If you’ve ever been on Twitter and have more than 100 followers, you know how chaotic it can be. Nobody likes to experience a firehose of content! And yet, some people keep their followers low to avoid the chaos. You don’t have to do that! Here are some ideas to make your Twitter experience a little easier.
Use Lists
Don’t just create lists, subscribe to others’ lists. And by use them, I mean check in on them daily. You can have many lists, and here’s a post you might like with all the details: Twitter Lists for the Power User. Yes, it’s five years old (but updated). And still a good guide. Additionally, use a scheduler like Hootsuite and create a column for your favorite list!

Photo by astro_matt
Participate in Chats
One way to avoid bots on Twitter is to participate in chats. You don’t necessarily have to participate in #DigiBlogChat, but get on one or two or three chats to find people who truly engage on Twitter. Then add those people to your own list and follow them there. By following the chat hashtag, you’ll weed out the other conversations happening on Twitter at the same time. A couple that I like are #KBtribechat (kitchens and baths) at 11:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Wednesdays, and #Innochat (innovations) on Thursdays at 9 am Pacific Time. Twitter Chats: 101 Tips for Success.
Avoid Twitter Storms
A Twitter storm is something that can happen if you post something controversial. Of course, people say controversial things every day, but sometimes tweets land at the right (or wrong) times. If you ever are involved in a Twitter storm, you may want to read How to Survive a Twitter Storm. This may happen for the right reason or the wrong reason. Either way, it can be overwhelming.
Have a Strategy
That is, know why you’re on Twitter, use a timer of some type, and get out when the gettin’s good! A scheduler can help you avoid putting too much time into Twitter. One strategy that helps a lot of people is to have a daily strategy. So you may want to post about a certain topic for each day of the week. Unless, of course, you’re just there for fun–in which case, all bets are off! Sprout Social has a terrific post about Twitter Marketing: The Only Guide You Need. And they also have a guide to which Twitter metrics you should be tracking. Hint: don’t worry too much about the vanity metrics, such as followers. And by the way, Twitter has analytics built right into the platform, so you can use those.
Believe That It’s Possible!
That might sound silly, but it’s really possible to NOT waste your entire day on Twitter. Allot a certain amount of time, and get out. If you need to have a big buzzer go off when your time is up, do that. Put the big, bright shiny object down! Of course, you can contact me if you have any issues and I’m glad to help.
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