#Digiblogchat Questions March 17, 2020

On Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 1:00 pm pdt, our topic is: Is automated content generation a good or bad thing? with Randy Clark!

  1. How familiar are you with automated content generation?
  2. How much of what we read do you think is written by robots?
  3. Would you consider using AI for content generation, editing, or publishing?
  4. If you used AI for content generation what type of content would you turn over to robots?
  5. How can you tell if something you’re reading was written by a bot?
  6. How could AI content development help writers?
  7. Did you know there are books written and edited by robots?
  8. What are the possible pitfalls of automated content development?
  9. What are the potential benefits of automated content development?
  10. Are you ready to share your office with a bot?
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