Five Best Reasons Joining Twitter Chats is a Very Good Idea
I’ve heard a few negatives about joining Twitter chats in the past. One person I know called them self-indulgent, and there can be that element to some of them. Others call them spammy. But I must disagree with those assessments. Twitter chats are not only a fun way to pass the time online, but they open the doorway to other people’s worlds. Let me explain.
Make new friends by becoming a regular on a chat
After having been on #DigiBlogChat for so many years, I’ve made a lot of friends. I’ve met people in real life, traveled with people I’ve met through this (and other chats), and more. It’s like an online networking group, but one you can attend in your sweatpants or pajamas! Back in the day, when #BigDataChat ended, Larry Mount reached out to me and #DigiBlogChat was born. Here’s some background for you: History of #DigiBlogChat.
Create new business because you have friends on a chat
As a result of being on Twitter chats, I’ve become business associates with some, bought products and services from others, and gotten tons of great recommendations for reading, videos to watch, and so on. People are always telling me things I didn’t know I didn’t know! And I didn’t know I needed to know them, either!
By the way, if you want to join #DigiBlogChat, here you go: How to Join #DigiBlogChat Twitter Chat.
Be an armchair traveler
Use a chat to travel to other parts of the world. During #DigiBlogChat, people join from all over the world, and you can then feel more comfortable asking them what their state or country is like. During a chat, we often open up by talking about the weather. Now that used to be an ordinary conversation, but since climate change, asking about the weather can often surprise or even shock you!
Get ideas for your blog, vlog, or podcast
As you’re tweeting, something someone else says may spark an idea. Write down anything that comes up and you can use it as the basis for an article. For example, today on #DigiBlogChat someone said something that made me realize that animals in marketing would be a good idea for a possible blog post and chat topic! Totes ma goats! And I liked this article I found about 10 Advertising Animals that will really get your goat!

Joining Twitter Chats is a Very Good Idea! Image by jamesoladujoye from Pixabay
Use ideas for content marketing
Do as Jim Katzaman does and use the content of a Twitter chat for your own blog posts. You can also get ideas during a chat itself, simply by listening to the chat participants. What do they respond to? What makes them upset? What type of content makes everyone laugh? Take any one of those topics and run with it!
Jim does a great job with using the chat as content marketing gold. These are all fabulous reasons to join a Twitter chat and the friends you make follow you forever.
Hi Bridget!
What Jim does is a bit of genius, Bridget! He finds a few people to quote, then tags them in his tweets. Friendship, for me, is the best reason to join a chat. You never know where friendships will lead, and how those friendships will deepen. So glad to know you and have your friendship!