This Is What Happens When You Work from Home for the First Time

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Think about when you did anything the first time. And this time (that is–right now!) you were probably forced into working from home, too. Am I right about that? Nobody who works in an office (especially the extroverts!) suddenly wants to work from home. Beyond the usual stuff of needing your technology to be set up, here’s what it’s like to work from home.

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You Might Get Lonely

Yep. I said it. To prevent loneliness when you work from home, you’ll need human contact, even if it’s virtual. Luckily, we have Zoom and telephones. You can have a virtual conference, a meeting, or just a talkathon with friends. You can even use it as an extension of a hobby. My knitting group will be having a Zoom Knitathon this week. For more about hobbies, see this: A Good Hobby Will Make You Feel Delighted. Another way to be around people is to join Twitter chats! My chat #DigiBlogChat is on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm PDT. We have a different topic every week, and it’s free! Here you go: How to Join #DigiBlogChat.

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You Could Overeat

If you’re bored because you’re not used to working from home, you might eat all those frozen Girl Scout cookies you’ve been saving for a special occasion. After all, it’s Armageddon now, right? So what the heck! And that wine? You’re not supposed to hang out with groups, so you might as well drink it yourself. If you’re one of those people hoarding, how about hoarding some halfway-healthy stuff? “When I recognize that I want to eat something more out of boredom versus actual physical hunger, I brew myself a cup of hot tea.” says Alissa Rumsey, R.D., C.S.C.S. Read more things nutritionists do when they might eat out of boredom. Turns out that nutritionists are a lot like you and I.

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You Might Get Less Exercise

If you’re not getting up to hit the water cooler or grab a coffee from the breakroom, you’ll probably need to make a conscious effort to get exercise. It’s easy to sit in one spot all day long sulking or not moving. And since you might not be able to go to the gym right now, you’ll have to figure out something else. How about hiking? Or walking around a lake? There are lots of ways to get exercise without going to the gym. Cycling is another way.

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More Time with Pets

And by pets, I mean cats. And dogs, too. My cats love to get on my desk while I’m trying to work. They cover up the calendar and sprawl across the desk. Sometimes they try to take my glasses and knock stuff onto the floor. Having a cat is usually so much fun!

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Zero Commute

Another plus of working from home is not having a commute. Of course, you might wear the same pajamas all day, too. (I’ve been guilty of that.) That could be a plus…but also a minus, depending upon how you feel about it. What are some of the plusses and minuses of your working-from-home routine?

#Digiblogchat Questions March 17, 2020

On Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 1:00 pm pdt, our topic is: Is automated content generation a good or bad thing? with Randy Clark!

  1. How familiar are you with automated content generation?
  2. How much of what we read do you think is written by robots?
  3. Would you consider using AI for content generation, editing, or publishing?
  4. If you used AI for content generation what type of content would you turn over to robots?
  5. How can you tell if something you’re reading was written by a bot?
  6. How could AI content development help writers?
  7. Did you know there are books written and edited by robots?
  8. What are the possible pitfalls of automated content development?
  9. What are the potential benefits of automated content development?
  10. Are you ready to share your office with a bot?

A Good Hobby Will Make You Feel Delighted

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As I write this week’s blog post, the world is reeling from the Corona Virus panic. Nearly every news story is about how events are being cancelled, new sanctions are being imposed, and more people are getting sick. It’s enough to cause anxiety and worry for even the most calm people among us. What to do? How about delving into a hobby instead of going to that conference–since it’s just been cancelled?

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Hobbies Take Us on a Mini-Vacation

For me, there’s nothing like a hobby to get away from the stress and stop thinking and worrying over things I have no control over. When I knit something, listen to a podcast, or cut out pattern pieces to sew, I’m a million miles away. Time disappears and I forget to eat. If you still need to be connected, you might like How to Use Social Media and Keep Your Mental Health.

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Hobbies Make Us Happier

If you tend to overwork, having a hobby can definitely make you happier. Not only do you learn something new, you often get out into the community through your hobby, too. For instance, I’ve met loads of wonderful women through knitting. We meet for coffee, knit, and kvetch about everything under the sun. Having more social connections leads to greater happiness in many studies. You can read about some of my stretch goals (which include sewing and knitting) here: How to Make Stretch Goals That Make You Stretch.

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Hobbies Give Us More Dimension

If all you have to talk about it work, isn’t that a little one dimensional? Last week I was at Window Works (a client of mine) for the Women in Construction Luncheon in San Francisco, and met a woman engineer. She asked me what I do when I’m not working. It turns out that she’s a ballroom dancer! Along with being a structural engineer, she enters dance competitions. Besides being ultra-cool, having a whole other hobby makes her more interesting.

