How to Choose a Social Media Manager: Ten Worst Ways
People choose social media manager for all the wrong reasons. Now bear in mind this doesn’t mean you. But many, many other people do just that: they pick based on some emotional reason, then are very upset when their social media manager (“SMM”) doesn’t work out. If you want to hear the positive side of how to choose a SMM, here’s my previous article: Top Ten Questions to Ask Your Social Media Manager. But stick around if you want some of the worst ways to choose an SMM!
Someone Who Doesn’t Engage
Your new SMM should be someone who hates to chat with people. Having short–or long–conversations of people is a hallmark of social media. They should hate dealing with people at all, whether that’s talking on the phone, in person, or on social media.
Someone Who Buys Followers
On the day they start work, your new SMM should plunk down $20, and buy a bunch of followers. After all, you need the “social proof,” right? And if you want to know whether someone has a bunch of fake followers, take a look at this: Who Has the Most Fake Twitter Followers?

Fake Followers
Someone Who Follows, Then Quickly Unfollows
Maybe this has happened to you. Someone follows you, you follow back, then they quickly dump you. Now that’s a great thing to do! In a bad way, of course.

Someone Who Says They Do it All
Someone Who Says They Do it All
Most SMMs do not do it all, but you should pick someone who says they do! They will say they know about graphic design and Google adwords and also create and edit video for you. However, they might have someone in their agency who can help with some of those things.
Someone Who Doesn’t Care About Driving Traffic
None of your Facebook posts need to drive traffic to you, right? So having a SMM who doesn’t understand that’s important would be a great (aka bad) choice.

Someone Who’s Rude and Entitled
Someone Who’s Rude and Entitled
You really ought to pick someone who’s rude and feels entitled as your SMM. Because then there’s a lot less work for them to do. When they start work late, they can leave early to make up for it!

Someone Who Steals Images
Someone Who Steals Images
Someone who “borrows” images and posts from others without giving any attribution would probably make a fantastic SMM! Always get the consent of the person before using an image, as Sarah Snow Explains in this article.

Someone Who Unknowingly Posts Porn
Someone Who Unknowingly Posts Porn
Someone who doesn’t check what’s behind a pin on Pinterest would make a great manager for your social media! It will certainly be more exciting when you discover what’s really behind that pin! Here’s a swell guide to using Pinterest for Business, by the way.

Choose Your Niece or Nephew!
Choose Your Niece or Nephew!
Surely they’d know something about how to post, just because they’re super young. After all, they can use Snapchat!

Choose Your Admin for the SMM
Choose Your Admin for the SMM
Sometimes this can work out, but what about when it doesn’t? What if they don’t have the aptitude for it? As always, leave me a comment! I do appreciate it.
Great advice Carol!
In my view a great social media manager needs not only to have great social skills, but have a solid understanding of marketing, psychology and copywriting.
And have an eye for great images!
Hello Clement,
All of those are true. Thank you for the comment. (And I get help with the images! Mine are getting better, though I’m not a superstar there. :D)
So true. I mean, seriously. And I’d also look at their own social channels.
Sometimes clients limit your actions but the SMM’s own accounts should represent their idea of best practices. Make sure you align.
Great post. I love the humor.
Hi Bridget,
Yes, looking at a SMM’s own social channels can tell you a great deal. If they don’t talk to people, that’s a big clue right there!
It was a fun one to write! Thank you for the comment!
Thanks for the list! It was a GREAT way to show case what a SMM should be! Love your posts lady!
Thank you, Justine! I really appreciate your comments and thoughts.
You’re great, lady! :D