Blogging Beginner? How to Get Ahead of the Game

Blogging Beginner? How to Get Ahead of the Game

Blogging Beginner? How to Get Ahead of the Game

You’ve been hearing for years–make that a decade–that you need to start blogging. But how do you even begin? There’s so much information out there, and so much of it is technical. This assumes you already have a website set up, by the way. If you don’t, I can offer you a referral to someone who can help. This blog post is for those just beginning bloggers. If you’d like something more in-depth, you might want to check out Bob Dunn’s blog posts for tons more ideas (highly recommended!).

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Who’s Your Audience?

The first thing is to figure out who you’re talking to. If you don’t have an audience yet, think about who you’d like your audience to be. Who would be your ideal customer? What do they look like? Sound like? What are their interests and pain points? Here’s an article that might help you get started: Who Are You Writing For? Target Audience and Social Media.


What’s Their Language?

I don’t mean English versus French. I mean style. Are they casual? Will everything you write need to be backed up by hours of research? Would they have a more formal style? Mirroring their language will help you engage with them. Some people find that creating the perfect audience member can help them when writing.

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Write an Intro Paragraph

I was taught a “keyhole structure” for writing. So you go from the large and abstract idea to the more particular. Your thesis is at the end of the first paragraph. But you don’t need to be that formal. The important thing is to introduce the subject matter to your audience.

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Write Three or Four Headers

Keep in mind that you can always change your headers later. What will each paragraph be about? If what you write changes, tweak your header to match. But it’s important not to mislead your readers. If you’re promising an exciting article about the benefits of, say, video games for teens, make sure your headers reflect the overall scheme.

Write a Sentence Under Each Header, and Then Another

Say something out loud and then write it down, if that helps. Whatever your paragraph will be about, write something. Then write a little more. Don’t edit or add links at this point. Just keep writing. As someone once said (Abraham Lincoln? Mark Twain?) before you can edit, you need to write.


Put in a Call to Action (CTA)

What do you want your reader to do once they’re done reading? Fill out a form? Read something else you’ve written? Leave a comment? Say that!



Go back and look at your writing. I find it helps to read it out loud at this point. Correct any mistakes. Does it flow well? If you’re not good at editing, you can have someone edit for you.


Add Images

There are a number of sites for free images, or you can buy images, too. Which do you prefer? You can also **gasp** take your own photos and use those!


Publish or Schedule

If you’d like to publish at a later date, go ahead and do that. Or publish it the moment you finish writing.

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You’re Done

Was that easy enough? If you have any questions, leave me a comment!



How to Magnetize Your Blog Post Titles Quickly and Easily

How to Magnetize Your Blog Post Titles Quickly and Easily

How to Magnetize Your Blog Post Titles Quickly and Easily

Everyone wants more people to read their articles. Or at least they want the right people to read their articles. But how do you get people to click? It seems silly that that’s what we content marketers focus on, but that’s what it comes down to. Here are a few ideas to help you with your blog post titles. And in case you missed it, here’s my post from last week: For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement.

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Think about What Makes You Click on an Article

Seems really simple, doesn’t it? It doesn’t have to be difficult! If you’re a content marketer, what makes you want to know more about an article? Can you create a blog post title that’s similar to one you saw that made you want to click? The bottom line of this study from Marketing Land, What Makes You Click On A Headline? says that headlines that end in questions are the most popular. What do you think?

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Your Readers Are a Lot Like You

To expand upon what you like, your readers are probably a lot like you. They may be more busy, less busy, or they may spend time in different places than you. But they’re not all that different, really. And when you post your article online, you never know who’s going to read it. There’s someone out there reading one of your articles as you read this, probably.

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Use Headlines That Start a Story

For instance, when you use a headline that starts out “this is what happens when you…”, then your readers may want to feel compelled to understand the story. We all love stories! However, try to avoid click bait. Try to deliver what you promise in your headline.