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Why Not Have a Hobby?

Jaime L. Kurtz Ph.D. in her article Six Reasons to Get a Hobby, says “Consider the possibility that you’re not as busy as you think.” We all waste time on social media, Netflix, and “doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before” as Prince once sang. But having a hobby seems to have gone by the wayside. And if you have a structured hobby, she says, chances are you’d finish up that work so you could scoot off to your book club meeting. Without a hobby, work expands to fill the time we have. And active leisure is invigorating, says Kurtz. Wouldn’t you agree?

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What’s Your Hobby?

Do you have something that you love to do when you’re not working? What is it? Leave me a comment and thank you!

#Digiblogchat Questions March 10, 2020

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Today we’re excited to talk to Samir (@Connecinet) from @tweepsmap about scheduled threads on Twitter!

Here are this week’s questions!

Q1.  What have you heard about Twitter threads? 

Q2. What are the advantages of using Twitter threads? 

Q3. Do you post your twitter threads all at once or build them over time?

Q4. How often do you measure engagement stats on your tweets?

  1. Daily
  2. Weekly
  3. Monthly
  4. Never

Q5. Do you use a scheduling service for your social media posts and why? 

Q6. Have you tried to schedule Twitter threads before? #digiblogchat

Q7. How do you pick hashtags for your tweets? 

Q8. Do you know which words or hashtags resonate the most with your followers?

Q9. Do you have any tips for composing Twitter threads? 

Q10. Is there anything you wish you could do that’s not possible to do with your current scheduling tool?




How to Cure Writer’s Block: Ten Best Ways

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Every writer experiences writer’s block from time to time. Sometimes it’s because you’re using all your creativity up (at least that’s what some friends say). Others cite exhaustion. No matter the reason, there are ways out. Here are some ideas for you!

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Once you’ve brainstormed, you may be able to pick a topic from all the ideas you have. As my friend, Randy Clark says in How to Defeat Writer’s Block, “You may have to play with the steps to fit your style, but if you follow the basic structure, you’ll defeat writer’s block too.” Randy writes thousands of words every week, so he’s a good one to listen to.

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Mind Map

I’ve written about mind mapping before. It’s a lot of fun, and you get to engage your creative side, too. Read more about Mind Mapping in How to Come Up with a Year’s Worth of Blog Content. Mind mapping doesn’t even feel like work, so you might be able to trick yourself into thinking that you’re playing and cure your writer’s block. And if you’re a visual learner, which most people are, mind mapping will really appeal to you.

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Dream Your Way out

This might sound crazy, but here’s something that works for me. Leave a notebook and pen by your bed. Think about writing right before you go to sleep. When you wake up, write down the first thing that comes to your mind–often your brain will work while you’re sleeping and you’ll be surprised. The trick is to be nonjudgmental as you write. That is, don’t think about it too much.

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Ask Friends

Ask a few friends what you should write about. Or ask your mom what you do–that could lead to a few laughs. Or you could ask your friends if they have a clear impression of what you do in your business (or whatever you want to blog about). No? Ask them what would help clarify your role or your business. Take that idea and run with it.

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Rewrite an Old Post

Did you write something that nobody read or commented on? How about rewriting it? You could also turn it into a video! You could even do a blog post about why you think nobody read that post.

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Add Uplifting Images

If you’ve written something without any images, add an image or two. Or use a different featured image. Since we’re all visual creatures, sometimes the image is more important than the words, unfortunately. And a positive image can change the feel of a piece of content.

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Read What You Don’t Usually Read

Yesterday at a concert, I found an old copy of The Whole Earth Catalog, published in 1971. What a treasure it was! Lots of little reviews of books (many for under a dollar), notes, little drawings, stories that continued from page to page. I must’ve spent a good 90 minutes flipping through the old weathered pages.

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Respond to Someone Else

You might get inspiration from someone else’s video or blog post. Mention them in your post, and make sure to let them know you’ve written about it. For example, I wrote a post recently about oversharing (with a thank you to Mitch Mitchell).

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Ask your social media connections what they’ve done about writer’s block. Adopt the best ideas. To crowdsource using social media, you could ask your connections on Facebook, put it on Twitter, create a video and post it on YouTube, and so on. One of the most excellent examples of crowdsourcing I’ve seen lately is the way the Netflix show Diagnosis uses it. Check it out.

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Write about the Block

You might want to run straight into the fire by writing about your writer’s block (I know–so meta, right?)! Sometimes you’ll see a way out by exploring your own feelings, triggers, and fears by answering your own questions. Is there something I didn’t cover? Let me know in the comments!

