How to Face and Overcome “One-More-Thing-Itis” Six Ways

How to Face and Overcome "One-More-Thing-Itis" Six Ways

How to Face and Overcome “One-More-Thing-Itis” Six Ways

Are you one of those people who’s always trying to squeeze in just one more thing? Do you relish the idea of checking another item off your “to-do” list? Then you might have One-More-Thing-Itis. I should know; I have it, too.




Maybe you think that only people with ADHD have “One-More-Thing-Itis.” But these days with social media, many people feel like they have too little time to finish the important things. Maybe it’s multitasking or maybe it’s information overload. Many of us lie in bed at night thinking “what did I forget to do?”

Do a Brain Dump

Do a Brain Dump

Do a Brain Dump

Eric Lofholm suggests spending 14 minutes every morning putting everything down on paper and then prioritizing everything. Even if you don’t get to it all, writing it down helps. And to do that, grab a pen and paper, suggests Mike Vardy in How to Do the Ultimate Brain Dump. ”

“There is something about writing something down that makes it stick; you connect better with the tasks, projects and goals you have on your plate when you write them down rather than enter them into a device.” says Vardy.

Keep Track of Time

Keep Track of Time

Keep Track of Time

Do you know how much time you spend doing your every day chores? Neither did I, until I started tracking with Noko! (I’m not an afilliate, by the way, just a big fan!) Stop guessing how much time you spend! I seriously wish I’d found Freckle a long time ago! But if you don’t want to spend the bucks, you could always get an app or use an egg timer! Here’s my article about Time Management for Baby Boomers: Managing Social Media, if you’re so inclined.

Arrive Early

Arrive Early

Arrive Early

One of my dad’s favorite sayings was “if you’re on time, you’re already late.” Did you have the same dad as me? I don’t arrive early because my dad said it was a good idea, though. I arrive early because it affords me the luxury of goofing off for a few minutes before an appointment. I’ll bet a lot of other early birds are the same way. Once at the airport, that thirty minutes turns into a sweet, sweet pumpkin latte coffee break. At an appointment, you can check out the magazines in the waiting room. And of course, it impresses the heck out of anyone you’re meeting with.

In the excellent article Always Late? How To Be On Time — For Real, by Refinery 29, there are suggestions for figuring out “what kind of late you are” so you can figure out how to be on time.

Forget Perfectionism

Forget Perfectionism

Forget Perfectionism

Are you a perfectionist? Then you know that everything could always be a little better, smoother, more polished. Better to do your best and get it done than wait until it’s perfect! For more tips and tricks, check out This Could Be So Much More Awesome! By moi.

Enlist Help

Enlist Help

Enlist Help

Some people get others to help them be on time. You can set reminders on your phone ahead of time, or have a friend call you. If you need a professional nagger, they’re probably available, too! Sometimes it’s other people (a spouse, kids, coworkers) that make getting out on time difficult. If an activity is helping you become the best version of yourself, it might be worthwhile. If not, consider outsourcing it.

Sharpen the Axe

Sharpen the Axe

Sharpen the Axe

Remember the quote from Abraham Lincoln: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe“? Like mise en place allows you to prepare a meal faster, getting prepared ahead of time lets you focus on the task at hand.

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How Do You Avoid One-More-Thing-Itis?

Or maybe you don’t suffer from it at all. Do you? Leave me a comment and let me know! And thank you.


This Could Be So Much More Awesome

This Could Be So Much More Awesome

This Could Be So Much More Awesome

Lately, I’ve been thinking about perfectionism and how big a problem it is to many of us. Getting started is the worst problem for me, and maybe for you as well. How do you avoid perfectionism, though? Is there any way to get out there without being so worried about every little thing you say online? Of course there is! Being less of a perfectionist can also be something improving your productivity.

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy

It’s such a cliché, isn’t it? Just be happy. And don’t worry! It’s one thing to think that, and another to truly believe it. Not caring about what people think is a tough one. If you only compete with yourself, though, then you can stop worrying about what others think. Oddly, this is a branding question. If you’re really yourself, the people who are attracted to you will really like the real you. Everybody else can go fly a kite!

