How to Transition from X to Other Platforms? Sept 10 #Digiblogchat

Image by <a href="">二 盧</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

How to Transition from X to Other Platforms with @LazBlazter | Image: 二 盧 from Pixabay

How to Transition from X to Other Platforms

How to Transition from X to Other Platforms with @LazBlazter– is the Tuesday, September 10th  #digiblogchat topic! at 8pm BST, 9pm western Europe, 3pm ET, 12:00 NOON pm PDT. For this chat, the topic and questions are by @LazBlazter.

Have you, like many of us, been fed up with what’s happening on Twitter/X? You may have hundreds or even thousands of followers and yet you’re only seeing political posts and ads for ridiculous products. But where can you go instead? If this question sounds like something you’ve been asking yourself, join us on September 10th for a chat.

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.  If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!

NOTE NEW TIME: at 8pm BST, 9pm western Europe, 3pm ET, 12:00 NOON pm PDT.

How to Transition from X to Other Platforms


Q1. Why would #DigiBlogChat transition to an alternative Social Media platform?

Q2. What do we risk losing or stand to gain if we no longer delivered #DigiBlogChat on X? 

Q3. Which rival platform should #DigiBlogChat consider and how can we evaluate the potential for a successful switch?

Q4. How do we migrate our #DigiBlogChat community and assure that operating on a new platform works for you too?

Q5. How do we handle post scheduling and traffic data, can we all use the same tools we have for X? #DigiBlogChat

Q6. What advance support and training for the alternative platform would you need or recommend to attract new followers for #DigiBlogChat?

Q7. Should we set up a Test and trial of alternative Platforms to assess which works best for everyone? #DigiBlogChat

Q8. How about the conversation, do we mix it up and trial alternative formats to our traditional Ten Questions per topic? #DigiBlogChat

Q9. What could we attempt to make X a more attractive proposition and mitigate some of the change impacts introduced under Musk? #DigiBlogChat

Q10. Would dual-running during a transition period be helpful? #DigiBlogChat

Q11. In short, is X the best place for #DigiBlogChat or can we do better?

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