The Gartner Hype Cycle Defined and Managing Expectations! March 25 #DigiBlogChat

Image by Ghinzo from Pixabay

The Gartner Hype Cycle Defined and Managing Expectations | Image by Ghinzo from Pixabay

Join us on Tuesday 25 March, for #DigiBlogChat topic: The Gartner Hype Cycle, what is it and how do you manage expectations? with topic and questions by

First, what is the Gartner Hype Cycle? “Gartner Hype Cycles provide a graphic representation of the maturity and adoption of technologies and applications, and how they are potentially relevant to solving real business problems and exploiting new opportunities. Gartner Hype Cycle methodology gives you a view of how a technology or application will evolve over time, providing a sound source of insight to manage its deployment within the context of your specific business goals.”

Exciting times are ahead of us, with more and more interesting topics! The year is zooming by. Tune into BlueSky on Tuesday, March 25th to hear about this topic!

Join us on BlueSky each Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.  If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!

NEW TIME: at 7pm UK time, 8pm western Europe, 3pm ET, 12:00 NOON pm PST.

Here are the Questions

Q1. What are the five phases of Gartner’s Hype Cycle, and what characterizes each phase? #DigiBlogChat 

Q2. How does the Hype Cycle relate to technology adoption and market maturity? #DigiBlogChat 

Q3. What are the limitations of the Hype Cycle as a predictive tool? #DigiBlogChat 

Q4. What factors influence the peak of inflated expectations?#DigiBlogChat 

Q5. What are the key indicators that a technology is entering the “trough of disillusionment”? #DigiBlogChat 

Q6. Why is managing expectations crucial during the Hype Cycle? #DigiBlogChat 

Q7. How can organizations effectively manage expectations during the “peak of inflated expectations”? #DigiBlogChat 

Q8. How can you differentiate between genuine potential and inflated hype? #DigiBlogChat

Q9. How can organizations leverage the “slope of enlightenment” to their advantage? #DigiBlogChat 

Q10. How do you balance innovation with realistic expectations?#DigiBlogChat 


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