The Twitter Toolbox: New Digital Tools

Recently, on our Tuesday#DigiBlogChat Larry Mount (@LazBlazter) and I spoke to Samir Al-Battran of @connexinet and @Tweepsmap about the brand new Toolbox recently rolled out by Twitter! And we discovered that there’s a lot to know and learn about the Toolbox!

The Twitter Toolbox, defined

What is the Twitter Toolbox, you might ask? As Samir Al-Battran explained, Twitter Toolbox is a hub (in beta phase) where people on Twitter will be able to easily discover, learn more about, and quickly sign-up to third-party developer tools to enhance their Twitter experience. Developers created these tools to make Twitter better and safer. And Twitter launched The Toolbox on February 1, 2022.

How to access the toolbox

Twitter Toolbox has its own website where you can find and get started with tools

The toolbox includes three sections: 1. Expression Tools, 2. Safety Tools, and 3. Measurement Tools. Twitter has listed Tweepsmap, an AI-driven Twitter analytics and publishing platform, under Measurement Tools, although you can actually do much more than measure with Tweepsmap.


Image by <a href="">endri yana yana</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

The Twitter Toolbox: New Digital Tools| Image by endri yana yana from Pixabay

Where would you want to start with the Toolbox?

Personally, I’ve already used Thread Reader, Buffer and of course Tweepsmap! But I’d love to sit down and try all of the tools in the toolbox. Personally, I’d pick one of the three sections and then choose a single tool to start. Otherwise, you might be overwhelmed.

Why did Twitter launch the Toolbox?

Samir: “To help people on Twitter easily discover, learn more about, and quickly sign-up to third-party developer tools that will enhance their Twitter experience, and to support developers on promoting their tools and growing their audience.” Shruti Deshpande (@shruti12d) explained that Twitter launched the Toolbox to make the most of the Twitter analytics and tools that help content creation in order to maximize your Twitter marketing. THIAM MÉKÀ de GOGUENHEIM (@ThiamMeka2Gogue) added that Twitter launched the Toolbox to provide support to @Twitter‘s users in elevating their #Twitter experience.

Will Twitter add more tools to the Toolbox?

Samir: “Twitter Toolbox is currently in beta. Developers who are interested in having their tool considered for Twitter Toolbox in future can join the waiting list.” So that sounds like a definite yes, although we won’t know for certain until Twitter announces that there are more tools. 

What publishing capabilities can the tools in the Toolbox provide?

Once again, from Samir: “Expression tools on Twitter offer smarter ways to compose, organize, and manage Tweets. Check out the product features for each tool on the Toolbox website. With Tweepsmap, you can schedule threads/polls/posts and measure engagement analytics in one platform! ” And @JonWesselink added “Scheduling threads and polls, anyone? ;)”, along with the image above. 

What Safety Tools are available in the Toolbox?

Toolbox currently includes three safety tools: Bodyguard, Block Party, and Moderate. You can get details on all the safety tools (and other tools, too) if you go to the Toolbox.

Alyx from @ColfaxInsurance adds “It looks like there are three on there right now, and they mainly focus on being able to clean out trolls from your Twitter feed: Moderate, Bodyguard, Block Party -Alyx”

What kind of measurements can be done using the tools in the Toolbox?

Samir: “You can discover new/faster ways to analyze your Tweets’ performance & trends to uncover insights with measurement tools.” Samir added that you can improve your growth when you measure your Tweets with Tweepsmap by understanding how people receive your tweets differently across demographics.


#DigiBlogChat March 15, 2022 (Email Marketing with Tess Wittler!)

Image by <a href="">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

#DigiBlogChat March 15, 2022 Email Marketing with Tess Wittler!| Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Topic for #DigiBlogChat on March 15, 2022 is the State of Email Marketing in 2022 with Tess Wittler of @TessWittler. Questions are by Tess Wittler. 

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. PST for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter. If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat.

Here are the questions for our chat:

Q1. Do you have an email newsletter now and if not, why not? 

Q2. In just a few words, tell us what your newsletter is about!  

Q3. Who is your email newsletter’s target audience? 

Q4. How do you use your newsletter (i.e., as an RSS feed, to keep in touch, etc.)? 

Q5. What’s your biggest challenge with email marketing/newsletters? 

Q6. How are you measuring email marketing effectiveness? 

Q7. How do you tie your newsletter into your overall business goals? 