Use Headlines of the Right Length

My not-so-secret weapon on CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer. There are others around, but this one is the simplest and easiest to use. Plug in your headline, then keep playing with it until you get it right. Watch as your score goes up as you fuss around with the words. CoSchedule seems to like headlines with about 55 characters.

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Stack the Important Keywords Towards the Front

If your keyword is Pinterest tricks, put that near the front of the headline. So say Pinterest Tricks You Need to Know, for example. Not You Need to Know These Pinterest Tricks. By the way, have you read this article about creating 25 headlines before choosing one?

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Was That Quick and Easy Enough?

I hope so! What else would you like to know? Leave me a comment! And thank you.


For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement

For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement

For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement

For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement

If there’s one thing that most social media managers agree upon, it’s that engagement should be a very high priority for all your social media. People focus on follower count, which for many people is an almost useless metric. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have some followers, because without any followers you’re pretty much just singing to yourself in the shower. By the way, did you know that I wrote a book with Eric Lofholm on Social Media Engagement that you can find on Amazon?

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What Is Engagement?

Everyone says you should have more engagement, but what is engagement on social media exactly? Engagement is the fine art of online conversation. Talking to others. If you’re just yourself on social media, then you’re talking as yourself. If you’re posting on behalf of a brand, then engagement means talking in your brand’s voice. SproutSocial has a fine article on why you should care about social media engagement. Look carefully at their pie chart, which shows that customers now want to use social media to connect with brands.

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What Does Engagement Look Like?

Engagement looks like a conversation. So if you’re posting on Facebook, it should look like people are commenting on your posts, and then you’re commenting back. You’re listening and then answering. Back and forth, back and forth. Like that. At first, engagement may feel a little awkward if you’re not used to it. But after a while, you may notice that conversations follow a certain pattern. There’s the greeting, then maybe a question or two or thirty, and then another greeting. It will get easier, I promise.

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How to Get Past the Awkward Stage?

Just like any other new skill, getting past the awkward stage can happen pretty quickly if you just keep at it. I’ve found that “Hello” works pretty well, though. Also: “Hi!” Or if you’re a cat, “Hai!” And here’s where the art of small talk kicks in. If you’ve ever been to a cocktail party and had to talk to someone, it’s the same thing. You’re going to feel awkward. The good news is, most everyone feels awkward. If, after these excellent suggestions, you still don’t feel up to a conversation, you might want to read How to Deal with Awkward Online Conversations.

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How Do I Get More Engagement?

At first, you may need to make a lot of comments on other people’s posts. Keep track of who writes back or shares your posts, too! Some people will never comment back or share your posts, however. That might be ok if what you’re posting of theirs adds value to your audience. And some huge accounts may never reply to you. Just keep at it. And notice those accounts with lots of engagement already–you may learn some tips and tricks simply from watching what other people do!

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My Secret: a 3 x 5 Card

One thing that helps me is a simple 3″ x 5″ card. At the beginning of each month, whatever I can fit on this card becomes my little cheat sheet. Remember in High School Chemistry, when you were allowed to have anything you could fit onto a 3″ x 5″ card as a cheat sheet for tests? No? Well, that’s what got me through organic chemistry. And, it turns out to be very helpful for social media management, too!


This is What Happens When You Use Murmuration to Affect Your Social Media


This is What Happens When You Use Murmuration to Affect Your Social Media

This is What Happens When You Use Murmuration to Affect Your Social Media

This is What Happens When You Use Murmuration to Affect Your Social Media

I’ve been thinking a lot about murmurations lately. Sort of obsessing over murmurations, actually. Partly because of global warming, to be honest. Where I live there have been terrible fires that have wiped entire towns off the map. There doesn’t seem to be any safe place anymore. And I got to thinking what if we all changed direction by taking a cue from nature? And what if we used social media to make that change? By the way, here’s my previous post about using social media for positive change, in case you missed it.

