Why Friendships Are Absolutely the Best ROI Of Social Media
This is something I really can’t say enough: your ROI (Return on Investment) with social media is all the connections you’ll make. Some of those connections deepen and become associates. Some of those deepen and become friendships. Some will lead to business, and some will not. Either way, expect magic from those connections.

When you connect with people online you have something to look forward to, and something to look back upon with fondness. For instance, every year I attend WordCamp Orange County with my best buddy Bridget Willard. We met through Twitter. Here are some of the posts I’ve written about WordCamp Orange County, by the way:
- WordCamp Orange County Top Ten Reasons to Go
- Spotlight on WordCamp Orange County: Ten Reasons Not to Miss it!
- WordCampWordCamp Orange County 2015: Why Go?
- WordCamp Orange County 2014: Awesome Moments
- WordCamp Orange County 2013 10 Awesome Things

Who you’ll meet
Who You’ll Meet
You’ll meet people who are brave, and people who touch you with their writing abilities. You’ll also meet people who make you laugh, and a few who’ll make you cry. My bestie Amy Donohue is one of the bravest ones I’ve ever known. She donated her kidney to a stranger and now she’s one of the most awesome entrepreneurs as her career is skyrocketing! Go follow her on Twitter: @TheFabulousOne

The Future
The Future
Dyane Harwood (on Amazon) is a neighbor, while Kittie Walker (@avidmode on Twitter), and Larry Mount (@LazBlazter on Twitter) are people I’ve not met yet. But I’m planning on it! You probably have a few people you really want to meet, too!

Instagram is Next
Instagram is Next
So far, I’ve corresponded with lots of people on Instagram, but haven’t met anyone. That’s my next frontier! Maybe do some photography and travel around locally and then post the pictures.

What’s Next for You?
What’s Next for You?
Have you met a lot of people through social media? What’s that been like for you? I really do want to know, so leave me a comment!
Wow – I’m very honored to be mentioned here, Carol!!!! Thanks so much!
I know it’s only a matter of time until we meet. In a way, I feel like I know you already! I know you’re a compassionate person with a sense of humor; you’re brilliant, you’re beautiful. you’re social media savvy to the max, and you have great taste in redwood forests and healthy food! ;)
Moreover, that’s only the tip of the Carol iceberg!
Thanks again for brightening my day. I’m so, so glad we met, and it’s so wonderful to know you’re in my neck of the woods!
Your devoted tweep,
Dyane :)
Hi Dyane,
It seemed like a good time to say something, Dyane! I’m sure we will both have lots of things to discuss–we won’t even know all the ways the conversation will go! And as far as being compassionate, with a sense of humor, brilliant and beautiful, with savvy and great taste–it takes one to know one, for sure! :D
It’s just a matter of time. I keep thinking I see your dog around town, but it’s probably not your dog!
Thank you for stopping by, and see you very soon!
Your buddy,
Fully agree with everything you say here Carol and then some. First steps are exploiting the video call beyond typical #SoMe platforms as that lets us bridge the miles of a fashion. Like you, I aspire to meet up but we really must sort that black screen from the call on Zoom with @JohnWLewis
Hi Larry!
We’ll get the video screen figured out soon, I’m sure! No need to call in the police yet. Hahaha! It was nice to hear your voices and collaborate. I’m sure with our collective brain power, we’ll do a lot more!
See you Tuesday if not earlier,
You are definitely on the list of those I would love to meet someday. Your support is always awesome
Hello Ken!
As you know, I’ve got a few friends around Phoenix. Every time I go, I meet more of them. In fact, I could probably move to Arizona and not be lonely! Next time I’m there, we have to get together!
Thanks for visiting,
As friendships are the best ROI of social media, how can one maintain those relationships is one hires a social media manager? Even when I just used IFTTT to automate thank yous for Twitter follows and mentions, I found that the applets spammed those mentioned in the Tweets and included language I would never have written. I feel like responses must come from me to best represent me.
Hello Kitt,
When I’m doing someone else’s social media for them, it’s generally a larger brand. However, you do have a point! I don’t automate engagement. And for complex questions, I like to forward those own to the account owners, since they’re busy running other parts of the business. The “thank yous” are easier and don’t require a subject-matter expert, but a detailed question will require someone with more in-depth knowledge of the business.
That said, there are businesses I’ve represented for years, and of course, the longer I’ve been engaged for the company, the easier it is for me to reply. I like your comment that the best responses have to come from you to represent you! And for an individual account, that is true.
Thank you for the comment! I hope you’re enjoying a long weekend.
Carol Stephen