#DigiBlogChat Questions for April 20, 2021

Earth Day and Sustainability 20th April 2021

For this April 20th, our topic is Earth Day and Sustainability, hosted by the wonderful @FinolaSloyanPR. #DigiBlogChat is every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Here are the questions:

Earth Day is the day designated for fostering appreciation of the earth’s environment.

Q1.  Some of you have had first-hand experience of the issues that threaten the environment. Give your examples and did you look differently at the world after this.

Q2. What is your interest or concern in climate change, or do you think ‘this won’t affect me in my lifetime’?

Q3.  It has been said that many small gestures made collectively can make big environmental changes. What changes have you made?

Q4. Did you know that the large impenetrable detergent containers take years and years to break down? Or that 91% of plastic never gets recycled, according to National Geographic. What have you done to reduce your use of plastic?

Q5. Sir David Attenborough’s latest documentary The Year Earth Changed explores the impact lockdown restrictions across the world have had on the environment – are you interested in seeing nature’s rebound amid Covid?

Q6. Big business will only consider the green angle if it costs less in terms of both upfront CAPEX, as well as reoccurring OPEX charges. How can the world appeal to consciences so that financial reasons are not what will drive business decision?

Q7. Another documentary, Seaspiracy, on Netflix reveals that it is fishing nets, more than plastics, that is the main trash problem in our oceans and it is fishing gear that is showing in washed up whales’ stomachs. Is this widely known?

Q8. It’s a difficult one but has anyone thought about flying less? Elon Musk and Tesla said in their Battery Day that they will drop the price of batteries 56% by 2023. Transportation will be changed as batteries get cheaper and there will come a time when batteries can store enough energy to fly an airliner across the Pacific ocean.

Q9. A 21st century sustainable society needs to have three overlapping concerns working in harmony with the other: environment, social\human and economic wellbeing. Our conversation here on #DigiBlogChat is one way of contributing to raising awareness. What are some other practical steps we can take?

Q10. The theme for this year’s Earth Day is ‘Restore Our Earth’. Have you any plans to acknowledge Earth Day on 22nd – please tell us what they are. Inspire us to act!

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