For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement
For Better Social Media Results, Focus on Engagement
If there’s one thing that most social media managers agree upon, it’s that engagement should be a very high priority for all your social media. People focus on follower count, which for many people is an almost useless metric. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t have some followers, because without any followers you’re pretty much just singing to yourself in the shower. By the way, did you know that I wrote a book with Eric Lofholm on Social Media Engagement that you can find on Amazon?
What Is Engagement?
Everyone says you should have more engagement, but what is engagement on social media exactly? Engagement is the fine art of online conversation. Talking to others. If you’re just yourself on social media, then you’re talking as yourself. If you’re posting on behalf of a brand, then engagement means talking in your brand’s voice. SproutSocial has a fine article on why you should care about social media engagement. Look carefully at their pie chart, which shows that customers now want to use social media to connect with brands.
What Does Engagement Look Like?
Engagement looks like a conversation. So if you’re posting on Facebook, it should look like people are commenting on your posts, and then you’re commenting back. You’re listening and then answering. Back and forth, back and forth. Like that. At first, engagement may feel a little awkward if you’re not used to it. But after a while, you may notice that conversations follow a certain pattern. There’s the greeting, then maybe a question or two or thirty, and then another greeting. It will get easier, I promise.
How to Get Past the Awkward Stage?
Just like any other new skill, getting past the awkward stage can happen pretty quickly if you just keep at it. I’ve found that “Hello” works pretty well, though. Also: “Hi!” Or if you’re a cat, “Hai!” And here’s where the art of small talk kicks in. If you’ve ever been to a cocktail party and had to talk to someone, it’s the same thing. You’re going to feel awkward. The good news is, most everyone feels awkward. If, after these excellent suggestions, you still don’t feel up to a conversation, you might want to read How to Deal with Awkward Online Conversations.
How Do I Get More Engagement?
At first, you may need to make a lot of comments on other people’s posts. Keep track of who writes back or shares your posts, too! Some people will never comment back or share your posts, however. That might be ok if what you’re posting of theirs adds value to your audience. And some huge accounts may never reply to you. Just keep at it. And notice those accounts with lots of engagement already–you may learn some tips and tricks simply from watching what other people do!
My Secret: a 3 x 5 Card
One thing that helps me is a simple 3″ x 5″ card. At the beginning of each month, whatever I can fit on this card becomes my little cheat sheet. Remember in High School Chemistry, when you were allowed to have anything you could fit onto a 3″ x 5″ card as a cheat sheet for tests? No? Well, that’s what got me through organic chemistry. And, it turns out to be very helpful for social media management, too!
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