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Birds Do it

You can see the kind of rabbit hole this sort of thinking might lead to. But seriously, starlings change direction like one intelligent entity. And they change direction for the good of the entire school or herd or whatever you call a bunch of the animals. If you’ve never seen a murmuration, go to this website and watch the video there, because it’s a beautiful thing. Why couldn’t people do it, too?

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Safety in Numbers

“There is safety in numbers, so the individual starlings do not scatter but rather are able to move as an intelligent cloud, feinting away from a diving raptor, thousands of birds changing direction almost simultaneously.” writes Jami Heimbuch in the article above on murmuration. But one bird only affects its seven closest neighbors. That sounds like what we often do in our individual families and friends: take care of those closest to us.

Fish Do it

When small fish, such as sardines or anchovies, swim in a way to avoid predators, it’s called a “bait ball.” They do it to protect the school. They have other defensive measures as well, such as reflective surfaces which make it difficult for predators to single out individual fish. Bait balls look a lot like a murmuration, except under water.

Why Not People, Too?

In a way, people need protective measures, too. We largely need to protect ourselves from our own stupidity. The way we use up our natural resources, the way we’re driving climate change through dumb political decisions, all these things and many others require a different way of thinking. We need a murmuration, driven by social media, so that we can change direction in a positive way. We may be able to pivot away from drama, but can we make larger changes?

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What Do You Think?

Over the course of the last year, I’ve been hearing lots of people making changes. I hope that the changes are happening quickly enough. Can we change direction and avoid some of what is happening? Can it happen quickly enough?


How-to Secrets to Blogging for Your Success

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You might think there are some secrets that you have never heard about when blogging for your business. To be frank, it’s a lot like staying healthy. The things you need to do are simple, but not easy. Here’s a short refresher.

Be Consistent

I’ll cut right to the chase here and tell you the #1 secret to your blogging success: consistency. That means blogging when you don’t really feel like it. Sometimes you’ll really want to write something. Other times, not so much. I publish every Thursday morning at 6 a.m. Lots of times I don’t feel like writing. Not at all. By the way, if you missed last Thursday’s post, here it is: How Pivoting Away from Drama Will Make You Less Stressed.

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Add An Image or Two

You don’t need a lot of images, but you should have one or two images. According to most content marketing experts, visual content performs better. “32% of marketers say visual images are the most important form of content for their business, with blogging in second (27%).” This is according to Hubspot’s 45 Visual Content Marketing Statistics You Should Know in 2018. So if you combine good writing with good images, you’ll have knock-it-out-of-the-ballpark great content. 

Include a Few Tags

After a while, you can choose from your most-used tags. WordPress automagically adds an archive of the tags you’ve used in the past. When you add your tags, you WordPress can help by giving you clues about which other posts you might link to, as explained in Yoast’s post: Tagging posts properly for users and SEO. As you might expect, my tags are generally about Facebook, Instagram, social media, startups, Twitter, etc. Yours might be very different. What is your audience interested in hearing about? Write about that.

Use a Couple of Links

I like to add a couple of outgoing links to good sources, and then a couple of links to my older blog posts. Do you have a formula for what you do when you write? If you missed my post about writing habits, here it is. Content Creation: What Are the Best Habits for Writing?

These Secrets Aren’t Really So Secret, Are They?

Leave you best-kept secrets in the comments! Hahaha! Just kidding. But if you do want to comment, I’d appreciate it.

How Pivoting Away from Drama Will Make You Less Stressed

How Pivoting Away from Drama Will Make You Less Stressed

How Pivoting Away from Drama Will Make You Less Stressed

Every holiday season, there is so much drama. Some of it is positive, and some of it is decidedly negative. On social media, people tend to hide behind their screens and say things they’d never say to someone’s face. Lately, I’ve heard people hide behind the phrase “constructive criticism” to level very hurtful messages. What if every time there was a choice, we simply chose to move away from the drama?