Q8. Do you republish your newsletter to other platforms, like Medium or LinkedIn? Share results. 

Q9. What other newsletters do you read or subscribe to? 

Q10. What’s one thing you can do this week to improve your email marketing efforts?

Five Clues that You’re Overentertained

Recently I watched one of my favorite YouTubers, Kellie Branciforte of But First, Coffee. She talked about becoming a more tidy person, and mentioned that she might be overentertained. And that got me to thinking. Are we all overentertained? Have we reached the point where we can no longer be bored and do nothing? I’d say yes (at least for me). Here are a few ways to see if you truly are overentertained.

You always need to be multitasking

Yes, I know, you’re going to tell me you can’t really multitask. (I’m thinking of you, Randy Clark!) But you know what I’m saying. You can’t do just one thing at a time. That’s not enough mental stimulation for you. By the way, you might like Randy Clark’s article about multitasking: How Multitasking is Killing Your Creativity and what to do about it. Randy writes: “We aren’t wired to multitask. At best, we task switch jumping back and forth between tasks. How efficient is that?”

You need your phone while standing in line

Do you ever look around for your phone while waiting your turn at the grocery store? I do that sometimes, too. You might want to check your Twitter, or watch part of a video, or look at TikTok, am I right? Meanwhile, everyone in front of you has moved up and you’re standing there with a ten-foot gap while people give you the stink eye. At least, that’s been my experience!

No time for boredom!

Like sleep, you believe that you can be bored (or sleep!) when you’re dead. But in reality, being bored means that your brain has time to rest. And your brain seriously needs some downtime. Why, if you asked your brain right now, I’ll bet your brain would say it needs a vacation! Go ahead–ask it. I’ll wait! I’ve talked about boredom before. You might like this article: Can the Simple Pursuit of Total Boredom Make You Smarter? If you had to guess, you probably already know where I’m going with this line of thought, right?

Image by <a href="">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Five Clues that You’re Overentertained | Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

You fall asleep with the tv going and music blasting

If you need lots and lots of background noise to fall asleep, that could be a clue that you’re overentertained. Spotify plus Netflix plus TikTok plus whatever else is going on so it’s just one solid wall of noise. Sound familiar? Or is it just me?

Social media sites send notifications many times a day

If your social media sites send you tons of notifications all day long and you don’t notice how many there are any more, that could be a clue that you’re overentertained. Or you have so much Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) that it all melts into one blobby mess of notifications. Does this sound like you? If not, how have you managed to escape being overentertained? Maybe you revel in silence and boredom (at least sometimes).


#DigiBlogChat March 8 2022 (Twitter Toolbox with Samir Al-Battran of Tweepsmap)

Image by <a href="">Arek Socha</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

#DigiBlogChat 3/8/22 Twitter Toolbox w/Samir Al-Battran of Tweepsmap | Image: Arek Socha from Pixabay

The Topic for #DigiBlogChat on March 8, 2022 is the Twitter Toolbox with Samir Al-Battran of @Connexinit and  @Tweepsmap. Samir came up with the questions. 

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. PST for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter. If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat.

Here are the questions for our chat:

Q1. What is the Twitter Toolbox?Q2. How do you access the Twitter Toolbox?Q3. When was the Twitter Toolbox launched?Q4. Which of the tools in the Toolbox have you used already?Q5. What categories of tools are in the Toolbox?Q6. Why did Twitter launch the Toolbox?Q7. Will more tools be added to the Toolbox?Q8. What publishing capabilities can the tools in the Toolbox provide?Q9. What safety tools are available in the toolbox?Q10. What kind of measurements can be done using the tools in the Toolbox?Q11. How can you use the Toolbox to enhance your Twitter experience?


Best Ways to Better Brainstorming

Best Ways to Better Brainstorming

Best Ways to Better Brainstorming

We all need to brainstorm from time to time, but what are the best ways to get better at brainstorming? Are there methods that work better than others? Whenever you get stuck trying to come up with ideas, brainstorming is the way to go. I think some ways are better than others; here are some of my favorites.

Mind mapping

This is probably my favorite, since you get to write with colored pens and it’s more like playing than anything else. You can do this method online with an app, but I prefer the old-school way of using a big sheet of paper and pencils. I’ve written about Mind Mapping before in How to Come up With a Year’s Worth of Blog Content. And, since we just finished a #DigiBlogChat about Bullet Journaling (with Krystal Blais), the colored pencil idea is twice as attractive. I now have a bunch of Pilot sparkle pens in twelve different colors, for all you bullet journaling nerds (like me!). Also, if you’re an introvert, Mind Mapping is probably one of the easiest methods to do alone.

