Ten of the Worst Social Media Managers
Last week, you might have read my post about Finding Your Next Social Media Manager. If you search Google to find a good Social Media Manager (“SMM”), you’ll find all kinds of advice. However, bad advice is rare! Just kidding.
Here, then, are ten types of terrible social media managers. These people put in the extra work to be really, really bad. And if that’s not enough for you, here are some Bad Social Media Manager Secrets.

Does your candidate send Twitter DMs like this one?
The Direct Message Twitter SMM
The most terrible SMMs send direct messages on Twitter like “Follow us on Facebook!” or “Buy my book!” for no reason. And a link. But the very best of the worst? Those ask you to connect in two places, along with cute emoji, before you’ve even read one of their tweets! Now that’s going the extra mile!

Does Your New Social Media Manager Say She’s an Expert?
The One Pin Per Board Pinner
This SMM is on Pinterest and has boards with one or two pins each. And they should call themselves a Social Media Expert. After all, since it’s on the Internet it must be true!

The “Social Proof” SMM Buys Followers
The “Social Proof” SMM Who Buys Followers
Having “social proof” is a good thing, right? And followers are so cheap! For $59, you can get thousands of them. Never mind that they’re bots from Indonesia, thousands of miles away from your local brick-and-mortar business. Your new SMM prospect should recommend that you buy followers.

Does your SMM Post from Facebook to Twitter?
The “One Size Fits All” SMM
Your new friend should never change their tone of voice, and should use the same post on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, whatever. If the post is too long for one platform, it can break right in the middle of the sentence. As long as lots of people see your posts that’s all that matters.
The UnSocial Social Manager
Your new BFF should never engage with anyone. They can ignore comments, shares, retweets and save themselves a lot of time. There are only so many hours in the day, after all! If you want to know why brands are still using broadcasting in social media, Emma Pauw can tell you why.

The Drunk Poster Sometimes Deletes Posts the Next Day
The Drunk Poster
Drinking and posting is the hallmark of a very successful bad SMM. And then deleting all the bad posts and arguments the next day? Even better.

Is Your SMM a Debbie Downer?
Debbie or Danny Downer
Your SMM should be heard muttering at all hours that “nothing will ever work.” Things always go from bad to worse, people can’t be trusted, and Murphy’s Law always prevails.
The Overposter
This person posts 60 posts in the space of five minutes, then nothing for two days. What’s wrong with that, you might ask?

Is Your SMM Inflexible?
The Inflexible SMM
Why would your SMM ever change his or her strategy on social media? Just because Facebook reduced its reach, or Pinterest added promoted pins, or tweets got indexed by Google? Pffft. No reason!

Does your SMM Use Klod to Measure Influence?
The Klod Watcher SMM
Your new bestie should always watch their influence ranking on sites like Klod (not its real name). That’s what real SMMs do, don’t they?
Your Turn!
What did I leave out? Let me know in the comments! Thanks!
There should be an IFTTT recipe to auto-delete auto DMs. Now, I wonder if there is such a thing.
And seriously, LOL on KLOD. heheh…
Nice one, Carol!
Maybe there is an IFTTT recipe for auto-deleting auto DMs, Ruby! That hadn’t occurred to me, but it could be the case.
Thanks about the Klod. I can’t believe people still use it in 2015!
Thank you again!
I see Agencies whose tweets are from Facebook or IFTTT every single day. This tells me they’re not really online.
Or how about the Social Media Manager who NEVER RESPONDS to comments from their audience. It’s especially obvious on Facebook. They just post and go.
Isn’t it amazing, Bridget? I see agencies who’ve bought their followers, too. There are accounts on Pinterest that you can tell are fakes because they have tens of thousands of followers and no repins anywhere.
The people who don’t engage at all really bug me, too! I think you were posting about that very thing on Facebook (and about Facebook) today.
Thanks for always commenting, liking, retweeting, and in general being supportive. You’re the best!
It seems extraordinary that this far down the line they are still behaving that way. But you see examples of it every day on every platform. It’s really sad.
All good points and so useful for anyone looking for a social media manager.
If you spot this behaviour run a mile!
Yes, run a mile, Kittie! It wasn’t so strange when people didn’t engage in 2008, but now? C’mon!
Thank you for commenting. So glad we’ve stayed connected!
Just today got a DM from a long time contact. Very bot like too. It was disappointing. Keep it real.
That is disappointing, Kyle. Do you suppose they might have been hacked? Sometimes newbies use the DMs until they know their way around, but after a year or two, hardly anyone does.
Great post Carol and entertaining :-) – It’s even sometimes hard to explain – some folks just don’t get it. It is called “Social” Media after all.
Hi Sandy,
That’s right. It’s difficult to explain at times. You’d think that now, in 2015, most people would get it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great long weekend.
I’ve figured it out, when I am trying to explain and get the “blank stare” I just stop – time to move on :-)
Happy long weekend right back at you, Sandy
Yes, for sure on the blank stare, Sandy! And I wish we had a three-day weekend every weekend. Those bbqs are really fun!
This is hilarious!
Just doing my job, Adam! Thanks for commenting.
You’re very welcome!
Great post Carol, but I think you missed one, not sure what to call it: The Super Ego? These are people (not legitimate celebrities) who use various tactics (possibly including buying followers) to end up with a huge following – though they follow almost no one back. And they rarely (if ever) actually engage.
Hi Tom,
Maybe that could be called the Fake Celebrity. Because of course many celeb’s buy followers. And never engage. Those accounts tend to get muted or blocked.
Thanks for the suggestion for the new type. I appreciate your stopping by!
Thanks for the laughs Carol! The auto-DMs are so annoying. The Klod watcher though, hilarious! I think everyone has posted the rest of the worst behaviors, it’s a shame how many of these people are getting paid to be terrible at SMM.
Hi Kemya,
Those Klod Watchers were so right on back in 2009, right? But not so much any more! Thanks for stopping by.
Great post. You should start a 10 worst series. If you don’t I will!
Hi Randy,
Oh, I like that idea! Thank you!
This was a fresh read for Firday!
Direct message automation really is quite a drag – especially when it makes it harder to search through to find real messages.
Wonder what other new ‘worst’ practices would be included for 2016 now.
Thanks, Alphonso! There will always be new and fresh “worst” practices. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, something new comes along! Thanks for dropping by. I appreciate it.
Carol Stephen