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Excitement Makes the Day Go By Faster

Now I’ll admit this isn’t easy. There’s no boredom when there’s drama, and we all seem to want a certain amount of excitement in our lives. It’s almost like we’re addicted to that non-stop drama (and I count myself among the addicts, by the way). We’re just so used to it, even if we do end up with stomachaches and headaches, it’s what we’re familiar with, so we tend to put up with it. Here’s an article from the archives: Four Ways to Identify Spammers on Twitter that will help you avoid some of that drama.

How Can We Be Productive with So Much Drama?

Drama takes us away from the important work we need to do. For instance, writing, strategizing and coming up with processes. Or planning next year’s social media blog posts. Whatever we need to be doing, instead we’re sucked in by drama. By the way, if you need a refresher on time management, you might like to read about Valuable Time-Saving Tools for Your Social Media.

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Why Give Negative People All the Power?

As Amy Morin says in 5 Ways to Stop Giving Negative People Too Much Power in Your Life, “Don’t allow negative people to steal your time and energy. Rather than complain about people you don’t enjoy, choose to strike up conversations about pleasurable topics.” This may seem like turning your back on negativity because that’s exactly what it is! The trick may be to tiptoe away before that Negative Nancy even realizes you’re gone. This can most certainly happen at home, but sometimes at work it’s even more difficult to escape. After all, that negative person may be your boss!

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Pivoting Away from the Drama

Energy vampires will be around no matter what, and especially during the holidays. It’s a cliche, but we really can control how we react to them. Back away and do something else. Don’t give them any more of your time than they’ve already stolen. As Sophie Henshaw explains in her article How to Avoid Being Drained by Energy Vampires, “Energy vampires are emotionally immature individuals who have the sense that the whole world revolves around them.” So if there’s someone who makes you feel bad, and you can’t exactly pinpoint why chances are you’ve got an energy vampire in your midst.

Do You Have a Danny Downer in Your Life?

If you have a “Danny Downer” in your life, what have you done to get away from all the negativity? Or maybe you haven’t made your escape yet. What are you planning to do? Leave me a comment. And thank you!

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This is How You Make Your Blog Posts Really Shine

This is How You Make Your Blog Posts Really Shine

This is How You Make Your Blog Posts Really Shine

This is How You Make Your Blog Posts Really Shine

I’ve been blogging regularly for a while now. And by “a while,” I mean going on seven years. So I’ve learned a couple of things that might interest you. Some things have changed a little, while other things have remained the same.

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Don’t Stress over Your Writing

I know that’s easier said than done, but really–don’t stress over it. Overthinking can cause a great deal of panic, and make you stop dead in your tracks. You can go deeper with your topic by doing some research, but don’t let lack of time for research stop you from writing. You do want to know who your audience is before you get started, though.

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Keep it Simple

Writing, like walking, is simply taking it one step at a time. Write one sentence. Then write another one. Pretty soon you have a paragraph, then a blog post, then you can compile those into a small book. Then maybe a series. Who knows?

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Come up with a Good Topic

It’s easiest to batch your topic creation. For instance, create a bunch of headlines all at once–I created 52 all at once at the beginning of the year. That way, you’ll always have something to write about. And sometimes the very act of writing shakes loose something in your brain that you didn’t know was there. Did you miss my post from last week, about Content Creation: What Are the Best Habits for Writing?

It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect!

Done is better than perfect, hands down. According to some people, perfectionism is growing and becoming a dangerous epidemic, with more and more college students becoming perfectionists. In fact, in this BBC article about the dangerous downsides of perfectionism, author Amanda Ruggeri states that “Perfectionistic tendencies have been linked to a laundry list of clinical issues: depression and anxiety (even in children), self-harm, social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, binge eating, anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, hoarding, dyspepsia, chronic headaches, and most damning of all, even early mortality and suicide.”

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Add Great Images

If the writing isn’t perfect, images can really help the subject along. You can use free sites for images, such as Pixabay or Canva. Or create your own images with PhotoShop. Or even use your own photos. There really is truth to that old saw about an image and a thousand words.