Collaborative brainstorming

Your friends or colleagues will come up with entirely different ideas than you do. So why not include them in your brainstorming? For instance, when I was first starting my business, I had my friends brainstorm with me. We all had coffee and snacks (on me, of course) at a little cafe. One person wrote down ideas, and another one checked for available website names. It was fun, and there were more ideas than I would ever have come up with myself.

Image by <a href="">athree23</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Best Ways to Better Brainstorming | Image by athree23 from Pixabay

The S.C.A.M.P.E.R. technique

Here’s a fun one where you poke at your idea from different angles. It’s the third one in this list from The Guide to Mastering Online Brainstorming. SCAMPER is an acronym stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. For instance, if you choose Adapt you’d ask How could we adapt this thing to a different context?

I also love their Reverse Brainstorming method, where you come up with problems, rather than solutions. Sometimes it’s easier to think of problems, rather than solutions. This is especially true if your coworkers like to complain–it’s easier to do than think of positives, isn’t it?

Rapid ideation

The Rapid Ideation technique, also from The Guide to Mastering Online Brainstorming, is a method whereby you write down as many ideas as you can think of as quickly as possible. Think of it as a verbal speed chess game! Write them on sticky notes or an electronic document (Google docs would be a good way), and then have everyone vote. Maybe you could have prizes for the best ideas, too.

Do you have another way to better brainstorm?

What works best for you? Do you have a favorite? Leave me a comment, please!


#DigiBlogChat March 1 2022 (Bullet Journaling with Krystal Blais)

Image by <a href="">jennamari89</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

#DigiBlogChat: Bullet Journaling with Krystal Blais! Image by jennamari89 from Pixabay

The Topic for #DigiBlogChat on March 1, 2022 is Bullet Journaling with Krystal Blais (@krystalblais). Krystal came up with the questions. 

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. PST for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter. If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat.

Here are the questions for our chat:

Q1.  What is bullet journaling? If you’re not sure, what is your first guess?

Q2. What are some basics when it comes to bullet journaling?

Q3. What tools do you need to bullet journal? 

Q4. How do you start & set up a bullet journal?

Q5. What are some trackers or systems can you have in your bullet journal?

Q6. Is there only one way to bullet journal? If not, how many ways do you think there are? 

Q7. Do you have to wait for a particular time to start?

Q8. How do you actually use your bullet journal?

Q9. Does your bullet journal have to look the same the entire time you use it?

Q10. Any advice or tips on how to improve your bullet journal?

Social Media and Productivity: Five Simple Ideas

How do you measure your own social media productivity? Is it a simple measure of how many items get checked off your to-do list, or is there something else you use to measure how well you’re doing? As a social media manager, here are some ideas I’ve developed over the years. I hope they spark some ideas of your own.

Group by platform and task

That is, usually I take one social media platform and work on that platform for all my accounts. So I’ll read through Twitter for all my accounts, for instance, before heading over to Facebook. I’ll check comments, reply, and post for the future on Facebook. Then head over to Instagram, interact with people, and plan some posts for the upcoming day or two. You might enjoy some other productivity tips here: 11 Ways Being Outdoors Can Improve Your Productivity. Yes, they’re different than the ones you’re reading now! (For instance, there are ewoks.)

Watch your language and hashtags

For Instagram, I usually schedule separately through the Meta scheduler. There, I can schedule for both Facebook and Instagram at the same time, but use different language for each. Although the boundaries between the different platforms are merging, there are still some benefits to using different language for each platform. I’ve written about this back in the day, and you might like Had Enough of the Boundaries Blurring Between Social Media Platforms? So, for instance, hashtags are minimal on Twitter (even though hashtags originated there), whereas on Instagram they are encouraged. If you use boatloads of hashtags on Twitter, your reach will drop.

Take breaks–even from social media and even from being online

Taking lots of breaks is key to staying sane. I like to take Sundays off, at the very least. Usually Saturdays, too. And this week, I also took Monday off! It was wonderful! In a Psychology Today article, Social Media Breaks and Why They Are Necessary, Kristen Fuller, M.D. talks about using apps to track your time on social media so you can scale back.

