How to Deal with Awkward Online Conversations

How to Deal with Awkward Online Conversations

How to Deal with Awkward Online Conversations

There’s always that one person who has to step in and ruin a perfectly good conversation by saying something awkward. You know the one: you send out a perfect tweet that you’ve thought about a LOT, and they criticize it for no reason. Now, this is a bit different than a troll, so banishing them from your kingdom by throwing them back under a bridge might not be the best option.

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Sometimes when you’re chatting online, you might not know if someone is joking or not. Does that happen to you? It happens to me in real life, too, but that’s a whole other story. Using an emoji can signal to the other person that you are indeed joking. Or that you’re angry. Or happy! Here’s a fascinating article: 7 Reasons to Use Emoticons in Your Writing and Social Media, According to Science.

By the way, did you know that Twitter measures the sentiment of your tweets using data science? You can search for a word, then go to Advanced Search and scroll to the bottom. So, for instance, you could search on Startups==>>Advanced Search==>>scroll to the bottom and check the positive emotion box. And voilà! You’ll have a list of positive tweets about startups.

Silence is Golden

If you feel that a conversation is veering into an Ocean of Awkward, one of your best weapons is silence. Like the space between notes in music, silence has power and isn’t used nearly often enough. So if there’s an awkward question, let your weapon of silence loose! Also, if you’re an introvert (like I am), silence can drive the extroverts in the room absolutely batty. So there’s that. Here’s an article about introversion that I enjoyed writing: Six Facts About Introverts and Social Media That Will Impress Your Friends.

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Forgetting Names

Online, people have aliases, avatars, and bizarre names. And yet they expect you to remember their names without having an accurate name tag! What’s a forgetful person to do? You could ask a friend of your friend. If you haven’t known your new friend for very long, you could ask them directly, too.


If someone’s friend has passed away, what do you say? It depends. If you don’t know them too well, you can say you’re sorry for their loss. This works as a good first step in any case. And if you don’t think that the Internet Has Changed the Way we Deal with Death, then you’re mistaken. We grieve online as much as online now. Think about when your friends of friends have passed away. And think about Prince passed. What a huge outpouring of grief online! Other ways of dealing could be sending cards, private messages, cards in real life, real flowers, gift cards, and so on.

Feeling Awkward?

Has this entire post made you feel even more awkward than you already feel? Leave me an awkward comment! Then we’ll both feel awkward. But at least we won’t feel as lonely.


Why a Zombie Apocalypse Would be Better Than Having an Old School Social Media Manager

Why a Zombie Apocalypse Would be Better Than Having an Old School Social Media Manager

Why a Zombie Apocalypse Would be Better Than Having an Old School Social Media Manager

We’ve all heard about why it’s a fabulous idea to have an old-school social media manager. But who ever talks about the downside? Nobody, that’s who! And who compares it to a Zombie Apocalypse? Nobody again!

Every Post is So Appropriate

Not only do old-schoolers research posts, but they also make sure each post matches the tone and is perfect for the audience. Again, there is no time for this kind of malarkey during an apocalypse. Staying alive is all that matters. Here’s a terrific article about U.S. States Most and Least Likely to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

Mature Content

If you hire an old-school Social Media Manager (“SMM”), they’re probably going to go on about how things were better in “the good old days.” Maybe they were. Because there was no Internet. But rather than you having to listen patiently to that kind of baloney, wouldn’t you rather be honing your basic survival skills? Of course you would.

Lacking in Emojis

Lacking in Emojis

Lacking in Emojis

Will your Facebook page have enough emoticons on it if you hire an old-school SMM? Probably not. A zombie apocalypse would be full of emoticons, if only because writing with a stick in the sand is already difficult enough. Emoticons are easier. Hence another win for zombie apocalypse!

Those Old-Schoolers Are So Darn Polite!

Those Old-Schoolers Are So Darn Polite!

They Are So Darn Polite!

Why, an old-school SMM would probably say thank you as well as please and also “the pleasure is all mine.” Not only that, they might not cuss at all! Whereas a zombie apocalypse is *&^%ing full of cussing! Zombie Apocalypse: 4. Old-schoolers: 0.

Too Much Research!

Before old-school SMMs post something, they have to read it. But during a zombie apocalypse there is NO TIME. So up it goes! This is a huge time saver. By the way, here’s an article about how to do social media in 60 minutes day.

Old-School SMMs Never Get Drunk and Post

How much fun is that? They don’t have to delete a bunch of posts the day after a binge, either. During an apocalypse, though? Nobody cares! Do the drunken math!

Old-School SMMs Are So Politically Correct

Old-School SMMs Are So Politically Correct

Old-School SMMs Don’t Make Off-Color Jokes

They’ve seen what can happen if you bully or taunt people, and they won’t do that. Those are the best kind of jokes, right? But during an apocalypse nothing is off-limits!

They’re Over Experienced

Old-school SMMs have years of experience, sometimes even in the marketing arena. In an apocalypse, nobody has any experience. It’s all about getting through the day alive.

They’re Over Experienced

They’re Over Experienced


Their Communication Skills Are Terrific

Some of them grew up before there was social media or computers. And they know how to use punctuation, too. By the way, do you want to know whether Punctuation is Important? But during a zombie apocalypse nobody cares about the Oxford Comma!

Old-School SMMs Know What to Do in a Crisis

They’ve been in a crisis before, but have they ever played paintball or wielded an AK-47? Probably not. So there you have it! A zombie apocalypse is better than having an old-school SMM!

Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse



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