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Hire Someone

If you really, really need someone to blog for you, then hire someone! You don’t have to do everything yourself!

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What Stops You?

Is there something that holds you back from blogging? Let me know in the comments! And thank you.

Content Creation: What Are the Best Habits for Writing?

Content Creation: What Are the Best Habits for Writing?

Content Creation: What Are the Best Habits for Writing?

Content Creation: What Are the Best Habits for Writing?

Every writer has their own habits, and I know plenty of writers who suffer from writer’s block. Other writers work best under deadline pressure. Most of us are somewhere in between–a little pressure, but not too much.

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Carve out Blocks of Time for Writing

Having at least a half-hour block of time to write undisturbed has always been a great trick for me. Maybe it’s not a secret, though. You may need a certain space, a favorite pad of paper, or absolute silence. But having enough time to write is key. And starting ahead of time before you’re too stressed to write at all has worked for me. Here are some tips from Forbes on How to Manipulate Time with These Powerful 20 Time Management Tips. (See #2.)

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Trick Yourself into Writing

Another best habit for writing is to write for 15-minute chunks. Because you can do anything for 15 minutes, right? Getting started has always been the most difficult part of doing anything for me. Whether it’s a chore around the house or writing, that first 15 minutes is the most painful. And if I think about writing too much, then somehow my mind makes it into an overwhelmingly huge task. Also, if you’re able to gamify your blogging, that’s very helpful, too. Here’s a post about the gamification of social media that you might like.

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Have Five Topics

I learned this idea from Syed Balkhi years ago, and it’s stuck with me. Create five topics so you have no excuse not to write. If you run out of steam, go to the next topic. Here’s the post where I wrote about WordCamp Orange County and Syed Balkhi: WordCamp Orange County 2013. I can’t believe it’s been five years! Anyway, create those topics and don’t let “not having anything to write about” stop you.

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Keep Going and Edit Later

Don’t stop, and don’t think about what you’re doing too much until later. You can always edit. You can add links and images later, too. For now, your job is just to do a brain dump on the topic. You may want to get the high-level topics within your post, but other than that, just write. Add one sentence per topic. Then add two more sentences and take it from there. Soon, you’ll have something that looks like a blog post.

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Make it the Same But Different

When you’re writing, you may think it’s exactly the same as another topic you wrote about, and sometimes it’s very similar. But not everyone is going to read every word you write. Even if you’re writing about the same topic, it’s going to be different. And the images you add will be different, too. For images, I like Pixabay (make sure the images are really free).

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What Are Your Best Habits?

What are your favorite and best habits? What gets you going? Do you need a favorite beverage in a favorite mug? Let me know in the comments! And thank you!


This Is What I Really Really Love about Social Media

This Is What I Really Really Love about Social Media

This Is What I Really Really Love about Social Media

This Is What I Really Really Love about Social Media

Recently I wrote about what I why I’m sick and tired of social media, and you can read that post here. There are also great benefits to social media, and this week has been one of those weeks.

Help Out in Emergencies

The award for the best use of social media this week has to be to all the people who’ve been helping out since the fires happened here in California. There has been a flood of helpers stepping up, collecting everything from rain gear to free dentistry to offers of jobs and places to live. It’s totally heartwarming. The best one I’ve seen is from my business coach, Eric Lofholm, who started a Facebook group, Paradise Fire Adopt a Family Public Group. There, you can see people’s stories, their Amazon wish lists, gratitude for receiving help, and a whole host of other things. Highly recommended.

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Communicate with Health Care Providers

More and more healthcare providers are using social media to communicate with their subscribers. And people looking for answers are also looking to social media. There are countless blogs and websites offering advice. For instance, in this article asking whether social media can have a positive effect on global health care from Forbes, one that stands out is the way that researchers have been using social media to track flu outbreaks.

