How to Share a Blog Post Four Different Ways

How to Share a Blog Post Four Different Ways

How to Share a Blog Post Four Different Ways

Everyone talks about working smarter, not harder, but what does that actually mean? If you’ve been wondering about what that looks like, stick around, and you’ll get some ideas.

Your Time is Valuable

Do you really want to sit down and create an entirely new blog post from scratch? No! How, then, can you take the same post and share it all over the place and make it look entirely different? Ah, that’s the secret. For this exercise, I’ll use my own blog post, Content Creation: How to Make Your Writing More Fun. Take a look at the original blog post so you can see what that looks like–that is, with the top image shared. Remember, not everyone is going to read your excellent writing, no matter how great it is. So the original is the first one shared.

Use a Different Image

The image is probably the most important part of your article, even above the title of your blog post. So make it beautiful! Or make it something that will make your audience say “hmm…I wonder what the heck that is!” Maybe that happens when I use my own pictures. I imagine people squinting with puzzled looks on their faces. So rather than rewrite that blog post, I could change the image. Take a look.

Change the Quote When You Reshare

No doubt, you’ll have a few different quotes that you can pluck from your blog post. So choose one or two, put those into quotes, add the title, the link, and a hashtag or two, if needed. Of course, you don’t have to change the hashtag or the shortened link, but you could reach a different audience (at least with different hashtags). And using a customized link does look fancier.

One Post Four Different Ways

One Post Four Different Ways

Customize for Social Media Platforms

The post above was shared on Facebook. It looks similar, but with a different quote, different image, and no hashtags. You could do something similar on LinkedIn. You might want to share the same post but on a different day.

Bonus Idea

Another way to change up a blog post is to write a completely original quote–it’s kind of “meta,” but why not add something about what was happening the day you wrote it? Or some sort of context about the article itself?

How to Keep Your Content Fresh: Innovative Ways

How to Keep Your Content Fresh: Innovative Ways

How to Keep Your Content Fresh: Innovative Ways

Perhaps you’ve been creating content for months or years now, and you feel as though you’re repeating the same tired ideas over and over. Is that you? Some days it’s me! Sitting down to write isn’t always fun. The imagination doesn’t always cooperate the way it should! Especially if you’ve been in meetings all day long, and the thought of writing sounds way less interesting than sleep.


Take a look at your own content. Is there something from a blog post that you wrote long ago that you could revisit? That’s one way of repurposing. Start with that old idea, and do a remodeling job. You can add video, images, tweets, or quotations to make it fresh. Think of it as a makeover. You might get some clues here: How to Recycle Content the 10 Best Ways.

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Add a New Headline

Of course, you’ll want to create a new headline, too. In fact, many experts claim you should spend half your time on the headline itself. Here’s a thorough article about Headlines: How to Write Better Headlines, from Hubspot. The infographic is worth its weight in gold.

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Combine Two or Three Ideas

One thing that I love love love doing is to combine two radically different ideas to create a new one. So, for instance, What Nikola Tesla Said About the New iPhone Will Blow Your Mind combines a dead scientist with the new iPhone. I’m fairly certain no one has written that particular article before! Call it a long, long, long tail keyword.

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Interview an Influencer in Your Space

You could interview someone and ask them how they got started, what differentiates their business from other businesses, what makes them successful, etc. The interview doesn’t have to be done in person–a phone interview might be adequate, as outlined in How to interview someone like a journalist. Another good tip? Avoid the word interview, as it brings up visions of job interviews–which hardly anyone enjoys.

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Let Others Do the Work ~ Crowdsource

Sometimes you can crowdsource during a Twitter chat and then include the tweets in a blog post. Or just take a tweet and use it on another social media platform to start a conversation. It doesn’t have to be anything controversial to start a conversation, either.

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More Next Time!

There’s a lot to say about content creation and keeping it fresh. If there’s something you’d like to see, drop me a comment here! And thank you.


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