You might notice that I skipped over the idea of whether your cats belongs on social media at all. Because of course they do. Cats have opinions about pretty much everything. And they love to share. Even if you don’t want to hear–they want to share. So I’m assuming that your cats needs to be somewhere on social media. And since so many introverts love cats, you might also like this article: Six Facts about Introverts and Social Media that Will Impress Your Friends.
Only the most professional cats can make it on LinkedIn. Some of them might be professional, but the professional air only lasts for a few minutes at a time. For most, LinkedIn is unsustainable. They will seem professional, but when the catnip appears, all bets are off.
This has always been my favorite platform, for cats and non-cats alike. Your cat may want to express its opinion, be snarky, and bask in its own beauty. Twitter is great for the pithy comment, too. My late, great kitty Purrsilla had a great run on Twitter as @BigDataKitty. She mostly insulted people and also she got listed with some big data professionals. Just her and 49 guys in suits. Does that sound like your cat?
But of course your cat belongs on Facebook. Why not? Perhaps a private group for your kitty would give him or her the best audience. Yes–you can have an audience with a cat (since cats are similar to the Pope and a cat might grant you an audience–if you’re lucky). People want to see cute pictures, such as your cat basking in the sun, stealing food off your plate, and of course sleeping.

Cats and TikTok
Yes, videos belong on Tiktok, and cats love videos. Ergo your cat belongs on TikTok. All three of mine have a video together on TikTok. The video was too big to put here, but you can go look at it on TikTok. And it looks like…
There were 2 million cat videos on YouTube as of 2015–so you can just imagine how many there are now, five years later. Here’s a wiki about cats on the Internet. And there’s this: “In 2015, there were more than 2 million cat videos on YouTube, with an average of 12,000 views each – a higher average than any other category of YouTube content.”
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