How to Avoid Bad News on Social Media and Keep Your Sanity
Those of you on social media know that being there too much can almost make you have ADHD. Here a squirrel, there a squirrel, everywhere a squirrel squirrel. Am I right? Oh, look! A squirrel! Seriously, though, how do you keep the omnipresent bad news at bay? Here are some ideas.
Use Lists
Vigorously maintain your lists in Twitter. Do not enter the mainstream every day, for that way madness lies. Clip unwanted accounts in your lists, like you would trim the unwanted branches of your beloved shrubberies. Chop out those on your lists with tweets you don’t like, and look for others you do like. You may want to take a deeper dive into using lists.
Hide Posts
Yes, you can hide posts in Facebook. You are not obligated to follow everyone’s sad, crazy story of how they were once beholden to the circus, forced to eat Spam, or nearly drowned that one time in Buenos Aires. Really. For some clues on when to do what, here’s a post about how to unfollow a friend without unfriending.
Sometimes you need to unfollow people. If they always post bad news, if they badmouth others, if they sell sell sell! Those are good reasons to unfollow. You may have others. Also, if they haven’t posted since 1999, that’s a good reason, too. Why are you following them? And here is one of my favorite posts from friend Bridget Willard about your “safe place” on social media.
Get Outside
We all need a break from social media. Take a break every hour, two hours, or whenever you need it. Don’t follow someone else’s rules. Take a day or a weekend off. Heck, take a week off if you can! When you return, everything will look fresh.
Post Less, Curate More
Maybe you could simply post less, but better stuff. Some accounts seem to post everything they find, rather than what’s perfect for their audience. If you curate, only the very best will get through your filter.
Focus on the Good News
There are some places that publish good news. Here are some of the best:
How Do You Avoid the Bad News?
Do you have the skin of a rhino? Does bad news roll off you like water off a duck? Leave me a comment! I’d love to know!

Photo by thirdblade
I don’t have a problem with bad news or badmouthing on my twitter feed. Perhaps its because I only follow professionals in my field.
I know what you mean about the noise of social media though. I try and prioritise my attention towards the people I “know”.
Hi Clement,
I think I remember you saying you don’t have Facebook. So that could also help to limit the bad news and badmouthing.
I use lists a lot to cut through the noise on Twitter. Some people tweet a LOT, others only a little bit.
Thanks as always for your support. I appreciate it!
These are all great suggestions. I live by lists and hide posts often. Thanks for the link, too.
Thank you, Bridget! (And you’re welcome for the link.) Hiding links is one way to stay sane, and avoid overwhelm.
Good list of tips! Thanks Carol!
Thanks, Justine! There’s too much focus on all the bad things happening. Maybe because it’s an election year?
Thanks again for stopping by!
I would go quietly insane without my Twitter lists! Totally agree that sometimes getting up and walking away for an extended period does you the world of good :-)
Hi Kittie,
I’d be quietly insane right there with you! Lists keep us from “Rabbit Hole Syndrome.” And walking away or simply walking helps any day!
Thanks for stopping by,