Social Media: Different Platform, Different Language
Recently, talking to social media “experts,” I’ve run across some very different opinions about how to use social media. One “expert” admitted she only checks her Twitter account once a week. Another admitted that he pushes his Facebook posts through to Twitter. And a third says she uses the exact same material at the exact same time across all platforms. So do some of these practices seem not very social? Here are some of my reasons for using different language on each platform.
Each Platform is its Own Country
Let’s talk LinkedIn. To me, LinkedIn is the land of complete sentences, good punctuation, no slang, and professionalism. The demographic is more business-oriented and less casual. I probably would not share a BBQ sauce recipe on LinkedIn as I might on Pinterest or Twitter. Nor would I use a bunch of hashtags or acronyms there. Facebook, similar to LinkedIn, is about connecting, but the language is different again. Although Facebook recently adopted hashtags from Twitter, I still wouldn’t use them there, since many people don’t fully understand them. The language of Pinterest is more casual, but still not as casual as Twitter. And so on.
One Post Across All Platforms Seems Lazy

Using one post across all platforms seems lazy
If I see someone using the same post across multiple platforms, what runs through my mind is this person isn’t taking the time to fully engage on any platform. So I’m not likely to engage with this person. They give the impression of being too busy to interact and of someone who only wants to broadcast.
Why Follow Different Platforms if Posts Are the Same?
If I see the same post in two or more platforms, why would I want to follow on all those platforms when I could get the same content by following in just one place? If you’d like to recycle your content, why not just wait a couple of days (people have a short memory on social media), then post that content in a different place? As long as the content isn’t “stale,” you can still use it again.
Do You Use the Same Language Everywhere You’re Social?
I’m very curious about this. I know people want to save time, but does saving time for ourselves make us less accessible to our potential audience? What do you think?
I agree with you…mostly…
I tend to post regularly, but spontaneously. So I’ll get an idea for a post and post it in facebook. Then I’ll go to LinkedIn and post it again, but try to vary it a little bit. Then I’ll go to twitter and repost it in 140 characters. It sounds like a lot of work but really only takes 5-10 minutes.
Though I am not completely automating the process (yuck) and I do vary the posts a bit (and sometimes I only post on one site — not all) — I am concerned that I am, essentially, posting the same content across all three social media platforms in a short amount of time…
But waiting a day and rotating the content seems too complicated…
Is it really so terrible to do it this way?
Hello Susan,
I’m just saying to stand in the shoes of your clients. If those clients are following you across LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, what incentive do they have to follow in three places if they can get the same exact content (at the same time) by following in just one place? Why not throw that content into a Word doc and post it later in the week? Or, if it’s timeless, later in the same month or year? That way, you get maximum exposure, too.
That’s my two cents, anyway.
Thank you for commenting! I appreciate your taking the time. :-)
Dude. You are a blogging machine. Go Carol Go!
Every time you call me dude, I crack up! Thanks, Bridget! Umm…dude.
Sorry. It’s more like “Dude” as in “Woah! Amazing. I can’t believe it.”
Dude is my favorite utilitarian word. The inflection changes the meaning.
So it’s more of a Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventures kind of a dude.
Oh, I love the way you use “Dude.” And I get that it’s like “Whoa.” It’s useful for so many different purposes.
It’s the “little black dress” of words.
Yes, it is the “little black dress!” Good one!
WHOA. I keep misspelling that word.
Hah! I didn’t notice that WHOA was misspelled!
I always say that Twitter is like having U2 at a Stadium. Treating Facebook (or cross-posting) like Twitter is like booking U2 into a coffee shop, it’s just too much.
I like that: booking U2 at a coffeeshop. That’s a great simile! Thank you.
I agree that it’s lazy. I’m glad someone else is saying it.
I’m of the opinion that we should always make things easy for our audience, not easier for US. But some people disagree with that concept.
And that’s what makes you great at “social” media. You are actually social.
