The Power of a Complaint
So you’ve read my first post about my run-in with BL&T, and you want more, more, more! You won’t be satisfied until you get it! I have little to report, and of that, none is very interesting. Therefore, I will amuse you with a bunch of random things until I run out of words and have to go to sleep.
The Escalation Team
After my issue went to the “Escalation Team,” I received two calls and some email. Let’s call the customer service rep “Irene.” The message went something like this: “We have received your request to escalate this issue. Please call this [long, long number], refer to this case number [another number], along with this access code [another number] and this extension [another number]. Please solve for x, where x = the ratio of your sanity divided by where your career track would be if quantified by a number and you did not have to return this call.
Ok. I made that last part up. But you knew that! Because by now you know me. We are good buddies, you and I. Well, not really. Sort of. Ok, not so much.
I still have Internet problems
So now it is late Wednesday night, and the Interwebz still no workie over here. For instance, some of you commented on my blogpost, and I never saw any notifications! The emails went into BL&T’s big bit bucket, and some snarky email-eating grinch is probably chewing on them right now. At any rate, Houston, we still have a problem. Yes, we do.
So since you and I are stuck here in this story together, this is what I’ve been up to. I would’ve done an interpretive dance, but instead here’s a photo montage of what I’ve been doing since first complaining to BL&T.
Stacking Pennies!

Stacking Pennies
Reorganizing My Stamp Collection!

This is probably organized enough
Watching Grass Grow!

Watching Grass Grow
Finishing a Humongous Jigsaw Puzzle!

18,000 Pieces? Pffft! No Problem!
Building a House of Cards

House of Cards
Listening to Crickets!

When Will My Internet Connection Get Fixed?
And also, I’m not quite sure how it happened but I woke up this morning with a long white beard. So that’s my story. What’s yours? Leave your guess as to when the Internet will get fixed in the comments below. Maybe we can have a pool with a prize. Would you like that?
BEST Sentence: “Please solve for x, where x = the ratio of your sanity divided by where your career track would be if quantified by a number and you did not have to return this call.”
Runner Up: “The emails went into BL&T’s big bit bucket, and some snarky email-eating grinch is probably chewing on them right now.”
There is nothing worse than dealing with utility companies. They work in their own dimension of time and space. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. If all else fails, take your MacBook to Starbucks and use their WiFi just for a break.
Thank you, Bridget! Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, but of course I got no email notification! Not having the Interwebz is very tiring. I can’t watch a movie all the way through, Google stuff, or even tweet very well. So if I miss something before this gets fixed, my apologies!
Thank you again,
Some companies have totally lost the concept of service, especially if they think they too big to care. It took the U.S. Postal service 82 days to replace a broken community mailbox. I spoke to in person and over the phone to several alleged “customer service reps” and NOT one returned a call as they promised. Finally had to write my congressman and senators to get this resolved, oh and also wrote several blogs on my experience as well. I feel your frustration and you are too kind Carol keeping their identity a secret.
Wow! 82 days to repair a community mailbox? That must be a new record! I had an experience with the USPS this week, Phil, and I thought about blogging about it, but if I blogged about every bad experience, I might not have time for the positive ones!
It’s crazy that you had to elevate your own issue so far up the food chain, isn’t it? It’s like my dad used to say: “If you promise something, then DO IT!” Period. Simple, but not always easy.
Thanks for commenting! I appreciate that.