#DigiBlogChat Questions for May 25, 2021

The topic for #digiblogchat for May 25th is work-life balance with questions by Loni of @JorgensonLocker! Join us on Twitter every Tuesday at 1:00 pm Pacific Time for this chat.


Q1. What is your biggest struggle when it comes to work-life balance?

Q2. This year more than ever our work and personal lives collided, with so many working remotely. What works for you to separate the two?

Q3. Prioritizing is key. How do you prioritize your most important tasks?

Q4. Do you stick to specific work hours or do you like being flexible? Why?

Q5. Having a functional workspace can help you be more productive. How do you make your workspace work for you?

Q6. A healthy body can help you have a fresh mind. How important is exercise to your daily routine?

Q7. Make time every day to do something you love! What are your favorite hobbies and how do you prioritize them?

Q8. Smartphones can make it hard to “clock out.” How do you make sure your workday is *really* done?

Q9. How do you set boundaries and manage clients/colleagues expectations?

Q10. How comfortable are you saying no to new/extra projects or commitments?

#DigiBlogChat Questions for May 18, 2021


For our #DigiBlogChat on May 18, 2021, the topic is building community. Join us on Twitter every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for a fun and educational chat!

Q1. What comes to mind when you think of community?

Q2. What communities are you involved with?

Q3. What temporary communities have you joined because of Covid?

Q4. How can an online community be strengthened?

Q5.  What are your main reasons for joining communities?

Q6. As we open up after Covid, which communities will you keep?

Q7. How would you go about creating a new community?

Q8. What are the main differences between an online and offline community?

Q9. How have communities made you better?

Q10. What tips do you have for us to strengthen our #digiblogchat community?


#DigiBlogChat Questions for May 11, 2021

The topic for Tuesday, May 11, 2021 is “Influence and Influencers” with questions by Larry Mount aka @lazblazter! Join us each Tuesday at 1:00 pm pdt and add the #DigiBlogChat hashtag so we all can see your tweets. Here are the questions! 

Q1. Who among us would claim to be an #influencer and can you explain please? 

Q2. What is the role of influence in brand management?

Q3. What concerns might you have about #influencers and why is that? 

Q4. What is the relationship between Social Media marketing and #Influencers? 

Q5. If you aspire to #influence where do you start in terms of #SoMe platforms? 

Q6. Is it appropriate that @tiktok and @insta appear to lack regulatory controls to protect against exploitation? 

Q7. How would you educate for responsible use of influencers by brands? 

Q8. What is your success recipe in this space, do you blog, are you exclusive to a platform? 

Q9. Is it reasonable to advocate colorful video clips as the fastest means to recognition as an #influencer? 

Q10. If #influence can pay dividends to us all, do we need to work still?

#DigiBlogChat Questions for May 4, 2021

The topic for #DigiBlogChat on Tuesday, May 4th, is how to create the perfect headshot with Beth of @AdventureGlass! Join us each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for our fun and educational chat. Here are the questions:

  1. Getting a headshot?  What are your responsibilities vs. the photographer’s responsibilities?
  2. What questions should you ask your photographer before the session?
  3. What clothes work best for headshots?  Colors?  Why?
  4. Indoor vs outdoor – what do you like best and why?
  5. MAKE UP – yes, even men – what are the best practices?
  6. What is the number one thing to remember when getting a head shot?
  7. Do it yourself vs pay for a photographer – what are your thoughts? Why?
  8. You get what you pay for – what should headshots cost from a pro? Why?
  9. Editing – how do you like your editing?  Wrinkle free or leave me alone? Why?
  10. Angles – it really is all in the angle – show us your favorite angles and tell us what angles you avoid and why.

#DigiBlogChat Questions for April 27, 2021

The topic for #DigiBlogChat on Tuesday, April 27th, is Creativity with @maricarjagger ! Join us each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time for our fun and educational chat!

Q1.  How’s your level of creativity during the pandemic? 

Q2. What have been your creative outlets? 

Q3. What can you do with a writer’s/creative’s block? 

Q4. Is it possible to bring creativity into your business? 

Q5. Why is creativity important to your business? 

Q6. What do you do to get inspiration? 

Q7. How can you demonstrate the value of creativity in your business? 

Q8. What do you do to maintain your creativity? 

Q9. Are you more creative when you’re busy or when you’re relaxed? 

Q10. Do you have a creative muse? 

Q11. Extra credit: Just for fun, use whatever you have around you and spell the word LOVE! 

#DigiBlogChat Questions for April 20, 2021

Earth Day and Sustainability 20th April 2021

For this April 20th, our topic is Earth Day and Sustainability, hosted by the wonderful @FinolaSloyanPR. #DigiBlogChat is every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Here are the questions:

Earth Day is the day designated for fostering appreciation of the earth’s environment.

Q1.  Some of you have had first-hand experience of the issues that threaten the environment. Give your examples and did you look differently at the world after this.

Q2. What is your interest or concern in climate change, or do you think ‘this won’t affect me in my lifetime’?

Q3.  It has been said that many small gestures made collectively can make big environmental changes. What changes have you made?

