Trending Topics July 30 #Digiblogchat

Image by <a href="">Nick</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Our #digiblogchat topic for July 30, 2024 is Trending Topics! | Image by Nick from Pixabay

Our #digiblogchat topic for July 30, 2024 is Trending Topics!

Trending Topics – how do you see them and how can they benefit you? – is the Tuesday, July 30th  #digiblogchat topic! 

Timing is everything on social media, right? So if you’d like to post about your new jewelry store and the beautiful diamond rings, you might want to check the trending topics first. Is there a wildfire or flood happening at the same time you want to post? You might want to put it off! If a trending topic is one that works for your brand, maybe you could catch that wave and ride it. As I write these words, the trending topics are about the Paris Olympics, the opening ceremonies, and the uniforms. Is there a way for you to incorporate those topics into an ad or post?

There are immediate trending topics, but there are also the longer-term trending topics, such as health and wellness and climate change.

For our chat this week, the questions might seem to be all over the map, but that’s because each is based on a particular trending topic for 2024!

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.  If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!

NOTE NEW TIME: at 8pm BST, 9pm western Europe, 3pm ET, 12:00 NOON pm PDT.


Q1. How will the rise of AI change the job market in the coming year? The next decade? #digiblogchat 

Q2. What climate change solutions have you seen lately that could combat climate change? #digiblogchat

Q3. How has the stigma around mental health challenges changed recently? #digiblogchat

Q4. How is social media changing our sense of self-worth? How has it affected you? #digiblogchat

Q5. What are some benefits of remote work that you did not expect? #digiblogchat

Q6. What ways have you changed your lifestyle personally to live more sustainably? #digiblogchat

Q7. How can we leverage technology so that everyone has an equal shot at a good quality education? #digiblogchat

Q8. What steps can we take to create a more inclusive workplace? #digiblogchat

Q9. What health and wellness trends have you seen lately that you might consider yourself? #digiblogchat

Q10. What trending topic have you seen recently that gives you hope for the future? #digiblogchat

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