How to Create a Quick and Easy Slide Show on Pinterest
To tell the truth, I’m only writing this post because it took me so gosh darn long to figure out how to do this recently, and I deal with Pinterest all the time. But even Pinterest’s own Frequently Asked Questions didn’t really explain how to create a slide show. And they call it a showcase, too–not a slide show. No, that would be too “’70s,” apparently.
Note: You must have a business account to take advantage of the showcase feature.

Pinterest’s Showcase Lets Businesses Rotate Five Boards
Anyway, it is a slide show, and you can make a pretty good one in about five minutes! Pretty cool, huh? Mine (a screenshot) is above.
Step One. Click the big plus mark that says “Set up a Showcase.”
Note: If there is no big plus mark, either your business account isn’t set up correctly, or there’s a bug in your Pinterest. One of Pinterest’s experts helped me find it, since the showcase edit page appeared to have been missing temporarily. First, log into your Pinterest account, then access it at https://www.pinterest.com/showcase/settings/.
Step Two. Choose your five best boards for the showcase. You may want boards with at least eight pins on them.
Step Three. Edit the boards some good pins appear on each of the boards. Choose a good cover for each board. Make sure to save after each edit.
Step Four. Have yourself some of the best DIY Lemon Iced Tea! You may want to reduce the sugar if you’re on Whole30, like I am, though. :D
That’s it!
Did I leave anything out?
Tell me if you set up your slideshow! Leave me a comment below and I’ll go take a look! Thank you.
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