Tech Communities #Digiblogchat July 23

Tech Communities | Image by <a href="">Lucent_Designs_dinoson20</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Tech Communities | Image by Lucent_Designs_dinoson20 from Pixabay

Tech Communities – what are they, could they benefit you? – is the Tuesday, July 23rd  #digiblogchat topic! with topic and questions by @LazBlazter.

A tech community is quite simply a group of like-minded people focused on technology. A tech community could include programmers, data analysts, or hobbyists who have an interest in technology. Perhaps #Digiblogchat could be classified as a tech community. We do discuss technology quite often (lately we’ve chatted about A/I a lot). What do you think?

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday from 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.  If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!

NOTE NEW TIME: at 8pm BST, 9pm western Europe, 3pm ET, 12:00 NOON pm PDT.


Q1. What are the primary benefits of joining a tech community for both individuals and organizations? #digiblogchat 

Q2. How have tech communities evolved with the advancement of technology and remote work? #digiblogchat 

Q3. What role do tech communities play in fostering innovation and knowledge sharing? #digiblogchat 

Q4. What are the common challenges faced by tech communities in maintaining engagement and growth? #digiblogchat 

Q5. How can tech communities effectively bridge the gap between experienced professionals and newcomers? #digiblogchat 

More questions about tech communities

Q6. What strategies can be employed to promote diversity and inclusion within tech communities? #digiblogchat 

Q7. How can the impact of tech communities be measured and assessed? #digiblogchat 

Q8. What are some examples of successful tech community initiatives that have driven positive change? #digiblogchat 

Q9. What emerging technologies will shape the future of tech communities? #digiblogchat

Q10. How can tech communities adapt to the changing landscape of work and technology? #digiblogchat 

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