When You Should Be Serious About Social Media Automation

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Some people get really riled about those who automate their social media. People seem to either love or hate automation, with no gray area at all. So the question is should you automate? And if you do, how much should you automate? Also, who and when and…the list of questions goes on and on. Here are some times and people who should be serious about social media automation. By the way, you might enjoy this article: How to automate your social media without looking like a jack*.

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If You Have a Small Business

Small business owners can’t be online 24/7. They have a business to run, after all. While checking in doesn’t take very long, it can disrupt your attention for that five minutes you’re checking Twitter. And often, you forget why you’re there and off you go down the rabbit hole. An hour later, you’ve lost three customers and forgotten about a conference call you were supposed to attend. It’s important to be there, but also important not to get distracted.

If You Want Your Business to Grow

As outlined in The Complete Guide to Social Media for Small Business, “the number of social users willing to buy from you skyrockets if you use social media not just for publishing, but for actually engaging with your social media audience.” 57.5% of people are more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media. That’s a huge number. Gone are the days when businesses could get away with not being on social media.

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If You Have Any Kind of Business

Everyone is busy, and everyone has multiple things to check off their to-do list. Larger companies need automation, too. There are some larger companies that can afford to have someone manning their social media all day long, but chances are even they have other duties. When I talk to people at medium-sized companies, their duties often include many non-social media responsibilities, too.

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If Your Time Is Valuable

Some people enjoy hanging out on social media all day long. Are you one of them, though? If not, you may want to consider automating and outsourcing your social media. Most of us have other things to do. Although if you don’t want to be on social media at all, you might consider hiring someone. Speaking of which, here’s an article for you: For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement.

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Which Camp Do You Fall Into?

Are you someone who is against automation? Where do you stand? For myself, I think a combination of automation and engagement is really important. Use automation to post when you can’t be online, but don’t forget to also engage with your audience.

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#DigiBlogChat December 17, 2019

#DigiBlogChat December 17, 2019

Q1. What traditions did your Grandparents pass down to your family? 

Q2. Have you still got decorations that you really treasure from childhood?

Q3. Will Christmas involve carol singing or Karaoke or both?

Q4. Carols and choirs at Church or something different?

Q5. Homemade dinner with all the trimmings or dining out as a treat?

Q6. Home Alone, Jingle All the Way or Deck the Halls, which film is your fave for Christmas?

Q7. Dinner: how do you juggle that family invite from the in-laws?

Q8. Letter or email to Santa?

Q9. Anything Santa might need to keep specially for you this year?

Q10. Which tipple will be your drink of choice this year?


The #1 Question about Social Media

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You probably already know the answer to this question. People always always ALWAYS ask about ROI (Return on Investment) with social media. And of course, ROI isn’t the point of social media, at least not in the traditional dollars-and-cents way. There are other things you can measure, though, that may help prove the value of social media. If you want to know more, read on.

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The ROI of Social Media

It’s difficult in most cases to attribute social media to return on investment. You can measure things like downloads, reach, and engagement. But sales, which most brands really want, don’t always come directly or immediately. Conversations are important, and can begin with social media. And sometimes people need to be exposed to an idea seven or ten times before making a buying decision. If you’d like to read more about Return on Investment, you might like Why Friendships Are Absolutely the Best ROI of Social Media.

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It’s Possible to Track Social Media

Larger brands (and some smaller ones, too) track their social media posts using Urchin Tracking Modules (UTM) tracking. You may have seen these long codes while traveling around the internet. Sprout Social has more information about UTM Tracking here: UTM Tracking and URL Shortening for Social Media Managers. You may want to track click through rates (CTRs) or reach, or any number of other metrics. But again, most business owners want sales. Some metrics can help, especially if your business has an easily definable sales path. Often, I hear people say they don’t know where they heard about a business.

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Who’s Listening?

Brand awareness is at the top of most social media marketers’ lists of what’s important. But who’s listening when you post about your brand? That depends upon who you are, when you post, and a few other things. Not everyone who wants to find you will find you. But certainly there are ways to help people find you more easily. You might like Ready to Be Found? These days, it’s your attention that is what’s critical. Brands of all sizes want you to pay attention to them.

If a Tree Falls in the Forest…

And if you post on social media and no one sees it, is it worthwhile to post at all? That depends. Of course, the little bots that roam around on Google will see your posts. Even if nobody comments on your post, being optimistic is helpful. Surely someone will eventually see what you’ve written eventually, right?

