Social Media Marketing/Sales

When I first started doing social media for my employer, Carol was the first social media professional I connected with. She is such a witty and down to earth person and always willing to give advice and help her peers. The content that she posts for each account that she manages is spot on to that industry. It takes a LOT of research to do that, but Carol does it with ease. She is extremely organized and has a true grasp of ALL facets of social media, from content to engagement. A true All Star in my book.

Jennifer Toolis

San Jose Plumbing

Case study text


Case study text



DBNR Investments

I consider myself experienced and love computers and internet technology. I’m writing to recommend Carol because after my project with her, I learned a lot about how to make social media work for our business.Also, I don’t know how she does it but she’s always there for me, produces quality posts & she’s not currently under contract. I am a raving fan and you will be too.

Dan Nobel
Posted to Carol’s Facebook wall

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