post you might like: Twitter Lists for the Power User.
If you’re completely overwhelmed (and your business isn’t doing social media), hire someone else to do it for you! And did you know that you can hire someone when you go on vacation to help you, too? Give me a call or send me an email and I’ll help you get out of overwhelm!
Can you come clean my house so I can be online more & get even more overwhelmed? JUST KIDDING! I shall return to leave a proper comment! Xo
p.s. you always have terrific photos!!!!
Hi Dyane!
Having a messy house does make you feel more disorganized in other areas, too! (I know you’re kidding!) Hope you’re doing well, other than the house needing a cleaning!
Okay, I’m able to properly comment now – hurrah.
I didn’t know about “Twitter Lists for the Power User” – that’s a gem in and of itself.
Very cool, my friend! Thanks for such a fabulous post and pictures!! I love how your posts are the perfect length and the layout is superb—it’s not overwhelming at all.
My blog posts used to be way too long (and I knew it!) so if I ever blog again, I’ll cut it back – I recall hearing 400 words was good….???
I’m doing pretty well, but I’m too scattered and I’m not getting enough done on my to-list and that really puts a bee in my bonnet. I’m hoping as the weather warms up a bit I’ll be less monkey mind and more focused because that has actually been the case in the past.
I started growing wheatgrass (!!!!!) and I got a super-cheap wheatgrass juicer — we’re talkin’ $24.
I’m curious to see if regular shots will help me have more energy. When I buy the shots at Wild Root ($6 for 2 shots) I feel good, except for the fact I spent $6 on two shots, ha ha! I’ll let you know how my experiment goes.
Hi Dyane,
Thank you about Twitter Lists for the Power User. That one took awhile to write. I’m glad the posts are not overwhelming. A good friend of mine told me 350 words is a good length, and if they go too long to do Part I and Part II, etc. But many of mine are about 500 words.
Sunshine seems to help with a lot of things, doesn’t it? And I can see that the sun is trying to peek out as I write these words to you, so yay!
Those wheatgrass shots are really good! I’m going to sprout some things, too. Not for juicing, but to add to salads. I’ll bet the shots will help (plus you’ll have less anxiety because you won’t spend the $6!).
Thanks for stopping by, Dyane. Let me know if/when you start blogging again. I miss reading your posts!
I think once you get out of the rhythm of social media, it becomes really easy to fall into “overwhelm.” The other time when I’ve had difficulty staying on top of social media is when I was pivoting my business to different types of projects. You’ve provided some useful tips. Thanks!
Hi Tess, I hadn’t thought of social media as a rhythm, but of course, it is. I like that comparison, because then social media seems more like music with its notes and rests.
Thanks for the comment.
Great advice, thank you.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for stopping by!
I am completely for outsourcing anything that costs too much time and distracts from your primary function running your business.
Hi Bridget,
Right? The more I outsource, the happier I get, too! I want to think of more things to outsource to YOU! That makes me doubly happy.