Who Are You Writing for? Target Audience and Social Media

Who Are You Writing for? Target Audience and Social Mediaconcert photo

Depending upon who your target audience is, your content and voice will change. This holds true whether you’re writing a brochure, a Craigslist ad, or a blog post. Without some idea of the person you want to reach, you’re not going to get very far with your social media posts.

Pain Points

What problems cause your target audience pain, and how can you address those pain points? For instance, my target audience often does not have time to do their own social media or blogging. That’s where I come in.

Track your most engaged customers’ ages, locations, interests, and behaviors using a tool such as Google Analytics. Tony Delmercado, co-founder and COO of Hawke Media suggests in How to Use Your Audience’s Pain Points to Grow Your Business.


How will you solve your potential client’s problems? And what kind of language does your client use? Using your client’s language will go a long way towards having them choose to work with you. If you want to know more about your audience and their language, you might like this article: Audience: Use Their Language.


What hobbies or interests does your target audience have? What is their age, income level, and gender? What else do you need to know about your ideal client? Creating a profile of your ideal client–the person in the center of that bullseye–can really help. Hubspot has a good article on How to Create an Ideal Client Profile.

Where Does Your Audience Hang Out?

Not everyone is on every social media platform. If your client is interested in business-to-business, for instance, they might do well on LinkedIn, but probably not so much on Pinterest. If your client sells jewelry or carved wooden artwork, then Pinterest might be their best bet. For more about audience, you might like Using Surveys to Define Your Audience.

How Do You Ensure Your Audience Will Hear You?

Do you change what you say so that your audience will really listen? How so? Leave me a comment! And thank you!


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