Digiblogchat Questions December 10

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December 10 at #DigiBlogChat — Holiday Food and Drink

A chat about your favorite foods and beverages for the holidays. Bring your pictures and recipes!

Through a series of ten questions, we’ll be exploring your favorites during this fast-paced, friendly hour. Join us to learn about your friends’ favorites, share your own recipes and don’t forget to invite a friend!

Tuesday, December 10th at 1:00 p.m. pst.

Our #DigiBlogChat questions:

  1. What are your ideas for fabulous holiday starters or appetizers?
  2. Do you have a favorite holiday coffee drink? Do tell!
  3. What is your simplest go-to recipe during this busy time of year?
  4. Do you have a grocery store “cheat” recipe that you can share?
  5. What goes into your favorite cookie or sweet?
  6. Have any favorite vegetarian recipes?
  7. Tell us about your best drinks, bubbly or otherwise!
  8. Any secret family favorites that you’d like to share?
  9. What is a meaty dish that you and your friends adore?
  10. Could you share a favorite cheese dish or recipe?

Join this Twitter conversation on December 10th at 1:00 p.m. pst by going on Twitter and don’t forget to add #digiblogchat to your tweet! 

Is Clickbait Really Such a Terrible Thing?

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By now, we’ve all heard of clickbait; of course, Wikipedia has a great definition. “Click-bait headlines add an element of dishonesty, using enticements that do not accurately reflect the content being delivered.” In other words, you click on something hoping to find out what was really going on with Area 51, but instead find a bunch of pop-up ads for embarrassing products. Then you curse at yourself for having fallen for the bait. And if you’d like to learn about making headlines, you might like to read: What Happens When You Write 25 Headlines Before Choosing One?

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But Why is Clickbait so Bad?

At this time of the year (December), there is clickbait everywhere. There are the Black Friday ads (still), Cyber Monday ads, the pre-Christmas sale ads promising fantastic gifts that make the man or woman of your dreams swoon, and so on. The negative part is that something is promised but not delivered. In the olden days, this was often called bait and switch. You click on something but something very different is delivered. Often, clickbaity headlines start with something like “You won’t believe your eyes when you see it!” And of course, there’s nothing you haven’t already seen before. Maybe a million times before. And yet we still get fooled. And by we, I count myself among the many who are fooled.

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Money-Making Schemes or Promising Tons of Followers

Sometimes a clickbait headline will promise that you’ll learn something nobody else knows about, and that something can make you a ton of money. On social media, it would be akin to an account promising you many followers if you’ll only share an article or retweet something. Nothing ever happens as a result of your sharing that article, however. You’d think we’d learn but we still get tricked all the time.

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Betteridge’s Law of Headlines

Betteridge’s law states that “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no“. Hence the question of whether Clickbait is really such a terrible thing would be a no. But it really is a yes! Why? It wastes our time, and we give our attention where we didn’t intend to. I’d argue that after a few of these we lose confidence in our own ability to judge what is true, and what isn’t. And what’s worse is it makes you lose faith in humanity. After being tricked by a clickbait-y headline, you may have to go and watch several videos of puppies.

amusement park photoWhat’s the Answer?

Maybe some social responsibility. At least on social media platforms, I’d prefer knowing I’m not going to come across millions of spammy articles. I wrote about this previously: Is Social Responsibility Part of Social Media? With the advent of artificial intelligence, shouldn’t finding fake news be a little easier? I’d think so.



How to Use Smart Failure and Learn Faster

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Recently, I watched a TED Talk from Eddie Obeng on YouTube. Eddie talks about Smart Failure, and how everything we know is wrong. I have days like that, but little did I realize everything I knew was wrong. All our assumptions are based on the past, which has already changed, says Eddie Obeng.

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Someone Has Changed the Rules

Our world doesn’t work the same way we think it does. It has changed. Our entire existence is based on a world that no longer exists, and all the rules have changed. Do you believe this? I sure do. This one idea changes how we react to everything. He goes on to say that size and scale are no longer the same. If you’re sitting at your little desk under the stairs (reminds me of Harry Potter!), you’re now connected to the internet. By the way, if you get that reference to being under the stairs, you might like this article: Quick and Easy Guide to Your Harry Potter Social Media Type.

