Terrifying Halloween characters of Twitter/X 10/31 Tuesday | Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay
We’re talking about the Terrifying Halloween characters of Twitter/X this Tuesday! Do join us on Twitter (now “X”) on Tuesday, October 31st at 1:00 pm Pacific for #Digiblogchat!
Join us each Tuesday from 1:00 through 2:00 p.m. PDT, 10pm CEST (most of W. Europe), 9pm BST + WEST (UK + Portugal), 4pm EDT (Eastern). My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter. If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!
Here are the questions:
Q1. What kinds of ghosts have you seen on Twitter, who just hang around and never say “Boo!”? #digiblogchat
Q2. How afraid are you of zombies stealing your content and claiming it as their own? #digiblogchat
Q3. What do you think of monsters who insert themselves into your conversations without any warning? #digiblogchat
Q4. When you’re up late and on Twitter/X, have the werewolves ever threatened you and what did you do? #digiblogchat
Q5. How often and why have you blocked mean trolls who spout misinformation? #digiblogchat
Q6. What did you do when you came across someone so wrapped up in themselves that they could be a mummy? #digiblogchat
Q7. Has any evil clown ever tried to lure you down a dark alley with the promise of free candy on a suspicious link? #digiblogchat
Q8. Have you uncovered any mask-wearing fiend who tried to purposely upset you and what did you do? #digiblogchat
Q9. How did you feel if someone ghosted you here on Twitter/X? #digiblogchat
Q10. What’s your best advice on how to handle creepy Halloween characters on Twitter? #digiblogchat
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