#Digiblogchat Questions March 3, 2020

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This week, we’re excited to welcome Hila Shitrit Nissim (@Hila_Shitrit), VP of Communications at @Promodotcom  talking about Video Marketing and Small Business Growth.
Here are this week’s questions!


Q1. Why do you think video is so popular as a marketing method for SMBs?  

Q2. What are the things that consumers appreciate in video content that help resonate better? 

Q3. What are some things consumers do not want to see in video content? 

Q4. How do you think video marketing has changed recently? 

Q5. What are some features you think video marketing tools should all have? 

Q6. What are your favorite resources/tools for creating online content? 

Q7. Which social networking channels seem to be the most effective for video marketing? 

Q8. What are your tips for creating the most effective videos for online marketing? 

Q9. What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to creating videos? 

Q10. What type of video ad do you prefer to watch? 

  1. testimonial/review on a business
  2. Funny video (using humor)
  3. Factual sales video/explainer video
  4. Inspirational video 

Focus on Lifestyle When You Have a Difficult-to-Sell Service

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When your service is particularly difficult to sell, you need to get people to know, like, and trust you. That process takes time. I’m thinking of services that have a very long sales cycle, such as real estate.

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What Does Lifestyle Mean?

Lifestyle is describing your client’s daily activities. That could mean hobbies, where he or she shops, what colors they like, and so on. Ideally, you know a lot about that person and could even make a drawing of how they like to dress, right down to their favorite pair of shoes. You might even know if they have a hat they wear all the time. In this article from American Express: 7 Excellent Ways to Attract New Customers, former OPEN Forum community member Nicole Beckett, president of Premier Content Source says “Have a crystal clear picture in your head of exactly who you’re targeting.” And goes on to say “Think about what makes those types of people happy, sad, scared, relieved, and then think about how you can make their lives a little easier.”

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Ideal Client Profile

There is some controversy over whether an ideal client profile means a fictional person. I prefer to think of a composite of the best traits of your best clients. If you could take those traits and put them all in a blender, that would be your ideal client profile. No need to name names! Which client has the best attitude? Who comes up with great content to share? And who has beautiful photos? You get the general idea. Not clear on your ideal client profile? You might want to check out Who Are You Writing For? Target Audience and Social Media.

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Realtor Example

Say you’re a realtor. There are some very clever realtors out there–and the real estate market is very saturated. But you don’t have to just talk about real estate. You could talk about your clients’ lifestyle. Say your typical client is in her 50s and wants to retire soon and enjoy home-cooked meals and traveling. Talk about the local sights where your clients would locate, fun cooking events, and so on. Anything that lets your ideal clients get to know you personally helps them to know, like, and trust you. You might like this article: Why the 80/20 Rule Works for Your Social Media.

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Today I was watching a video about the Harley-Davidson brand and how they’ve become a lifestyle brand. Their ideal client, however, has been an older white male (Baby Boomer) motorcycle rider. How can they pivot and welcome younger riders into the Harley universe when they’ve become so associated with just one type of rider? After all, they’ve had some of the most loyal fans ever! What other brand can boast of loyal fans who get their logo tattooed onto their bodies? But to change and be inclusive of women, younger riders, and people of color? That can’t be easy!

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Do You Focus on Your Client’s Lifestyle?

Why or why not? Leave me a comment! And thank you!


#Digiblogchat Questions February 25, 2020

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Our February 25th #DigiBlogChat is a special one, focused on living kidney donation. Our special guest is Amy Donohue, who is a living donor herself. Amy is a great friend and advocate for kidney donations. Listen more about Amy and her Social Media Stole My Kidney adventure on Ignite Phoenix:


Here are the questions:

  1. What have you heard about kidney donations?  Do you know any kidney donors?
  2. How do you become a living kidney donor?
  3. What are the emotional consequences of being an organ donor?
  4. The physical consequences? (Recovery? Normal food? Exercise? Scarring?)
  5. How healthy do you need to be to donate?
  6. Do you know someone on dialysis or had kidney issues? How did it affect them and their family?
  7. What kind of impact would it have if you donated a kidney?
  8. How safe is it to have just one kidney? What happens to the remaining kidney after one is donated?
  9. Are there ways that social media can help create a kidney community?
  10. What would it take for you to be a kidney donor? (Multiple choice on Twitter)
  • Parent got sick
  • Family member asked
  • Best friend needed it
  • Stranger or Celebrity needed


How to Find Ten Blog Post ideas in One Hour That Will Make You Feel Relaxed

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Do you struggle to find good content for your blog? There are so many ideas out there, and yet…not so much. Maybe you are feeling less creative and have run out. Here are some hints for you so that you can continue writing. And you can create them in one hour (maybe less!).