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Global is the New Scale

Every time you tweet, one-third of your followers are in different countries, says Eddie Obeng. That seems true, although I’m sure I tweet to people who, like me, speak English. How about you? Do you have a lot of diversity in the people you talk to? You can use Tweepsmap to discover where your followers are (on Twitter, anyway). It’s very cool that you can sit at your desktop, or use your phone, to connect to people all over the world. And being connected to people from all over can make you stop and rethink your assumptions.

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Smart Failure and Yoga

My yoga instructor at Ease Mountain Yoga talks about falling up. It’s an excellent example of changing the way we think through a physical challenge. We all try to fall up as we do our tree poses. We still fall over, but it feels different. There is lots of giggling, which doesn’t happen as much as when we fall down, for one thing. A small reframing of how we do something can sometimes create a big change in our so-called failure.

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Creativity and Innovation

In the old-world model, you tried to do something new, and you failed, and got canned. In the new world model, you fail and are rewarded for it. Not always, but often. This is one way companies, especially startups, are trying to drive innovation. Where do you fall on the spectrum? You might like this article: What Happens When You Focus on Failure and Creativity?

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The Idea That Inspired This Blog Post

The blog post you’re reading is based on this TED Talk from Eddie Obeng. Find him on WorldAfterMidnight. You can also listen to his TED Talk. It’s just 12 minutes long, and so worth it. Your little gray cells will thank you.


How to Become a Better Blogger: Quick and Easy Ways

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Maybe you’ve thought that you want to become a better blogger. You’ve considered blogging, or maybe you’re an occasional blogger. Either way, there are always ways to improve (and I’m no exception). Every day, someone will say something that resonates. Take those tiny lessons from the things that resonate with you, put them into action, and you (or I) will improve for sure.

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Read Other Bloggers

There are so many great blogs out there. Here are some of my favorites.

  • Bridget Willard’s blog: Bridget is the one who encouraged me to blog. Besides that, though, she’s always learning and growing. And she’s a terrific person, too.
  • Randy Clark’s blog. Randy Clark writes a lot, and is the author of How to Stay Ahead of Your Business Blog Forever (highly recommended!). He’s written three other books that I know of.
  • Mitch Mitchell has been blogging and vlogging for years. He’s entertaining and educational. In fact, Mitch writes about blogging, too!
  • Patricia Phillips of The Aspen Stand, a kind and generous friend.

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Listen to Podcasts

You may also get ideas when you listen to podcasts. Even if the podcasts you listen to aren’t strictly business oriented, you’ll get ideas when you listen. Right now, I’m enjoying Hardcore History, which is a deep dive into the history of World Wars I and II. Dan Carlin is a damn good talker, as one review of his long-form podcasts mentioned. Each episode is hours long, which you think you can’t listen to, but his passion and storytelling make for fascinating listening.

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Write Every Day

If you like to write with other people, you might join a movement, such as NaNoWriteMo, where writers encourage other writers during the month of November. You might also give yourself a deadline, or a specific number of words to write each day, or a dedicated time to write. For me, I work in 15-minute increments, because anyone can do something for 15 minutes, right? Usually that 15 minutes turns into 30 or 45 minutes because the hardest part of writing is just getting started. The important thing is not to wait for inspiration, because you might be waiting forever. You might also like How-to secrets to blogging for your success.

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Blackmail Yourself

Awhile back, there was a guy who suggested blackmailing yourself by giving yourself a deadline. He mentioned giving someone else some money which would go to an unsavory cause if you failed. Now that’s one way to do it, especially if you prefer the stick approach over the carrot approach. Me, I’d rather have a carrot than a stick any day. If anyone else can remember his name, I’d be interested.

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Your Seat in the Seat of the Chair

Putting your seat in the seat of the chair is the number one tip for getting better as a writer. Whatever slogan helps you get there (“Just Do it!” comes to mind) is the one to use. Tenacity and diligence are the two things that will help you improve your writing the most. Unless you have a secret, that is. Do you have a secret for improving your writing?

Steven M. Keisman, Senior Vice President Identifor

I have worked directly with Carol Stephen since she began her tenure with our company beginning April 2015. Her duties and responsibilities included a variety of social media tasks including content, tweet chats, blog writing and data analytics. Since she began, there was never an ask that was ever too big or assignment needed too soon for Carol to attack and deliver in a highly professional way usually before the set deadline. Her pleasant disposition and high level of professionalism coupled with an interest in learning as much as she could, on her own time, for a better understanding and focus to further the work she was doing, made her even more effective in helping our team reach our benchmarks.

