Marketing for Small Business March 11 #DigiBlogChat

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

Image by rawpixel from Pixabay

March 11 Today’s #DigiBlogChat topic: Marketing for Small Business

Let’s talk about Marketing for Small Business on our next #DigiBlogChat of 2025 on BlueSky! The topic and questions were planned by We’ve chatted about marketing for all kinds of businesses before, but things are always changing. We all get stuck with marketing of one type or another, don’t we? Sometimes we have to sell an idea or discuss what’s on our resume, with many small businesses needing to sell their wares every day. Are there ways to make marketing any easier?

Exciting times are ahead of us, with more and more interesting topics! The year is zooming by. Tune into BlueSky on Tuesday, March 11th to hear about this topic!

Join us on BlueSky each Tuesday from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.  If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!

NEW TIME: at 7pm UK time, 8pm western Europe, 3pm ET, 12:00 NOON pm PST.


Q1. What percentage of your operation do you spend on marketing? #DigiBlogChat 

Q2. On what platforms do you currently promote your business? #DigiBlogChat 

Q3. How much time do you spend on online platforms? #DigiBlogChat 

Q4. What strategies have you found most effective in attracting new customers to your small business? #DigiBlogChat 

Q5. What unconventional approach have you taken to attract your target customers? #DigiBlogChat 

Q6. How do you reward your best customers? #DigiBlogchat 

Q7.  What flexibility do you have in spending your marketing budget? #DigiBlogChat 

Q8. How do you leverage the reviews of your super fans? #DigiBlogChat 

Q9. What is your favorite promotional channel and does your favorite generate the most income? #DigiBlogChat 

Q10. Tell us about a challenge you’ve faced and successfully overcome. What happened? #DigiBlogChat


Small Business Ideas for Social Media Newbies

Last week, I had the opportunity to chat with some social media newbies–a small nonprofit in the local community. They were using social media, but not very much. They have a website, but not much experience on social media. Maybe you’re in the same boat? Here are a few ideas you might use.

Check your followers

Do you know who your followers are on Facebook? On Twitter? Anywhere on social media? This nonprofit was surprised that many of their followers lived in a different area than their services cover. More of the locals were covering the cost for people that were farther away. It’s pretty easy to get demographic info about your followers. Here is a description, from the horse’s mouth (Facebook): How do I see demographic data about the people who like my Facebook page? You might also give people a reason (or two) to follow your page. For instance, maybe people want to learn about your free events.

Use good images in posts

It’s ok to occasionally use a poster or graphic with lots of text on it, but how about something that draws people in instead? An image with people in it will draw others in, especially if it’s someone they personally know! One silver lining about the pandemic–it’s often easier to get photos of people, since they’re sometimes masked. Otherwise, you probably want to ask permission to use photos of people. If you don’t know what makes a good image, this might help: 10 Best Practices for Eye-Catching Social Media Images. One tip I like is to vary your social media images. People don’t want to see exactly the same images all the time. So experiment with images and see which ones get the most reach.

Small Business Ideas for Social Media Newbies | Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Ask what people want to see

It’s easy to ask what people want, especially if you’re connected to your followers in real life. You can ask people when you see them, or ask on your social media platforms. You will probably be surprised at what people want! I’ve written about How to Find Audience Pain Points and Why You’d Want to before. You don’t have to simply post about yourself, either! People may want information about other topics and solutions to their problems or issues. One of the easiest ways to figure out your audience pain points is to use a search engine like Google.

Get more people to follow you

This is something that doesn’t occur to a lot of people. Ask them to follow you. They often will. Also–pro tip–if someone has “liked” one of your Facebook posts and isn’t a follower, you can invite them to follow you. You can also ask super fans of your page to invite their friends. If you’re a nonprofit, you may have lots of employees connected to your page, and this is another good, simple way to get more followers.


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