What Would Help Improve Pinterest?
Many of you love Pinterest as much as I do. You spend hours and hours there, so you may have discovered some things that really bother you about Pinterest. If you’re a newbie on Pinterest, maybe these things don’t bother you. But for those of you who are past being beginners, here are a few changes that I’d love to see in their next release.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a messaging system? I’d love to be able to say to someone “I love everything about this board!” Or “Your entire Pinterest account really inspires me!” But there is no way to do that. Leaving a comment on a particular pin, even with a tag for the owner of the account, seems inadequate. Right now, you get an email if someone has @ messaged you, but it’s easy to miss , given the volume of mail most people get.
Deleting Multiple Pins
Deleting pins is a headache. I like to go through and delete pins that no one has liked or repinned and it takes FOREVER! You have to go to the board, scroll, scroll, scroll, then click three times in order to delete one pin. Why? I’d love to be able to select a bunch of pins and then delete them all at once. Could we have a way to do this, please?
I’d like to know easily who’s not following me so I can decide if I want to continue following them. There are some workarounds, and there’s an app that lets you unfollow, but in general unfollowing on Pinterest is not easy.
Pinning a Board Cover

Pinning a Board Cover Takes Forever
Right now, you have to click through many pins to get to the one pin you want to choose as a cover for a board. There has to be an easier way! Doesn’t there?
Seeing Boards I Follow Versus Pinners
I’d love to be able to see whose boards I follow (versus entire accounts). Sometimes I only follow one or two boards, and not everything by a pinner. There are ways to unfollow boards, but it’s clunky.
What’s On Your Wishlist?
Are there things you’d like to see in the next version of Pinterest? Would you like to see any of the changes above? Please let me know in the comments!
I’ve had similar thoughts. I do like the very clean interface, but some things are difficult as you point out.
Hi Steel,
Yes, I just wonder how difficult it would be to let us delete a few pins at a time (and without being asked if we really, really mean it!).
Thanks for stopping by!
I’m with you on deleting and board covers for sure!
Thanks, Bridget! Being able to delete pins would save us all a lot of time!
1) I would love a messaging system
2) like to be able to save my boards to my hd
3) if tweets from pinterest could just be liniks to the photo without the words?
but all in all I love pinterest !
thanks for the article , informative as always.
Hello Natalie,
Saving boards to your hard drive would be a great new feature! And I love your idea of tweets from Pinterest being links with the visuals and without words–that would make many artists very, very happy!
I appreciate your taking the time to comment.
I would love to be able to move from board to board easier. One pin at a time takes forever! My food board is getting full and I would love an easy way to divide it up into desserts/breakfasts/etc.
Hi Hanna,
Yes, I’m with you! One pin at a time takes forever when moving pins around, plus the links are broken if someone has repinned that pin! Yikes! So any kind of reorganization is tricky.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I really appreciate it!
What annoys me most is people that just pin the image and not where it came from. So many time I want to see how something is done but the pinner has only pinned the image
Hello Jen,
I know what you mean! A lot of Pinterest is for Do-it-yourselfers, and if there’s nothing behind a pin, then why repin it? We want those shiny teeth, that clean car, and those perfect nails.
I’m with you.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I have stopped using it as much as I used to due to my clogged boards full of pins that are just in my way…and I don’t have time to move them one by one. Really wish group delete was a feature. I might just delete entire boards!
Hi Amy,
Yep, I know what you mean about the hassle of moving pins one by one. It takes forever! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I have spent hours on Google trying to find out how to delete boards I no longer wish to follow. I use the unfollow button but they remain on my page. I now have to scroll through endless unfollow boards to get to the ones I want to see.
Is there a way of deleting them entirely from my Pinterest page? Or do I need to delete my account and start again?
Hi Karen,
If I understand correctly you’re trying to unfollow boards, but the unwanted pins still are in your Pinterest stream. Maybe you’ve followed boards that have become spammy. It depends on how many people/boards you’re following and how much you’ve built up your Pinterest. If you’re following just a few people, then starting over may be easier. If you’re following quite a few, then just unfollowing the annoying boards and people is probably your best best.
Carol Stephen
I hate seeing boards I’m not following on my Pinterest wall. Looks like going to the account and unfollowing all boards doesn’t work all that well. Things keep appearing on my wall even though I do not follow those boards. Highly annoying and this need to be fixed.
Hi Chantal,
I have not experienced what you’re talking about. It does sound extremely annoying. I wonder if it’s a bug within Pinterest. Yuck. I hope it gets fixed!