The Most Asked Question

What do people ask you over and over again? Don’t you get a little tired of answering that question? They might also ask the question in different ways. Why not create a blog post about that? You could call it The Most Frequently Asked Question about….

What You Wish People Would Ask

Is there something people never ask you but you wish they would? For example, Why should I hire you? Or What differentiates you? might be good questions to answer. You can surely write a full blog post about that.

Behind the Scenes

Maybe you rescue dogs in your off hours. Maybe you do needlepoint. If you have a hobby, or if your staff members all go to baseball games together, why not write about that? You might be surprised at what triggers people to do business with you. If you do share, try not to overshare. Here’s why: What Happens to Your Audience When You Overshare.

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Best of Post

What was your favorite post? Did it get a lot of attention? Did it not garner any attention? Why not write about what you think happened…or didn’t happen? You might do one per month or even one per week if you post a lot.

Something That Made You Think

Was there some article pertaining to your business that really made you think? You could use that as a jumping-off point. What did it make you think about? Did you agree with what they said? Disagree? Sometimes using an opposite viewpoint is valuable for your audience.

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Something That Made You Laugh

Maybe your business is a serious one. Maybe not. But we all need to laugh anyway. So long as what you write is not completely off-brand, why not write a humorous post? For instance, you could write a whole series about clowns. Oh, wait, that’s me!

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Compilation Post

You might compile a few posts, especially if you write about the same thing over and over. You might like How to Effectively Stand out in a Noisy World.

Write about the Competition

Of course, you probably don’t want to name the competition. This goes hand-in-hand with what differentiates you. Are they sloppy workers? Write about how meticulous you are. Are they bad listeners? Talk about your keen listening skills. And so on.

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A Series about What You Do

Do people understand what you do? Even plumbers have some services that people might not know about, or understand. You could write about what you offer that’s beyond what others offer. For instance, many plumbers also work on sprinkler systems.

What You Don’t Do

This could be a humorous post. Maybe your customers always ask you to do something that you find distasteful. That could make a good post. Friend Randy Clark wrote about How NOT to train, for instance.

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Is That Better?

Do you feel more relaxed now? Having a bunch of topics to write about can make you more relaxed. Plus, you’ll have time to do something else now!


Content Creation and the Rule of Three: What You Need to Know

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Would you like to create content that’s more satisfying, interesting, and engaging? Then you need to know about the rule of three! (Do you see what I did there?) The rule of three works not only in writing, but also in art. If you’ve ever seen three objects together, you realize that they seem more balanced than two or four. In the world of art, you might also see artists dividing the canvas into thirds and making sure there’s something of interest in each third.

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The Science Behind the Rule of Three

You don’t actually need a scientist to understand why three is a good number. It’s a lot easier to remember three things than four or more things. And if you’re telling someone ten things? They’re likely to forget seven things, so why not keep it simple and stick with three? Carmine Gallo in his article on Forbes: Thomas Jefferson, Steve Jobs, and the Rule of Three says “If your listener will only remember about three things from your conversation, presentation, or email, why overwhelm them with twenty-two key messages?”

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Who Uses the Rule of Three?

Writers, artists, and even marine corps instructors use the rule of three. Many people use the rule of three without even realizing. In the childhood classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears, for instance, the rule of three is used extensively. And who doesn’t relate to Goldilock’s choice? Papa Bear’s bed is too big, Mama Bear’s bed is too soft, but Baby Bear’s bed is just right. There’s something about being given three choices that is just right, too. The porridge and the chair in the Goldilocks tale is similar, with three choices for each. The history behind Goldilocks is fascinating, too. Then there’s life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (also three!). And photographers who use foreground, middle ground, and background as a rule.

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How Can You Use the Rule of Three?

In marketing, you can give your potential clients three choices. In the olden days, those choices might have been Gold, Silver, and Platinum. These days, maybe you could offer Baby Boomer, Gen X, and Millennial. Or something humorous could work, too. For instance if you run a circus, your tickets could be labeled as the Emmett Kelly, the Ronald MacDonald, and the Bozo the Clown packages. By the way, did you realize that I once wrote a whole series focused on clowns? Yup! Here’s one: Secrets of the Social Media Circus, from 2013.

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How Do You Use the Rule of Three?

Will you employ the rule of three in your writing? In your artwork? It’s a simple way to create focus.

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