Simplify Those New Year’s Resolutions So They Don’t Make You Crazy


Every year we all have the best of intentions, starting the new year off right and going all in on those resolutions. Then, around mid-January, reality sets in and we give up. At least that’s how it often goes for me. How about you? I often like to use analogies about new year’s resolutions (among other things), and this time is no different. This year, I’d like to simplify my resolutions so they don’t make me crazy. By the way, I’ve written about resolutions before: 100 Best Questions That Will Guide Your Social Media resolutions. You might like it!

First idea: pack a suitcase, then remove half

When you pack a suitcase, do you often find that you squish too much in there? Do you end up having to sit on your suitcase to get the zipper closed like I do? When I haven’t traveled for awhile, I tend to forget about this trick: I put everything in the suitcase and then take out half. The zipper closes easily and you don’t have to call your bestie to help you get the zipper closed. So why not put down all your crazy, ambitious resolutions and then divide them in half? As Randy Clark says in his 7 New Year’s Resolution Mistakes: “Don’t make too many resolutions at one time.”

There are different ways to divide resolutions in half

For instance, you could simply use the same resolutions but not quite as ambitious. Instead of losing 100 pounds, how about 50 pounds? (Don’t we all have a weight-loss resolution?) Instead of running ten miles a day, how about five?

Or…you could just tear that list of resolutions in half!

Literally just tear the sheet of paper in half (this analogy is better with actual paper). Remove half of the resolutions. And maybe you’ll breathe a sigh of relief at having less to do!

Second Idea: Baby Steps!

Baby steps are the way you get to the bigger resolutions. If you want to exercise for an hour, start with 15 minutes. Or maybe even 5 minutes. Be easy on yourself. After all, if these are your New Year’s Resolutions, it’s January, and winter. There’s snow outside and it’s cold. I’ve written about baby steps before, and you might like How to Get out of a Dismal Social Media Rut.

Step up those baby steps

Start with five minutes, then work up to ten and then 15. Don’t start with an hour of exercise, or whatever it is you’re planning to do. My friend Bridget Willard has a hilarious example of using Baby Steps to set up your Twitter account, and you can see it here: A Beginner’s Guide to Setting up Your Twitter Account.

Third Idea: Look at last year’s resolutions

Which were you able to commit to and accomplish? If there weren’t any, consider maybe scrapping the idea of resolutions altogether! Seriously, why torture yourself? Consider starting something later in the year, say around February 15th, when the snow isn’t so deep! Simplify those resolutions (that can be one of your resolutions!).




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