(You mean it takes work to develop relationships? Wait. What?) #snark
I really respect your opinions on social media, Bridget. Talk about social! That’s why so many read your posts and pay attention to what you say. You’re everywhere and always using new technology, and people notice that.
Most of my opinions come from my own experience as a user.
Guess what? I ignore serial cross posters. I know I’ve already seen their content.
If I feel, for whatever reason, unable to disconnect with them on any particular account, I end up hiding them.
Linkedin is a ghost town for this exact reason.
What a shame that LinkedIn is a ghost town, since it attracts professionals and is like the “sleeping giant” of social media. If people knew their posts were being ignored, they might behave a little differently. Maybe. Thank you, Bridget!
I have Twitter, Facebook, G+ and Pinterest as my main social media platforms. There are times I cross post my Twitter and Facebook posts but I vary the wording of the posts, since Facebook does allow more than 140 characters. With my Twitter and Facebook, since I use those the most, I take the time to engage with people and be social. Nothing is automated on my accounts, unless it’s me with not enough coffee to get the brain fired up! Haha
Great post Carol!
Hello Kaye,
I love that you take the time to write out the Facebook posts from the “Twitterese” so you don’t alienate people who aren’t on Twitter. Although Twitter is my favorite platform, not everyone on Facebook understands Twitter lingo. You’re one of the best at engagement, Kaye. I’ve seen you in action! You’re very engaging. Oh, I understand about the coffee, too! Same here! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, Kaye. I appreciate that!
Thanks for this, Carol. I do put my new blog posts on all platforms at the same time. It makes sense to wait a day or two between, but that is the one thing I feel like I should post everywhere–we do have an E-store with products that don’t change, so our blog is only way to have “fresh” content for our site. You didn’t specifically mention blogs, how do you feel about “broadcasting” new posts? How do you handle it?
Kim Stebbins
Hi Kim,
I put my newest blogpost onto Facebook the same days I publish (Tuesdays and Thursdays right now), then later announce on Twitter. Occasionally, I’ll post to LinkedIn and GooglePlus certain blogposts that I think will be interesting to those audiences, such as posts about startups–because that is my target market.
It’s really all about your audience, what they like, what they respond favorably to, and what content they appreciate.
Thanks for commenting!
Yoh Carol! ( Yoh being proudly SouthAfrican colloquial word denoting surprize, shock, amazement, wonder, awe ) Dude you hit it on the money time after time. I made the very mistakes you speak about. But after self realization and 1 or 2 prods in the right direction I quickly got “with It”
I also posted the same content on different platforms. As I said, I realized in time that different platforms deserved different “rules of engagement”
Your content is absolute in its relevance and balanced argument. You go Girl! YOH!
Thanks, Jeeva! Nice to see you here. It cracks me up when people call me dude, too! (Really…I love it.) And glad to hear you’re posting differently on different platforms.
Dude! Yoh!
Great article Carol! I agree that each platform is different. Only on RARE occasions will I use the same content on a couple of platforms and even then I don’t do it simultaneously. (that’s lazy) I’ve watched the previous employer do this with their Social Media – the same posts on EVERY platform at the same time! YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIN. That’s really abusing the sanctity of Social. Not to mention, duplicate content. *wink*
LOL* @ Dude…#priceless
Hi Linda!
You’re one of the ones who “gets it” on social media. If the same content gets shared everywhere all at once, I probably will disengage with the brand on some channels. There’s no incentive to follow everywhere if they share the same stuff.
And so happy that we’re connected on this new business account.
Thanks for the *wink* and LOL.
If you aren’t going to check Twitter at least once a day, don’t use it.
I am new to Social Media and have made a number of mistakes. I truly appreciate your information. I learn from you and from Bridget Willard. You both are gifts in my life. I might have thrown in the towel were it not for both of you.
Hi Murnez,
You made my day! I’m so glad to have been of service.
Best to you,