Image by <a href="">นิธิ วีระสันติ</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Social Media and Productivity: Five Simple Ideas Image by นิธิ วีระสันติ from Pixabay

Plan for the next day

Maybe you do this already? Do you? I leave myself about 15 minutes each evening to go over what I need to get done the next day. Then each item gets prioritized according to how important it is. Leave lots of white space in your planner for those unexpected tasks which always seem to crop up out of nowhere.

Plan to not do everything

If you love to get things done, this one might be the most difficult for you! It is for me. A couple or maybe a few of those things are not going to happen. And if you can decide ahead of time which are low priority, your life will be better. So maybe in terms of social media productivity, you’ll only check LinkedIn once a week. Or maybe you’ll choose to ignore TikTok. Or what the heck–both! What not go for broke?

What things do you leave off your to-do list?

Is there anything you don’t do, that maybe other people do? Leave me a comment! And thanks for reading.

Worst Social Media Practices (and how to avoid them)

What is the worst social media practice, you might ask? Because I’m a social media manager, I get to see a lot of websites and social media accounts. There are a few that stand out for all the wrong reasons. Here are just a few. The good news is that most of them are easy fixes. Some may require that you hire a developer to fix your website, but they will help your business!

No e-commerce is one of the worst social media practices

Recently, I saw a social media account with a website in the profile. The website had buttons for e-commerce, but none of them worked. So there was no way to buy anything online. There’s still a pandemic (and even if there wasn’t a pandemic, people want to go online and have things delivered if possible), and people are still busy and tired.

Fix: If you can set up a way for people to buy from you, please make it easy. Don’t make potential customers memorize a secret password, call you, and make an appointment during the one hour a week you’re actually open. (Unless you’re a practical joker, and don’t have any intention of ever selling anything! In that case, two thumbs up!)

Here are some of the worst social media practices. Image by <a href="">Daniel Reche</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Worst Social Media Practices (and how to avoid them). Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay

No profile picture

When you have no profile picture, it looks like no one is home. This is one of the worst social media practices there is. Now that everyone has a camera in their pocket, it’s more critical than ever to have a decent photo. See what Social Champ says in their article The Importance of Social Media Images. “In one study, they discovered that content paired with an image attracted 94% more views on average than content without visuals.”

Fix: This is an easy one to fix. If you don’t have a profile picture please take one. Even a picture of your cat or your puppy is better than nothing. Seriously, though. Get a picture. Even if it’s a crummy picture, it’s better than having nothing. By the way, I’ve talked about the importance of improvising before. You might like How to MacGyver Your Social Media.

Posting sporadically

People may go to your website, where you say you have every platform under the sun. But when you go to any of those platforms, your last post was in 2018. Has this happened to your brand?

Fix: Why not schedule out at least a few posts, but spread them out a bit? Put out one post per month, at the very least, so we know the account is still alive? Please.

Magical thinking is — you guessed it! — one of the worst social media practices

Some people think that social media is magic. But the truth is that it’s a lot of hard work! I’ve written about Magical Thinking before. You might like Magical Thinking and Social Media.

Fix: Sometimes one person tells two people tells four people, and so on. But usually that doesn’t happen. Be realistic about what social media can do and you’ll be happier.

Ugly pictures

By ugly, what I mean is that sometimes the pictures are spammy with big, red SALE splotches all over them, or out of focus, or you can’t even tell what something is.

Fix: It’s 2022, and images are more important than ever. Don’t post an image of a flyer that looks like it’s from 1998, unless your shop is all about the 90s.

Immediately spamming with private messages

This happens on Twitter, and not so much on other platforms, although recently I had someone try to sell me something on Facebook in a private message.

Fix: Don’t do this until you have a relationship with someone. Even then, tread carefully. You risk being blocked or reported, plus losing that person as a follower.


What You Need to Know about the Metaverse

First of all, what the heck is a metaverse (or is it the metaverse?)? And why do I need to know about it? Once I start explaining it, you’ll understand a little better and maybe even realize that you’re soaking in it right now! During the pandemic, we all moved into virtual reality, at least a little bit. Except for a few people who didn’t want to give up their tin foil hats, that is. I’m joking about the tin foil hats.

First, how about a definition?