Shooting Granny Style

Once upon a time way back before 1980, there was a basketball player named Rick Barry. Rick Barry played for the Golden State Warriors who recently choked and let Cleveland kill them in the finals. But I digress. Barry threw underhanded free throws, getting an amazing 90% of them in the basket. Although at the time, Barry was laughed at, his stats prove that he was right. He never cared what others thought. However, not until recently did his style catch on. The point is do what works for YOU.

Not Every Hit Flies out of the Park

To borrow a baseball analogy, sometimes you need a hit that merely connects with the ball. A bunt, if you will. When I’m writing, I’m not always “in the zone,” and being in the zone doesn’t always matter. The important thing is to write consistently. By the way, if you like baseball, you might like: Social Media Managers: How the San Francisco Giants Can Improve Your Game.

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It Could Always Be Better

Isn’t that always the case? Not everything I do is going to be perfect. Not every post will go viral. Keep writing anyway. Keep going anyway. Eventually, you will hit your stride, and be “in the zone.” The stars will be in alignment, and you’ll hit it out of the ballpark. I really like this article: The One Thing You Need to Know to Avoid Perfectionism.

Perfectionist Much?

Let me know in the comments if you struggle with perfectionism. I’d appreciate if you made a spelling error or two, too! Thanks!



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10 Ways to Avoid Social Media Perfectionism

10 Ways to Avoid Social Media Perfectionism

10 Ways to Avoid Social Media Perfectionism

Lately I’ve been running into a few people who are such perfectionists about their social media that they believe everything has to be perfect before they can make a single tweet. They listen in on conversations, don’t participate in tweetchats, and endlessly wring their hands over posts. Meantime, their social media is noticeably quiet. I’d really like to encourage you, if you’re one of these people, to get out there and start making some mistakes. Nobody’s going to like you any more or respect you if you wait around until everything is perfect.

Life Isn’t All Black or White

If your tweet, post, or pin has to be perfect in order for you to be worthy, then you need to knock it off. Get out there and do your best, but don’t spend ten times as long as everyone else getting it perfect. Simply adopting the mantra that you’re willing to be less than perfect goes a long way towards avoiding perfectionism.

Choose Your Social Media Battles

So maybe that tweet isn’t worth getting your undies all in a knot. Maybe spend more time writing that blog post. Or picking the right image for that post you’ll share.

In Ten Years, Will Anyone Care About That Tweet?

The point is to get some distance by using the filter of time. Even if you make a terrible mistake, will anyone remember in a year? Five years? Ten? Probably not.

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

You’ve heard this slogan, or read it in bumper sticker format on the back of a car. And like everyone else, it’s one thing to have the bumper sticker, and another thing to live by it.

You Can’t Please Everyone

Sometimes aphorisms are aphorisms because many people have the same issue. This is another one. Please yourself first and let the ones who disapprove fall away like autumn leaves.

Stop “One More Thingitis”

This is my personal one. When you have five minutes before you head out the door, do you start another project so you don’t waste that five minutes? That’s something I do. Then five minutes turns into ten. One more thingitis is part of perfectionism. It’s also rolled up into time management. It’s ok to do nothing (or just breathe) for that five minutes.

Don’t Tie Your Self-Worth to Your Work

10 Ways to Avoid Social Media Perfectionism

10 Ways to Avoid Social Media Perfectionism

This one is a little tougher to implement. Social media is part of your life, but there’s more to you. A lot more. Maybe deciding not to care comes with age, or having a few failures under your belt.

Ask Friends to Give You a Reality Check

I am blessed to have other social media managers as friends. Having a core group of people who can tell you when you’re too close to something can help you.

Be Kind to Yourself

Maybe you can be kind to other people, but how about being kind to yourself? Treat yourself like your own best friend and tell yourself what a best friend would say.


Laugh at yourself, kindly. I love this article from Tiny Buddy, The One Thing You Need to Overcome Perfectionism.

If you’re a perfectionist, is it hurting you or helping you?

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