5 Best Reasons You Should Outsource Your Social Media
There are lots of reasons that you should outsource your social media. From the “just don’t wanna” to the “could, but it takes too much time,” there’s a range of reasons you might not want to do your own social media. After nine years doing social media for a living, here are my five best ones.
It’s Not Your Strength
You’re really great at coming up with ideas. You have patents on all sorts of devices, and have numerous start-ups to your name. Why would you want to begin something that doesn’t interest you and isn’t your strength? You probably wouldn’t want to! Why not focus on your strengths? Don’t take my word for it, though. Check out these Ten Reasons to Focus on Your Strengths by Michelle McQuaid in Psychology Today.
But it is Someone Else’s Strength
There’s someone else out there who has social media as a strength. Someone who enjoys doing the research, wording the captions, and acting on your behalf. There are all sorts of little tricks that you’d have to learn by being online every day. Someone has already put in the time so you don’t have to, and that someone would be me!
You’re Already Over-Stressed
The idea of being on Twitter or Facebook gives you the shivers, and not in a good way. Sleep is already a tough concept for you, and you’re just beginning to understand the rest of your business. Besides, you simply don’t have time to learn something new. And your brain is full enough already! The Pew Research Center has a plethora of statistics on the cost of caring. See Psychological Stress and Social Media Usage.
A Professional Knows How to Engage on Your Behalf
Engagement is really important. In fact, everyone says engagement is the most important thing if you have social media accounts. You know that vanity metrics definitely don’t cut it. If you haven’t read my book on social media engagement, you might like it: 21 Ways to Total Social Media Engagement That Will Make You Look Like a Pro.
So You Can Have a Life
Remember back in the day when you promised yourself that you’d keep your life in balance? And then five years went by and you haven’t seen your family during that time? Yep. Having a life is pretty important. You might like this article: See Why Work-Life Balance is the Unicorn of the Working World.
Maybe You Have Other Reasons
Maybe you have your own reasons for outsourcing your social media. What are they? Leave me a comment (or contact me if you need social media management)! And thank you.

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