“The metaverse (a portmanteau of “meta-” and “universe”) is a hypothesized iteration of the internet, supporting persistent online 3-D virtual environment through conventional personal computing, as well as virtual and augmented reality headsets. Metaverses, in some limited form, are already present on platforms like VRChat or video games like Second Life.~ Wikipedia

Virtual reality has become a way of life for many

With the pandemic, gaming online has taken on a whole different meaning. Since it often wasn’t safe to meet face to face, people and especially kids moved online. It’s a space parallel to the real world where people can meet, talk, and play. I’m italicizing real world because to many, virtual reality is just as real as the physical world. For kids, moving online and into the virtual world isn’t even something they need to think about. They’re already there. Beyond just being online, though, the metaverse is 3D, mostly through headsets, as set out in the Wiki definition above.

Image by <a href="">Evgeni Tcherkasski</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

How much do you need to know about the Metaverse? Image by Evgeni Tcherkasski from Pixabay

Collaboration is key in the metaverse

In the metaverse, social interaction and collaboration are the new currencies. If we, as social media managers, wanted people to be more social, in the metaverse, you almost wouldn’t survive without being social. There’s still the chance to lurk, as there is on social media platforms, but for real success, you must work with others. I find it similar to online groups where you might have joined initially to learn something or to move forward with a hobby. But after awhile, you might stay on the platform because you enjoy talking with the people online, so you stay. By the way, I’ve talked about social media managers and some fake holidays they might like. You might like it, too!

Mark Zuckerberg’s branding of the Facebook environment

While I don’t always agree with Facebook’s handling of anything these days, using the term meta was a stroke of genius. Whoever came up with the concept of using meta as an umbrella term for the Facebook and Instagram arenas, knew what they were doing. Since the meta umbrella term for Facebook/Instagram, everyone’s interest in the metaverse has become keener.

A few downsides to the Metaverse

On the other hand, there are also some negatives to big tech and the metaverse, as outlined in this New York Times article: Everybody Into the Metaverse! Virtual Reality Beckons Big Tech. For one thing, the headsets are cumbersome and sometimes make people dizzy or sick. And who remembers the big failure of Google Glass? Also, in many parts of the world (the parts where there is money to be made selling lots of ads), privacy concerns could keep the momentum of the metaverse from moving forward.


Could Tiny Habits Help You Achieve Your Goals?

Recently, I listened to a podcast about Tiny Habits on Guy Kawasaki’s podcast. In the podcast, Guy Kawasaki interviewed BJ Fogg, author of Tiny Habits. The gist of this productivity hack is that you anchor a tiny habit to another habit. The new habit needs to be very, very, VERY easy to accomplish. As in, 30 seconds or less. Here are some takeaways, and how I’ll be trying out this new idea.

It’s super easy

Really. If there’s something you tried for your new year’s resolution last year that failed, this is much more apt to succeed. Seriously–it’s so easy that anyone can do it. For me, personally, I want to start doing squats again, since it’s been many moons since I’ve been to the gym. It just doesn’t feel safe with all those people sweating and exhaling. But I can do this at home, so yay! I’ve talked about New Year’s Resolutions before, in case you’d like to read about them: Simplify Those New Year’s Resolutions So They Don’t Make You Crazy.

The anchor can be any habit

For me, I tied my tiny new habit to brushing my teeth. BJ Fogg says the anchor needs to be specific, though. So, as I put my toothbrush in the cleaner thingie, I then do two squats. That’s pretty easy, right? You could also anchor your tiny habit to finishing a cup of coffee, feeding your cat, or anything you do regularly. But make it as specific as possible. So, for instance, not just feeding your cat, but putting the bowl on the floor in front of your cat. Or opening the can of cat food.

Don’t do more

You can do more, of course, if you really want to, but–and here’s the key–you don’t have to. The habit doesn’t build on itself with you doing a Squat Marathon or anything equally silly. You just do the two squats, or whatever tiny habit you chose to do. It’s pretty easy to succeed. Don’t get stuck thinking you have to constantly up the ante. You get credit if you just do two squats (or whatever).

Image by <a href="">Lorri Lang</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Tiny Habits Could Help You Achieve Your Goals. Image by Lorri Lang from Pixabay

Less effort and less motivation

If you run out of steam with the new habits you want to acquire, then tiny steps is a good way to go. You need barely any effort and even less motivation. Also, BJ Fogg considers celebration a part of the mix. Whenever you have a small win, you get to celebrate! By the way, if you’re looking for motivation to write, you might like this: how to find motivation to write.

If you get stuck, there’s help

Not only can you get the book, BJ Fogg has coaches to help you refine your goal. So if the idea doesn’t sound that simple to you, you can contact BJ Fogg and find a coach.


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