How Does Ambition Contribute to Success? Three Reasons Ambitious People Succeed Against the Odds

Do you believe that ambition or talent are more important? We’ve all heard that those without passion are not likely to succeed, but how does ambition show itself? We all know someone we’d never believe could succeed and yet day after day, there they are starting new companies, pitching new ideas, and generally succeeding.

Ambition is more important than talent

Why? Because sometimes talented people sit and wait for someone to come and discover them. Ambitious people don’t sit and wait. Ambitious people go after what they want. They don’t let failures stop them, and are full of creative ways to succeed.

I really like this article Ambition: The Key Ingredient of Success. In it, Darius Foroux says “Yes, belief by itself is useless. But here’s the thing: The people who believe they can achieve their goals are the ones that actually do.” 

Ambitious people are motivated

What I’ve found is that if your dreams are big, you often find ways to “get ‘er done.” For example, think about Christo’s ambitious project, Running Fence. Did you know about the marketing Christo did before the fence was ever installed? The fence was paid for before it was installed and that is a mark of ambition and creativity, too. Here’s a remembrance of Christo written by famous local artist Lynn Hershman Leeson.

Another very ambitious person is Elon Musk. We don’t hear about Musk’s failures so much as his successes, but think about Paypal. In 1999, Paypal was voted as the worst business product of the year. And Tesla very narrowly bounced back after Musk nearly went bankrupt. Without personal loans, Musk would not be where he is today. Now, of course, Tesla is widely known as a resounding success!

Ambitious people know how to take risks

You may have heard that Japanese proverb Fall down seven times, get up eight.  This proverb illustrates the idea of resilience, of failure, and of success. No matter how many times you are knocked down, you get back up again. No one can compete with someone who won’t quit, right? If you’re interested in failure, you might like this article: Is failure mandatory on the road to success?

The idea of a calculated risk may seem counterintuitive. After all, risk seems to be an idea that defies logic. But does it really? Maybe we can take small risks and build up to bigger and wilder risks. For instance, public speaking might seem like a huge risk, although hardly anyone ever dies from public speaking. Just joking, but haven’t you heard that public speaking is the #1 fear that people have? People are absolutely terrified to get in front of their peers and just say something. If you could speak in front of two people then four people, and so on, maybe eventually speaking in front of a large crowd wouldn’t be so terrifying!


How to Use Trending Topics for Your Business: Twitter Success


How to Use Trending Topics for Your Business Social Media Success

How to Use Trending Topics for Your Business Social Media Success

We’ve all seen those trending topics on different platforms, right? And sometimes you really have to twist your posts into a pretzel shape to use them appropriately. Trending topics can be a godsend if you like to be more spontaneous than scheduled.

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Scheduling is Not Spontaneous

If you do like scheduling your posts ahead of time, you might like this post: Automation and Social Media: You Need to Learn to Balance. I recommend that you use a combination of both automation and spontaneous posts to succeed. If you rely upon either only spontaneous or all scheduled posts, you won’t be successful, in my opinion.

Trending Topics on Twitter

Trending Topics on Twitter

Trending Topics on Twitter

On Twitter, trending topics can appear and disappear faster than you can say “Taco Tuesday.” And if you’re tweeting about Taco Tuesday on a Friday, you’ll definitely feel as though you’ve missed the boat! So how do you keep in mind your audience as well as take advantage of a trending topic? Let’s take a look at a few.

Note: Change trending topics for your audience’s location, not yours. So, for example, if your audience is in a different state, then use that location. Because it’s not about you, it’s about them.

Look at the trending topics above. Of the list above, I could probably use #WednesdayWisdom for my audience. When I click through the hashtag, I find the tweet above that might be of interest to my audience. So I’m going to like it and then retweet it.

Tweepsmap and Trending Topics

Tweepsmap and Trending Topics

Tweepsmap and Trending Topics

One of my very favorite ways to see who your audience is and what they care about is to use Tweepsmap.(follow them on Twitter!). You can see the trending topics for your followers, and based upon that, craft tweets to target your biggest groups of followers and what interests them. For instance, based upon the information above, I have more followers in New York than San Francisco, so I should actually look at the trends in New York over those in San Francisco.

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Tailor Your Message

Now, based upon what the trending topics are for your audience, you can tailor your posts for what they want to hear about. Again, you can use Tweepsmap to figure this out. Tweepsmap has a category called Intelligent Publishing, where you can see what your followers are talking about, and how they feel about it (not just based upon emojis, but sentiment analysis). The top topic my followers are interested in is #marketing, which is simple enough for me to write about, since that is what I do! So by simply adding the #marketing hashtag to a post, I’ll have tailored that post! Pretty nifty, huh? By the way, you might like this post: Twitter Trending Topics: Secrets for Using Them.

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What’s Your Take on Trending Topics?

Do you like them, hate them, or ignore them? Leave me a comment! Thank you!






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