What’s the Best Social Media Site for Connecting with People?
What’s the Best Social Media Site for Connecting with People?
Twitter Is Terrific for Connecting with People
Twitter is a wonderful place for connecting with people, but it isn’t the only site that’s good for connecting. LinkedIn and Facebook also allow you to connect and engage with people. You can also use Twitter to build relationships, check the weather, do research, search for content, as well as engage in chats! For more about Twitter chats, check out Twitter Chats: 101 Tips for Success. And if you haven’t checked out #DigiBlogChat, do come visit us on Twitter. Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. PDT.
Whatever You Really Use Tends to Work
Recently, I wrote about my brother and how he used Yelp! for his business, and how successful he was. You don’t have to do whatever the latest guru is saying to do. Like my brother, you can find your own way, and rocket to success. Of course, you’re also going to have to do the hard work to get there. You can choose to go deep on one platform and really learn it inside and out, or you can go light. Or, of course, you could hire someone to take over for you.
Romantic Connections
Instagram is certainly filled with lots of romantic destination, as well as adorable babies, but what about romance? Recently I was a guest on a Zoom webinar, and we discussed Instagram as a way to meet people romantically. And a recent New York Times article seems to indicate that Instagram, played correctly, can be a good place to find love: Instagram is Now a Dating Platform, Too: Here’s How it Works. So if you’re looking for romance, Instagram might be the place to go.
Backyard Barbeque
To quote the incredibly talented, yet humble Carol Stephen (a personal friend), in her soon-to-be translated into 5200 languages including Klingon and Esperanto “Twitter is the friendliest place to engage. To me it’s like a backyard barbeque, or an informal party, where you’re likely to meet all sorts of people, at every hour of the day, from all over the world.” By the way, her book 21 Ways to Total Social Media Engagement That Will Make You Look Like a Pro is for sale on Amazon.
Do You Have a Favorite Site?
Where have you met the most people? Leave me a comment! And thank you.
“To quote the incredibly talented, yet humble Carol Stephen (a personal friend), in her soon-to-be translated into 5200 languages including Klingon and Esperanto”
And this:
“Twitter is the friendliest place to engage. To me it’s like a backyard barbeque, or an informal party, where you’re likely to meet all sorts of people, at every hour of the day, from all over the world.”
“By the way, her book 21 Ways to Total Social Media Engagement That Will Make You Look Like a Pro is for sale on Amazon.”
Please tell me you didn’t announce that on Twitter yet.
Because I’ll feel so dumb if I didn’t see that.
I do read ALL your tweets although sometimes I mute for 1 hour during Digi – I know you’ll forgive me for that!
Off to check the Amazon link this very minute!!!!!!!!
Hi Dyane,
Thank you for being so supportive and most of all THANK YOU for laughing at my dumb jokes! I’m so glad we met on Twitter, and then later in real life, too.
You know what? I might have announced the book on Twitter during the chat! So that would explain it. I know that that one hour is VERY noisy. And thank you thank you THANK YOU for the book review!
Most appreciated!!!
Hi Carol,
I must agree Twitter has really been the ONLY place I made good contacts with people.
And I’m so excited for you with this book release. Congratulations!
Hi Patricia!
I wouldn’t have been in contact with YOU if not for Twitter!
Thank you so much about the book release!
I hope your weekend was wonderful.