What Makes Social Media Automation So Popular?
Either people like automation or they hate it. There’s not very often any in between. I think that automation can be used, but you have to be careful with it. A broadcast-only strategy will not make you social, and of course social is the important part about social media. Engagement is so critical, that I wrote a series about it:
- How to Engage on Social Media: Twitter
- How to Engage on Social Media: Facebook
- How to Engage on Social Media: LinkedIn
- How to Engage on Social Media: Instagram
- How to Engage on Social Media: Pinterest
If Darwin was still around, he would probably bring up the many species who exist in isolation, and how they were able to survive. However, when other species are introduced to these species living in isolation, the entire game changes.

Let the strong survive.
Let the Strong Survive
We are a social species. We need our friends to help us get to where we want to go, to help us learn, to point out when our favorite shoes are on sale, and so on. We are biologically wired to interact with others, to live with others, and sometimes that even extends to sharing the remote control.
Social Media Automation is Anti-Social
To bring the point back to automation, nobody likes to talk to a recording. And automation without any interaction is like getting a robocall. Nobody likes those. So if you do automate, make sure that you’re also engaging with people regularly.

Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should.
Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
Of course it’s easier to automate everything. Send one post across all your platforms without customizing the language. A lot of people do it, but so what? A lot of people send direct messages, too. Most people hate them.

Bots Talking to Bots.
Bots Talking to Bots
If you’re not on social media yourself, how can you expect your potential clients to be there? Don’t you think they can tell if you’ve automated everything? Yes, they can! And they’re not happy about it, either.

How Do You Feel About Automation?
How Do You Feel About Automation?
Do you love it? Hate it? Or are you somewhere in the middle? Leave me a comment! I’d love to know. And thank you.
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