#DigiBlogChat June 18 Using A/I to Plan Your Vacation

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/qimono-1962238/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1765027">Arek Socha</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1765027">Pixabay</a>

June 18 #DigiBlogChat: Using A/I to Plan Your Vacation | Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Join us Tuesday, June 18 for #digiblogchat Using A/I to Plan Your Vacation

NOTE NEW TIME: at 8pm BST, 9pm western Europe, 3pm ET, 12:00 NOON pm PDT.

Artificial Intelligence is all over right now. And you’ve already been using A/I in some form or another. But have you ever considered using A/I to plan a trip?  You may not know how–or you could use a few tips. If that sounds like you, join our upcoming chat! Maybe you’ll get some ideas during this chat!

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday from 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.  If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!


Q1. How can A/I use your past travel history to determine what your next vacation might be? #digiblogchat

Q2. What prompt would you use to ask A/I about a personalized itinerary? #digiblogchat

Q3. In what ways could you find the best accommodations using A/I? #digiblogchat

Q4. Could AI help you with pricing and predicting flight plans and prices? How so? #digiblogchat

Q5. What popular local experiences would you search for while on a trip and could A/I book those? #digiblogchat

Even more questions about A/I and travel:

Q6. How would you translate local menus, signs, etc., using A/I? #digiblogchat

Q7. Why or why wouldn’t you use a virtual assistant to provide on-the-go information while traveling? #digiblogchat

Q8. How would you use A/I to build a wardrobe specific to the weather on an upcoming trip? #digiblogchat

Q9. How could A/I build a spreadsheet with all your expenses and offer you tips to stay within your budget? #digiblogchat

Q10. How could A/I make your trip safer and more comfortable so you could relax? #digiblogchat

#DigiBlogChat April 9, 2024 A/I and Ethics

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4389372">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com//?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4389372">Pixabay</a>

A/I and ethics is our topic for April 9, 2024’s #digiblogchat | Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Artificial Intelligence (A/I) and ethics is our topic for April 9, 2024’s #digiblogchat. Today’s topic and questions are by @LazBlazter. A/I, from ChatGPt to Grammarly, is in the news every day. Some people are afraid that A/I will take their jobs, while others rejoice that A/I will mean they get to work less and/or take different and newer jobs. Where do you stand?

Join us on Twitter each Tuesday from 1:00 through 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.  If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat. P.S. Don’t forget to add the #digiblogchat hashtag!

Here are the questions about A/I and ethics:

  1. Bias and Fairness: How can we ensure that AI systems are free from bias and treat all individuals fairly, regardless of their background or identity? #DigiBlogChat
  2. Transparency: What level of transparency should be expected from AI algorithms? How can we make their decision-making processes more understandable? #DigiBlogChat
  3. Accountability: Who should be held accountable when an AI system makes a harmful decision? The developer, the organization, or the AI itself? #DigiBlogChat
  4. Privacy: How do we balance the benefits of AI-driven personalization with the need to protect user privacy? What are the ethical boundaries? #DigiBlogChat
  5. Autonomy and Control: As AI systems become more autonomous, how do we ensure that humans retain control over critical decisions? #DigiBlogChat
  6. Job Displacement: What ethical responsibilities do we have toward workers whose jobs are displaced by automation and AI technologies? #DigiBlogChat
  7. Weaponization: How can we prevent the misuse of AI in warfare, surveillance, and other harmful contexts? #DigiBlogChat
  8. Data Ownership and Consent: Who owns the data used to train AI models, and how can we obtain informed consent from individuals whose data is used? #DigiBlogChat
  9. Superintelligent AI: What ethical guidelines should govern the development of superintelligent AI systems that surpass human capabilities?#DigiBlogChat
  10. Long-Term Impact: How can we anticipate and address the long-term societal impact of AI, both positive and negative? #DigiBlogChat
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