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Research Purchases

As I write this blog post, it’s the season of giving, so people are researching what gifts to buy. Of course, there are some fake reviews on places like Amazon and Yelp, but there are also some really helpful reviews. You can see what other people think, and in some cases even ask them questions about their purchases. It’s very helpful to have this feedback loop in place when you want to make a purchase. If you never read my previous post about using Yelp, you might want to: How to Use Yelp That Will Help Your Business Gain Social Proof.

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Make New Friends

I know I’ve said this a million billion times, but if you’re feeling lonely, you really can meet some great people on social media. Every week on the #DigiBlogChat, for instance, there are new people popping in, as well as the regulars. I’ve already met a bunch of them, and I’m sure that will continue. If you’d like to chat along with us, it’s every Tuesday at 1:00 pm pst. That is, until the time change when it’ll be at 1:00 pm pdt!

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Stay Connected to Old Friends

If you didn’t have Facebook, how could you possibly stay connected to your grade-school buddies? You’d never know all the gossip about your hometown or know what your niece thought about her new outfit. And how could you possibly stay updated with the latest, greatest dad jokes? You couldn’t!

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What Do You Really Really Love about Social Media?

Those are a few of the things I really, really love about social media. Now it’s your turn! Leave me a comment! And thank you.

Quick And Easy Ways to Incorporate Thankfulness Every Day

Quick And Easy Ways to Incorporate Thankfulness Every Day

Quick And Easy Ways to Incorporate Thankfulness Every Day

Quick And Easy Ways to Incorporate Thankfulness Every Day

Today is Thanksgiving, and it’s easy to forget to thank people on the other days of the year. Here are a few reminders that have helped me to remember, along with why gratitude is a wonderful practice every day.

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Helps You Remember How You Got Where You Are

Do you remember who showed you how to tie your shoes? Or who showed you how to drive a stick shift, if you’re someone who knows how? How about the person who taught you how to type? Remembering who taught you those valuable lessons might make you get into the WayBack Machine(tm), since they probably happened so long ago. What about more recent lessons? How to make a favorite dish, for instance? Someone had to patiently explain how to grate cheese, mix the noodles, and put everything in the oven. In my case, that was my mom. I learned a lot about cooking from her, and I’ll always be grateful to her. How do you express your gratitude? You might like to read about how to keep a gratitude journal.

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Gratitude Makes You Happy

Do you believe that giving thanks makes you a happier person? I certainly do, and so do the folks at Harvard Medical School. Here’s a quote from their article Giving thanks can make you happier:

“Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible.”

Sometimes just acknowledging a little act of kindness can go a long way towards that grateful feeling. Recently, here in Northern California, we’ve seen the horrific natural disaster of the Camp Fire. We’ve also seen so many people go out of their way to help people, and sometimes those people aren’t able to thank anyone. But we can thank people, such as the first responders who were there on the scene (many still are as I write this).

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Shows You That You’re Not Alone

Sometimes when you’re counting your blessings you realize that others have similar problems. Do you have eyes to see with and ears to hear with? I love Louie Schwartzberg’s wonderful TED Talk about gratitude, in which he says to open your heart to the universe. Sometimes you may realize that people are much worse off because they don’t even have a roof over their heads or a safe place to sleep. Even though the air is terrible right now in California, most of us are safe. We can help people who have been through disasters and feel grateful for our own luck at the same time. A gratitude practice doesn’t erase all the negative from your life, but it does show you that you’re not alone.

You can thank the universe for basic things like good health, fresh water to drink, electricity, or technology, such as the internet or .gifs! Because why not?

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Magnify Those Positive Emotions

Do you want to feel happier for longer? Who doesn’t, right? Thanking people makes you feel just that. Notice when you thank someone or feel gratitude for something how good you feel afterwards, and how your mood can change without your doing much of anything.

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How Do You Incorporate Thankfulness?

Do you have a gratitude practice? Have you ever considered having one? Leave me a comment! And thank you!

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