This is what happens when your small business is on social media
The best thing that can happen when your small business is on social media is that you look like a big business. And, of course, you can move faster without having a huge sit-down meeting with all the board members. When it’s just a few of you (or maybe just you), you have the authority to post whatever you’d like, whenever you’d like. That can also get you into trouble if you’re not careful. Here are some ideas to keep you on the straight and narrow.
Your Voice Is the Voice of the Business
You don’t have to have a million followers when your business is small. In fact, having fewer but more dedicated followers is often even better. The most important thing with social media and your small business is engagement. By the way, if you missed it, you might like This is What Happens When You Write a Book, which is about my book, 21 Ways to Total Social Media Engagement (That Will Make You Look Like a Pro).
Get Hyper-Local
With social media, your small business can focus on local clients and customers. That’s not to say that you won’t find others (or that others might not find you), but people in your immediate area are the most important people to connect with for those with a brick-and-mortar. And even if you don’t have a brick-and-mortar business, sometimes it’s good to connect in person. For instance, you can promote check-ins through Facebook, use lists of locals on Twitter, or find leads on LinkedIn, according to this article about How to Connect with Local Customers via Social Media.

Look Bigger Than You Are. Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash
You Can Look Bigger Than You Are
Do you want to look like a big company? Often, startups want to look bigger. Or any ambitious business that wants to grow wants to appear like they have a huge staff. You may only have one or two people on staff, but you’d like to expand eventually. Don’t be like some startups, get started, and then have a sad, sad social media graveyard. If you’re that startup, then give me a call!
Get Your Name Out There
Social media is really good for name recognition. People might not remember how they found you. Was it on Instagram? Twitter? Or was it during a conversation at a party? Sprout Social has an excellent article on 12 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness on Social Media. And there are some good real-life examples. See the tweet from Moon Pie, for instance. Wonderful stuff! And as they point out, you only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention.
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