What Happens When You Use Just One Social Media Site?
What Happens When You Use Just One Social Media Site?
Most social media folks will tell you that you need to use more than one social media site. And I’d agree with that advice, for the most part. But there are people who successfully use just one social media platform with great success. What about those people? Last week, I wrote about How to Use Yelp That Will Help Your Business Gain Social Proof.
More About Yelp
As I mentioned last week, my brother used Yelp exclusively for his plumbing business. And he really rocked that plumbing business, with 55 five-star reviews. How did he do it? By offering outstanding service, and by paying attention to Yelp all the time. He checked it every day, he returned calls promptly, and he really went above and beyond. And if you’re in the restaurant or contracting business, Yelp can be quite valuable there, too.
Using Facebook Exclusively for Business
If you’ve been using Facebook exclusively for your business marketing, you know that things have changed. Back in the day, when Facebook wasn’t pay to play, you could definitely get away with just using Facebook. But now you really need to have a budget for Facebook ads or your posts won’t be seen. So that’s one danger of using any social media platform exclusively. By the way, here’s a good Guide to Using Facebook for Business. It includes such things as the difference between Facebook pages and Facebook profiles.
The Down Side
Putting all your eggs in one basket is great except when it isn’t. For instance, in the case of Facebook, they may decide to make you pay. Can your budget handle that or will you have to jump ship? Or a social media platform might lose users way too fast for your taste. There’s no way to guarantee that what you’re doing right now will still be a viable option in six months or a year.
What To Do?
For one thing, back up your posts, in case you lose everything. Maybe you can salvage some of your posts and reuse them someplace new.
How Many Platforms Do You Use?
Leave me a comment! And thanks for stopping by.
Hi Carol! I love your posts!
That’s so awesome that your brother did such an amazing job with Yelp.
I wish all business owners responded the way he did to customers.
I use Twitter, Instagram & Facebook only for neighborhod groups, as you know. But I’ve been feeling burned out on social media more than usual. That’s why I valued your post about that topic & I retweeted it a couple times. We all need to read it! ;)
It looks like another beautiful fall weekend so I’m going to force myself away from the computer, even if it means just reading a book on my bed. Hoping to get out in nature despite my knee problems.
I’ll let you know how it goes!
Lots of Xo,
Hi Dyane! Thank you so much!
My brother was really an awesome guy.
He jumped when the phone rang, and he got to his clients’ homes really fast. He had to fix the work that other plumbers did sometimes. He even called back the original plumbers and told them what they did wrong and why they should give back the money they took for the original work, which of course made him a hero.
I understand about feeling burnt out! It happens, even with just one social media platform. Thanks so much for retweeting so much!
Hasn’t the weather been beautiful? I love the fall. Best of luck with the knee!!!
Keep me updated!
Also, using those outlets as a way to drive traffic to your website is a great way to ensure you own your content and traffic.
Hi Bridget,
I’m sorry–I thought I’d replied to this comment. Yes, using those outlets is great for driving traffic. It’s critical to own your own content.