Twitter: Get More Followers

Twitter: Get More Followers

Twitter: Get More Followers

You’ve read about this topic a gazillion times and it’s the first thing people always ask. How do I find  people to follow? And how do I get them to follow me back? My method is not foolproof, but it’s pretty damn good (not bragging). You will get followers, and they won’t be fake followers. It is work, however. You might not like that part. Then again, it’s not rocket science!

See Who Your Friends Are Talking to

Start by looking at who your friends talk to. Look at their profiles and their top ten tweets. If you like what you see on their profile and what they’re tweeting about, chat with them. Follow them if you like the way the conversation is going.

Say Something Directly to That Person

This could be anything. “Where are you from? Your profile doesn’t say.” “I like what you said on your profile about rapscallions.” “It looks like we went to the same school.” Start with something easy, just like you would in a real-life conversation. Start there. LifeHacker has some good, simple conversation starters that work in real life or online.

Retweet Them

Find a tweet that would be important to them. This requires a little more work. Preferably find something about their business or something you think they’d like you to retweet. If they have a small following, they’ll probably notice right away. If not, you may need to retweet a few to get noticed. If their tweet is short, you may have space to add a comment. And I recommend that you use an “old-school retweet,” for many reasons.

Comment on Their Blog

A blog comment is even better than a retweet, and is much more likely to get you noticed if you’re trying to establish a relationship. Bloggers love love love comments! And most will write back to you, I’ve found. And be happy to follow you.

Follow, Retweet and Comment

Be Generous First to Gain Followers

Be Generous First to Gain Followers

This is the trifecta of engagement. If you do all three of these things, then your new friend may be oblivious or a snob. And if they don’t want to engage with you, then why are you following them? Some accounts may give you really good content, but most people aren’t Katie Couric (and need to converse with others).

Have Good Content

Think of your followers (or your potential followers) as friends. What cool and interesting stuff would you like to share with them? It doesn’t always have to be related to your business, but you’ll be more likely to attract the right crowd if it is. Don’t trick people by saying, “Hey guys, I liked this” and then a spammy link. Share things you do truly love if you want to make friends either online or in real life.

Is This Approach Too Much Work?

Let me know what works for you in the comments! Thanks!



Battling Content Thieves, Part 2

Battling Content Thieves

Battling Content Thieves

You might have read my first post about content thieves and what you can do to battle them. The first steps were relatively easy, but I have to admit feeling a bit stuck knowing exactly how to proceed after the first few steps. However, this dilemma was solved after attending WordCamp San Francisco and meeting the friendly Bryan Villarin (@Bryan on Twitter), who works at Automattic as a Happiness Engineer. Yes, that’s his real title.

So if you don’t have time to go and meet Bryan Villarin in person, here are some of the things he recommended.

Do a Google Search for a Unique String

So for example the Google search “Battling Content Thieves” brings up an article on Yahoo, which is the original, or Part 1 of the article you’re reading right now. Since I am syndicated on Business to Community, that article is legitimate. But if you find non-legitimate uses of your content while doing your search you may want to take some other steps.

Read Some Background Material

Battling Content Thieves

Battling Content Thieves

Bryan recommended a couple of useful articles. The first, Content Theft – What to Do outlines how to discover the host’s contact information and contact them if necessary. That and the following article, Prevent Copyright Theft, offer excellent and easily implemented things you can do to prevent theft.

Find the hosting site

At the bottom of’s site, under Resources, there’s a Whois search link. Type in the domain and then get the email address of the person or company who owns the site. If, after having sent the first email, you don’t hear back, you can send email to the domain provider. Within your email you should…

File a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Notice

After you’ve filed the paperwork, with all the required parts filled out, then the other party gets a few days to respond. If you’ve done your homework, and your content really was lifted, then usually the content is quickly removed, from what I’ve heard. Most hosting providers do not want to deal with stolen content.

Have You Ever Had Your Content Stolen?

What happened? Did you pursue any action? Hire a lawyer? Let me know in the comments! Thanks!

Battling Content Thieves

Battling Content Thieves

Battling Content Thieves

You work so hard at your business. You’re out marketing, making phone calls, visiting companies, and shaking hands. Is it really fair that you should have to create original content when there’s so much out there already? Why not just swipe it from someone else? After all, if it’s on the Internet, anyone can use it, right?


Recently, I learned about a new and nefarious Internet Villain: a scraper. A blogpost I wrote was scraped. Scraping means that someone took the content, without permission, and posted it on their site. I discovered it through a pingback on my blog. By the way, I’m not sharing the crook’s name with you.

What to Do if Your Content is Stolen?

That made me wonder…what can you do if your post is scraped? First, I asked some of my friends. They were outraged on my behalf, but also thought that it was a result of being successful. One said that the more you write, the greater the odds of being scraped. Next, I went to Google and did a search. And Ginny Soskey’s wonderful Hubspot article came up on how to fight back if people steal your content. Luckily, I could skip the first step–I already knew it had been stolen.

Is it Worth the Fight?

Soskey asks this question, and comes up with some instances when fighting isn’t worth the effort. For me, the answer is yes, since I’m delving more deeply into this subject, and writing about it here. But you could ask yourself how much time it will take.

Take Screenshots

I took screenshots of the offending scraped material, created a folder, and saved it.

Contact the Offender Directly

Asking people to remove your content

Asking people to remove your content

Although I contacted the offender three different ways, apparently they weren’t listening. (Ironically, the title of my blogpost  was “Twitter as a Listening Tool.”)  I commented on the material, asking them to remove my post. No response. Then, I tweeted to them directly. Still no response. Some of my followers retweeted my tweet, too. Then I emailed then. Still nothing! I wondered if perhaps Twitter wasn’t the best platform for them!

Has Your Material Ever Been Stolen?

What happened and how did you choose to handle it? Please leave a comment! Thank you.

P.S. There will be another update to this story! Stay tuned!



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