A Good Hobby Will Make You Feel Delighted

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As I write this week’s blog post, the world is reeling from the Corona Virus panic. Nearly every news story is about how events are being cancelled, new sanctions are being imposed, and more people are getting sick. It’s enough to cause anxiety and worry for even the most calm people among us. What to do? How about delving into a hobby instead of going to that conference–since it’s just been cancelled?

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Hobbies Take Us on a Mini-Vacation

For me, there’s nothing like a hobby to get away from the stress and stop thinking and worrying over things I have no control over. When I knit something, listen to a podcast, or cut out pattern pieces to sew, I’m a million miles away. Time disappears and I forget to eat. If you still need to be connected, you might like How to Use Social Media and Keep Your Mental Health.

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Hobbies Make Us Happier

If you tend to overwork, having a hobby can definitely make you happier. Not only do you learn something new, you often get out into the community through your hobby, too. For instance, I’ve met loads of wonderful women through knitting. We meet for coffee, knit, and kvetch about everything under the sun. Having more social connections leads to greater happiness in many studies. You can read about some of my stretch goals (which include sewing and knitting) here: How to Make Stretch Goals That Make You Stretch.

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Hobbies Give Us More Dimension

If all you have to talk about it work, isn’t that a little one dimensional? Last week I was at Window Works (a client of mine) for the Women in Construction Luncheon in San Francisco, and met a woman engineer. She asked me what I do when I’m not working. It turns out that she’s a ballroom dancer! Along with being a structural engineer, she enters dance competitions. Besides being ultra-cool, having a whole other hobby makes her more interesting.

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Why Not Have a Hobby?

Jaime L. Kurtz Ph.D. in her article Six Reasons to Get a Hobby, says “Consider the possibility that you’re not as busy as you think.” We all waste time on social media, Netflix, and “doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before” as Prince once sang. But having a hobby seems to have gone by the wayside. And if you have a structured hobby, she says, chances are you’d finish up that work so you could scoot off to your book club meeting. Without a hobby, work expands to fill the time we have. And active leisure is invigorating, says Kurtz. Wouldn’t you agree?

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What’s Your Hobby?

Do you have something that you love to do when you’re not working? What is it? Leave me a comment and thank you!


  1. Oh man. I used to have a lot of hobbies. I would embroider, quilt, play music. I used to dabble in crochet. I enjoyed baking, too, or taking my dogs to the dog park. Now I do trivia nights and karaoke. Sometimes, I will do a puzzle game.

    • It’s nice that you still have hobbies, Bridget. But those hobbies sound more outgoing than your previous ones. Who knows? Maybe you’ll revive the other hobbies one day. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hi Carol,
    It’s crazy right now. Everything is virus or stock market.

    I can make photography projects a hobby even though it is part of my business. Many of my photographs aren’t used for my product design. I get lost in my focus and it’s great for someone who’s an introvert.
    I recently purchased watercolor brushes. What fun! I finished my first piece and am getting ready to start some simple pieces. That’s also great for an introvert.

    • Hi Patricia,
      Yes, it’s really crazy right now.
      Photography is such a fun hobby–especially for introverts.
      And I love watercolors, too! I should dig out my brushes and paint and play around with them, too.
      Introverts will have an easier time during this crazy time.

      Thank you for stopping by, fellow introvert,

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