Q4. Did you know that the large impenetrable detergent containers take years and years to break down? Or that 91% of plastic never gets recycled, according to National Geographic. What have you done to reduce your use of plastic?

Q5. Sir David Attenborough’s latest documentary The Year Earth Changed explores the impact lockdown restrictions across the world have had on the environment – are you interested in seeing nature’s rebound amid Covid?

Q6. Big business will only consider the green angle if it costs less in terms of both upfront CAPEX, as well as reoccurring OPEX charges. How can the world appeal to consciences so that financial reasons are not what will drive business decision?

Q7. Another documentary, Seaspiracy, on Netflix reveals that it is fishing nets, more than plastics, that is the main trash problem in our oceans and it is fishing gear that is showing in washed up whales’ stomachs. Is this widely known?

Q8. It’s a difficult one but has anyone thought about flying less? Elon Musk and Tesla said in their Battery Day that they will drop the price of batteries 56% by 2023. Transportation will be changed as batteries get cheaper and there will come a time when batteries can store enough energy to fly an airliner across the Pacific ocean.

Q9. A 21st century sustainable society needs to have three overlapping concerns working in harmony with the other: environment, social\human and economic wellbeing. Our conversation here on #DigiBlogChat is one way of contributing to raising awareness. What are some other practical steps we can take?

Q10. The theme for this year’s Earth Day is ‘Restore Our Earth’. Have you any plans to acknowledge Earth Day on 22nd – please tell us what they are. Inspire us to act!

#DigiBlogChat Questions for April 13, 2021

Our topic is The Multitasking Myth for #Digiblogchat on April 13th, 2021. #Digiblogchat is every Tuesday at 1:00 pm Pacific Time. Join us on Twitter!

Q1. Do you believe people have the ability to perform more than one task or activity at the same time? If yes, what types of activities? 

Q2. How does splitting your focus between two or more activities affect your productivity? 

Q3. Share a time when you felt forced to multitask in order to get your work done. 

Q4. Do you think multitasking affects your creativity positively or negatively? Why? 

Q5. How does white noise or background music aid your ability to focus on one task? 

Q6. What is the cost of multitasking? 

Q7. Are there any benefits to multitasking and if so, what are they? 

Q8. Have you experienced more errors when multitasking and what was that like? 

Q9. What kinds of time management have you used to get more done? 

Q10. What are some of the best ways to stop multitasking?

#DigiBlogChat Questions March 30, 2021

The topic for #DigiBlogChat on Tuesday, March 30th is goal setting with Teodora (@emapirciu). Please join us at 1:00 PM pdt on Twitter! 

Q1. What was one goal you’ve achieved in March? 

Q2. When does a dream become a goal? 

Q3. Why is setting specific goals difficult? 

Q4. Goal setting would be easier if ____________. 

Q5. How does setting goals empower people? 

Q6. What do you do to make sure you reach your goals? 

Q7. How do you track your progress when going after your goals?

Q8. How do you fight the fear of missing out (FOMO)? 

Q9. What’s one goal you want to achieve in April?

Q10. What will you do to meet your goal this month?


#DigiBlogChat Questions March 23, 2021

Crisis communications

Crisis communications

The topic for #DigiBlogChat on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 is crisis communications with @Interprosepr. CEO of InterprosePR @VivianLKelly will be with us to discuss this hot topic! Join us for a lively and friendly chat! 

Q1. Yikes – our brand or organization is suddenly going viral on social media for all the wrong reasons. What do we do first?

Q2. Okay, it’s not a fire drill – it’s the real thing. Now what?!

Q3. What does a good social media crisis communications team look like?

Q4. What kinds of tools and resources do we need for social media crisis communications?

Q5. What elements should a social media crisis communications plan include?

Q6. Okay, we’ve got our team, tools, and plan in place. What’s next?

Q7. What’s step number two in a good social media crisis communications plan?

Q8. What’s the final step?

Q9. What are the worst things a brand can do during a social media crisis?

Q10. What are the best things a brand can do during a social media crisis?

#DigiBlogChat Questions March 16, 2021

The topic for #DigiBlogChat on Twitter March 16th, 2021 is: Emerging from Lockdown and Finding a New Normal with @LazBlazter! Join us every Tuesday at 1:00 pm Pacific Time.

Q1. Are you preparing to emerge from some form of #COVID19 related constraint on personal and business freedoms?

Q2. What are your positive /negative experiences that directly stem from changes in how you can work through the pandemic?

Q3. Who or what has inspired you to persevere, be innovative or to reinvent your business and services that define your enterprise?

Q4. How quickly have you adapted to your current mode of operation and was it worth the effort?

Q5. How much of what you now do is temporary against what you believe will be retained ways of working? (E.g. Remote working vs on premise working)

Q6. How will you determine cost benefits for extending remote working or adapting your premises for virtual customer engagement in future?

Q7. Which organisations or entities will you look to for advice and evidence that supports your digital investments?

Q8. Who will lead on your communications strategy setting out what customers and investors can expect as we all emerge to greater freedoms?

Q9. What is your timeline for moving into a steady operational business model as economies and people resume habits that go with moving freely?

Q10.  How well did your Business Resilience plan work and have you re-drafted it for various scenarios using lessons from the COVID pandemic?


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