In doing social media professionally for over 10 years, I kick the tires of any tools that I use so that you don’t have. That said, here are some favorites that you can use for Twitter.
Have you ever wondered who your competitors are friends with? Would you like to see whether they’re listed anywhere? How about where in the world an account’s followers are from? All of the following tools have specific uses for businesses, listed after the descriptions.

With FollowerWonk, you can compare your social graph to competitors, friends, or industry leaders. Statistics include the number of years on Twitter, social authority, engagement rate, and average tweets/week. There is a free version that you can use for one account.
Retweet Rank

Retweet Rank

Retweet Rank
Retweet Rank
RetweetRank shows you your recent retweets and who has been retweeting you, along with where you’re ranked as a percentile. You can also see whose tweets are getting the most retweets (similar to trending topics). This is a good way of seeing what people are talking about on Twitter at a glance. From this dashboard (above), you can also check how many people have listed an account. And if an account is not listed, that’s a good sign that the account bought fake followers. If you sign in using Twitter, you can see even more. However, to get the best times to tweet or rank history, among other features, you have to get a paid account.
Business Use: A good use of Retweet Rank for business would be to see how effective your competitors are at getting retweets, and if there’s room for improvement in your own social media strategy through the adoption or avoidance of your competitors’ practices. There are many ways to make your tweets more retweetable, which will help your retweet rank in the long run. You might also want to check when your competitors tweet to see if you could adjust your own schedule to be more successful.

Tweepsmap shows you where in the world your followers are, with markers showing the percentages of who is where. The local view is particularly interesting. The zoom is just like a Google map–using the scroll bar on the left side.
Business Use: A good use of Tweepsmap for business would be to ensure that the account is following enough local businesses. Those in the service industry (plumbers, electricians) could benefit. For example, if I was really dependent upon local business, I might decide to focus on following more locals, since I’m in the South Bay and have more local followers in San Francisco.
Need Help with Your Twitter?
If you need to get some traction on Twitter, I’d love to hear from you! Contact me today.
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