Being Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Recently, on our Women in Business Today Google Plus hangout on air, we talked with Chris Brogan about falling in love with not knowing. That in turn, led me to think about being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Working with startups is always an experiment with content, with new technology, with being an early adopter, and with making educated guesses. Apps and social media platforms come and go. And being uncomfortable means doing what others aren’t doing, or not fitting in sometimes.
People are always asking me how to get new followers, how to get ROI, how to make money using social media. Here’s the big secret: focus on the SOCIAL, not the media. This goes for anybody. You already have the tools (especially if you’re a baby boomer). So talk to people. Be friendly. That’s the key to everything. As the old saying goes, “it’s simple, but not easy.” So if you’re on Pinterest, comment on pins. On Twitter, retweet and talk to people. On Facebook, chat with people. Rinse and repeat.
On Introversion
Being an introvert seems to be trendy these days. Susan Cain did a really neat TED Talk, The Power of Introverts and Women in Business Today, which I’m part of, talked about it on our Google Plus Hangout. A couple of things I really enjoyed about Susan Cain’s TED talk. Go to the wilderness. And this: Solitude matters. That really resonates for me. For an introvert, however, it’s talking with people–especially in large groups–that’s especially uncomfortable. And for an extrovert, hanging out alone or with just one or two people could be uncomfortable.
Eating the Frog

Eating the Frog
How many times have you heard that old adage to “eat the frog”? Some days you have to eat a lot of them before breakfast. And being in a startup, you might be eating frogs all day long. Just when you’re the tiniest bit comfortable, along comes another frog.
Maintaining Focus Amidst Chaos
How do you maintain your focus every day? For me, the answer is writing. Lists and blogging help me clear my mind. The more I write, the more focused and calm I feel. This might go back to being an introvert. Maybe extroverts feel more balanced when they’re able to be around others and talk through their issues. What about you? How do you feel comfortable?
It’s true that often you have to allow yourself to be uncomfortable (I hate the over-used expression “get out of your comfort zone”) in order to gain perspective, empathy, and to grow as a person both emotionally and mentally.
In construction as a secretary, I can plan as much as I like, but it’s always subject to disruption. Though I prefer to be alone in the quiet (or listening to something on my own), I am used to being disrupted. So, when it’s super quiet all day long or work is slow, I start to lose my focus and I forget things.
I’ve trained myself to work in chaos.
Spending even 10 or 15 minutes outside helps me so much, I’ve found in the last few years, to stay fresh. Also, I’ve learned to embrace my 30-60 minute commute (depending upon traffic) as a percolating / debriefing time with myself. I come home and I’m (usually) not grouchy.
Hello Bridget!
Yes, “getting out of your comfort zone” is much overused.
That must be difficult to always be disrupted, but sounds as though you’ve gotten used to it. Do you use headphones or anything to maintain your focus?
Being in nature is always good for me, too. Going to the gym is good, too, but working out outside is the best. A long walk or hike is rejuvenating. And I’m the same way with driving and debriefing!
Thank you for all your support, comments, and for being my buddy most of all!
I maintain focus with prioritized lists and a large dose of compulsive routine. I too am continually interrupted, but have become quite comfortable disappointing people by not acting on the demands immediately if those needs don’t trump the priorities I am already dealing with.
Oh, and never ever allow someone to disrupt you while at lunch.
Thank you, Kyle.
I especially like the not allowing anyone to disrupt lunch. Some things are definitely sacred.
This describes me: “Lists and blogging help me clear my mind. The more I write, the more focused and calm I feel.” Sometimes it isn’t blogging publicly – just in a journal to clear the head trash and find focus.
Writing helps me in all areas of my life, Tess. Sounds like we’re cut from the same cloth. Thank you for commenting.
Hi Carol, always enjoy your post :) I’m comfortable while I’m exercising, when I’m reading (love it), and also when I’m doing chores ;) it helps to put things in order and recharge :)
Hi Evelyn,
You have found a way to reframe doing what some people find to be uncomfortable. Very nice.
Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it.
Great post Carol. I enjoy the social of “social media.” I consider myself an introvert so I’m most uncomfortable trying to market my products. Whether it’s in person or online that just makes me feel intrusive. Haha. I know that sounds weird. However, when I read some other people’s postings, I know they are marketing to me but I don’t even think of the word “intrusive.” That is definitely something I need to work on. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Hi Patricia!
Introvert here, too, and marketing yourself is always difficult, isn’t it? Maybe there are a few people out there who enjoy it, but it does seem hard for nearly everyone! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate that.