How to Magnetize Your Blog Post Titles Quickly and Easily
Everyone wants more people to read their articles. Or at least they want the right people to read their articles. But how do you get people to click? It seems silly that that’s what we content marketers focus on, but that’s what it comes down to. Here are a few ideas to help you with your blog post titles. And in case you missed it, here’s my post from last week: For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement.
Think about What Makes You Click on an Article
Seems really simple, doesn’t it? It doesn’t have to be difficult! If you’re a content marketer, what makes you want to know more about an article? Can you create a blog post title that’s similar to one you saw that made you want to click? The bottom line of this study from Marketing Land, What Makes You Click On A Headline? says that headlines that end in questions are the most popular. What do you think?
Your Readers Are a Lot Like You
To expand upon what you like, your readers are probably a lot like you. They may be more busy, less busy, or they may spend time in different places than you. But they’re not all that different, really. And when you post your article online, you never know who’s going to read it. There’s someone out there reading one of your articles as you read this, probably.
Use Headlines That Start a Story
For instance, when you use a headline that starts out “this is what happens when you…”, then your readers may want to feel compelled to understand the story. We all love stories! However, try to avoid click bait. Try to deliver what you promise in your headline.

Photo by marcoverch
Use Headlines of the Right Length
My not-so-secret weapon on CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer. There are others around, but this one is the simplest and easiest to use. Plug in your headline, then keep playing with it until you get it right. Watch as your score goes up as you fuss around with the words. CoSchedule seems to like headlines with about 55 characters.
Stack the Important Keywords Towards the Front
If your keyword is Pinterest tricks, put that near the front of the headline. So say Pinterest Tricks You Need to Know, for example. Not You Need to Know These Pinterest Tricks. By the way, have you read this article about creating 25 headlines before choosing one?
Was That Quick and Easy Enough?
I hope so! What else would you like to know? Leave me a comment! And thank you.
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