Any corporation would be well served in meeting their social media needs by working with Carol.


Steven M. Keisman, Senior Vice President


Identify the Possible

Is Social Responsibility Part of Social Media?

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Recently, there have been many op-ed pieces about social responsibility. Facebook allows political ads from practically anyone. Twitter has said that they won’t post political ads. And Pinterest points people to the CDC and WHO when they search for anti-vaxxer content. Who’s right? And what is a social media platform’s responsibility? By the way, you might like this article: Why Pinterest Isn’t Social Media and Why it is.

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The First Amendment

People are very concerned about the First Amendment. And I agree that we remove people’s right to free speech. After all, free speech is what makes this country strong. And shouldn’t everyone have a right to voice their opinion? But what about when people are unduly influenced because those with fake news have more money and political sway than others? Is there some way to level the playing field so those who are loudest don’t have too much sway?

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Political Ads

Is it part of a reader’s responsibility to sort out lies in political ads? Facebook now says that it’s not their responsibility. And yet…we clearly know that the last election was influenced by Facebook ads. Read this New York Times opinion piece: Should Facebook Allow False Political Ads? The author believes the problem is that most people don’t read. In fact, studies show that many Americans don’t read past the 8th grade level, and that we’re in a literacy crisis. Being on social media, I’d tend to agree. Read the comments on any article or Facebook post, and you’ll see mangled sentences and bad grammar.

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Anti-Science Ideas

Are we all allowed to go around saying things that are nonsense? If I want to say that water is purple and the sky is green, how do people know what’s true and how to check? After all, some people seem to believe anything that’s on the internet. Just check out all the scams going around. As I write this, there’s one scam saying that Costco is giving away $75 coupons for free. Not everyone will go to Snopes.com and check it out.

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How Much Responsibility is Enough?

Scammers and hackers are getting more sophisticated. And more and more of our personal data is being given away for free. Shouldn’t social media platforms have at least some responsibility to point out what is true and what is fake? Maybe a warning of some sort that the source material has not been vetted.

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What Do You Think?

Should there be a free-for-all in terms of what people can and can’t say on the Internet, even if others get hurt by their words? Leave me a comment! And thank you.

Quick And Easy Guide to Your Harry Potter Social Media Type

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According to the Harry Potter – Hogwarts wikipedia, there are four houses, each with a specific set of values. The sorting hat selects a house for each student, with each of the four houses being named after a specific person: Gryffindors, Slytherins, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs. How do these house types translate to your social media type? Read on.


This type values courage, bravery, nerve, and chivalry. This social media personality prefers vlogging to blogging, and likes to do live video. Whenever there’s a chance to shine, the Gryffindor personality is right there. Think about Harry Potter in the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. He travels to Godric’s Hollow without any real plan, and is attacked by a giant snake and nearly killed.


The Slytherin type values ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. Many startups, especially in the early stages, are filled with Slytherins. Slytherins may want to use the dark web, a part of the internet not indexed by search engines. Slytherins may rely on “vanity metrics” more than the other social media types. They may buy followers, which can lead to all kinds of trouble. Here’s what happens when  you buy followers. Hint: Just don’t do it!


Ravenclaw values intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit. Some of your best friends may have these same values (I’m a Ravenclaw, by the way). These are the ones who might spend hours in the library. While you might think that Hermione is a Ravenclaw, she values courage even more than intelligence. Ravenclaws believe that the pen is mightier than the sword. And very often, it is. They like to do research, and are the artists and writers of the social media world.


Hufflepuffs values hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. Among the Harry Potter personality types, Hufflepuffs don’t get the credit they deserve. They’re the ones quietly working away, while others may get the credit. They make good content providers and researchers. According to Harry Potter Wiki on Hufflepuff, Hufflepuffs are the most inclusive of all the types. They’re not as competitive as the other types and are modest about their achievements. Every team needs a few Hufflepuffs to succeed. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that without Hufflepuffs to do the work, nothing would get done.

What’s Your Harry Potter Social Media Type?

There are numerous tests you can take to discover your type. But if you’re a big Harry Potter fan, you probably already know which type you are. Which one are you?

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