The topic for #DigiBlogChat on Tuesday, August 17th is The Innovation Journey. This is a collaboration with JohnWLewis of #Innochat! Join us on Twitter each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. PDT for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter. If you need to know how to participate, click here: How to Join #DigiBlogChat.
Background description
Innovation means different things to different people.
Let’s assume that innovation means improvements that involve step changes, that is: discontinuous improvement. This applies to the ways that we operate and to the products that we use. It involves how we behave in the presence of novel products and processes and how we initiate and contribute to the development and deployment of those novel products and processes.
We all learn and develop our views over time. And we all follow different routes.
This is about the route that you and other people take in the field of innovation: where you are, where you started from, how you got here, where you think you will end up, how you think you will get there, and what is next step.
Innovation is (arguably) the area which is least well managed of all areas of the activities of people and organizations.
These questions are about knowledge, understanding, and practise of innovation. This is about you (and your organization) and is about other people (in absolute terms and relative to you). And it’s about how this changes over time: past, present and future. While the journeys that we and others take follow many routes, they also have many similarities.
Here are the questions:
1. How important do you consider that innovation is to the achievement of your, or your organization’s, purpose … and why?
2. How different was your view of innovation in the past? Has its importance increased/decreased? Has its role changed or not?
3. Is your understanding of innovation still changing? In future, do expect to understand much more, or has your view stabilised?
4. Does the way that innovation is described by other people fit with your understanding (is it more or less important, are they ahead of or behind you on this journey)?
5. Do you think innovation has become more or less important over time (in the past)?
6. Do you think innovation will become more or less important in future?
7. Do you view innovation as something that we can ever manage effectively? Or do you think it will always be random and unpredictable?
8. Are you happy with the way that innovation is understood and managed? Or do you think that developments are needed? If so, what?
9. Do you think that innovation will ever be a routine aspect of how we behave or always be difficult?
10. Do you enjoy innovation? Or do you wish it would stop?!
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