Email Marketing: How to Dive Deeper 10 Ways and Why

Email Marketing: How to Dive Deeper 10 Ways and Why

Email Marketing: How to Dive Deeper 10 Ways and Why

Last week’s #DigiBlogChat: “a deeper dive into email marketing” with Brandon Olson of aWeber was so informative that I’ve decided to create a blog post summarizing some of the high points. By the way, if you’d like to join #DigiBlogChat, we’re on Twitter Tuesdays at 1:00 pm Pacific Time, and we’d be happy to have you!

Q1. Why Should You Use Email Marketing?

Q1. Why Should You Use Email Marketing?


There are lots of reasons to use email marketing.

Nearly Everyone Has an Email Address

Nearly Everyone Has an Email Address


Email Marketing Still Very Personal

Email Marketing Still Very Personal


Because Even Cats Like it?

Because Even Cats Like it?

Email puts us in charge, not algorithms.

Email puts us in charge, not algorithms.


3.8 billion email users in 2018

3.8 billion email users in 2018

72% want to receive promos via email

72% want to receive promos via email


Q2. How do you get started with email marketing?

Q2. How do you get started with email marketing?


Start with Your Offer, Hook, or Incentive

Start with Your Offer, Hook, or Incentive


Email Templates and a Data Source

Email Templates and a Data Source


Q3. What makes a good email opt-in incentive?

Q3. What makes a good email opt-in incentive?


Tie your offer to the action

Tie your offer to the action

A good email opt-in incentive

A good email opt-in incentive


Depends on Audience

Depends on Audience


Ideas for Incentives

Ideas for Incentives


Q4. What content should you include in an email sign-up form?

Q4. What content should you include in an email sign-up form?


Ask for as little as possible

Ask for as little as possible


Ask only for what's necessary

Ask only for what’s necessary

Tell them why to subscribe

Tell them why to subscribe


Include a clear benefit statement

Include a clear benefit statement


Signup Form Best Practices

Signup Form Best Practices

Q5. How do you drive traffic to your email opt-in incentive and signup form?

Q5. How do you drive traffic to your email opt-in incentive and signup form?


Make a Compelling Offer

Make a Compelling Offer


Drive Traffic Just Like You Would to Social Media Posts

Drive Traffic Just Like You Would to Social Media Posts

Recipe of the Week Club

Recipe of the Week Club

Use one-to-one outreach

Use one-to-one outreach


Q6. What should you write in your emails?

Q6. What should you write in your emails?


Bring Value

Bring Value


Templates for Non-Writers

Templates for Non-Writers

Personalized Content, Storytelling

Personalized Content, Storytelling


Q7. What makes a good subject line?

Q7. What makes a good subject line?


Subject Line Ideas

Subject Line Ideas

Include an ask or a deadline

Include an ask or a deadline


Good Subject Line is Like a Good Headline

Good Subject Line is Like a Good Headline


Don't Use ALL CAPS in Your Headline!

Don’t Use ALL CAPS in Your Headline!


Personalize the Subject Line

Personalize the Subject Line


Q8. How often should you send emails to your subscribers?

Q8. How often should you send emails to your subscribers?


Once a week or once a month

Once a week or once a month


Q9. When should you send your emails? Is there an optimal time?

Q9. When should you send your emails? Is there an optimal time?


Top Day is Tuesday

Top Day is Tuesday


Why Can't We Choose?

Why Can’t We Choose?


Avoid Mondays and Fridays

Avoid Mondays and Fridays

Q10. What's GDPR? How can you make sure you're complying with it?

Q10. What’s GDPR? How can you make sure you’re complying with it?


General Data Protection Regulations

General Data Protection Regulations


GDPR and Online Privacy

GDPR and Online Privacy


Myths about GDPR

Myths about GDPR

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