What Happened to Privacy? Can it Exist in the Digital Age?
The new Edward Snowden movie is playing at theaters now, which got me to thinking about privacy. Everyone says that they want privacy, yet they willingly post about their deepest darkest secrets on social media. But do the government and major corporations really know that much about you? See the Wiki about the making of the Edward Snowden movie, and let me know what you think!
As Edward Snowden said
“Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”
— Edward Snowden’s “Ask Me Anything” on Reddit, May 21, 2015

Protecting Your Privacy on Facebook
Protecting Your Privacy on Facebook
Don’t post that you’re going on vacation in a public post on Facebook. Unless you don’t mind that everyone in the world can see that post, that is. Here are some ways to limit who sees your posts, by the way. You can limit who sees your posts by going to the Basic Privacy Settings on Facebook.
You might like this article about How Facebook’s Trending Topics is Like Minority Report, by the way, which shows you how Facebook is tracking you and your habits.
Privacy on Twitter
On Twitter, if you must tell your friends about your vacation, you might want to do so in a private direct message, rather than posted so that all your followers can see it. Or you could wait until after your vacay to announce that your house is empty and filled with gold jewelry that you cleverly got on sale. And did you know that you can make your lists private as well? Here’s a very good guide to protecting your privacy on Twitter. You could make your entire account private as well, though it’s not as fun.

LinkedIn and Privacy
LinkedIn and Privacy
On LinkedIn, if you’re looking for a job, you might want to turn off notifications so that not everyone can see that you’re updating your profile. And that’s particularly true if you’re looking for a job while you still have a job! Nothing like letting your boss know you’re unhappy and out looking! Here’s an article about six ways to protect your privacy on LinkedIn that you might like.

What Steps Do You Take to Protect Your Privacy? Image: Ace Work Gear
What Steps Do You Take to Protect Your Privacy?
Is it already too late? Are you taking any steps to protect yourself and your privacy? I’d really like to know! Leave me a secret note at an undisclosed location! Or just leave a comment here. It’s not as fun, but it’ll do. If you’d like to go back in time and/or become a curmudgeon, you could do that, too.
I’d venture to say that I’m not private enough. But I feel like I’ve been very selective about Facebook. Yet, I feel safer to share things on Instagram these days. I’m not sure. Social media has always been my outlet — refuge — solace. So, now that I’m single, I’m rethinking everything.
Hi Bridget,
I’ve become more private on social media, particularly Facebook, and have considered taking down some photos. Then I’ll see something wonderful–like a photo of that time we were in Sedona together–and don’t want to lose that connection. It’s easier with friends who are close by. It’s a difficult subject, and getting more complex all the time!
Carol, It DOES get more complex all the time, and thanks for writing about a subject that I struggle with often. Moving across the country and away from friends and family has increased the struggle. While I want to share my life with those we love, I don’t want all the world to see. This is where Private Groups (my family has one) and lists on Facebook come in quite handy. Dad and Grandma can see our pictures without posting them to the world.
Hi Tess,
Yes, it’s gotten much more complex, and since most of the world is on Facebook, that’s a natural place to put photos. But I worry over the lack of security there. Sometimes I think about erasing everything on Facebook. It’s a nice fantasy–for the 10 minutes or so it lasts!
Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Tess. I appreciate it!
Hi Carol
Good topic. I have social media profiles for my marketing business and I try to be as active as I can. However I’m keen to separate my private life from my professional life. To that end I do not post private stuff on my professional profiles.
For me it’s important to have this separation. I want to keep the focus of my social media activity on providing value to my audience.
Hi Clement,
I know what you mean. For many people, there is some leakage between personal and professional accounts. So you are to be commended for managing to keep them separate.
Thank you for commenting! I appreciate it.
Great article. I tend to skew the line and blend my personal and public lives… to a point. It helps make me more ‘real’, relatable and approacable.
That said, I have set up privacy controls, specifically within Facebook which allow me to share extermely personal content and limit the audience. Even if tagged I have complete control over where it is seen and who sees it.
With so much of our lives online, we really do need to be careful about posting.
Hi Robert,
I think that’s wise to have control over who sees certain personal content. I’ve become more careful about posting the more time goes by.
Thank you for stopping by!